Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Back to Schooling the Ten Commandments?

Summer has not officially ended (that will be on September 22nd), but from a practical standpoint, it is gone. The beginning of the school year is upon us. Parents are ready, children are nonplussed, and teachers are sprucing up their bulletin boards. Going back to school is an annual routine that has been happening since […]

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Beatitudes – Blessed Are the Pure in Heart!

Date written: December 16th, 2005 Scripture ref: Matthew 5:1-12 SUBJECT: Attitudes, Beatitudes, Purity TITLE: Beatitudes

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The Power of God

Date written: July 9th, 2005 Scripture ref: Matthew 22:29 SUBJECT: God TITLE: The Power of God PROPOSITION: To know the power of God as set forth in the scriptures: 1) Its existence, 2) Its instrument, and 3) Its limits. Objectives: To show that God’s word teaches that the God’s power works through His word today […]

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Studies in Psalms 119 – Wondrous Things

Date written: September 16th, 2007 Scripture ref: Psalm 119:17-24 SUBJECT: God’s Word TITLE: Studies in Psalm 119 – Wondrous Things PROPOSITION: God’s word reveals wondrous things about 1) God, 2) Self, 3) Sinners. OBJECTIVE: Each should be able to tell what wondrous things Psalm 119:17-24 reveals about God’s word. Aim: To impress upon the hearer […]

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Interacting with Other People – Part 10

Sometimes we talk about behavior being “rude.” This means the opposite of being gracious. First Corinthians 13:5 says that love “does not behave rudely.” This Greek word means “to act unbecomingly.” It is the opposite of behaving graciously toward someone. It has the notion within it of causing offense. Christians do not intentionally seek to offend other people, nor do they intentionally seek to be offended by other people.

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Sermon on Modesty | Modesty In An Immodest World

Sermon Outline on Modesty – Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on the Bible standard for modest apparel. Do you know the consequences of immodesty?

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The Preciousness of the Church


TITLE: The Preciousness of the Church

PROPOSITION: To set forth the scriptures that indicate how precious the church is to God and Christ.

OBJECTIVES: Each member should understand that the church is precious and valuable to God.

AIM: To teach each member the importance and preciousness of understanding God’s purpose in the church.


1. Read: Matthew 16:18

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What Will I Make of the New Year?

Date written: January 1st, 2005 Scripture ref: Acts 17:24-28 SUBJECT: New Year TITLE: What will I make of the New Year? PROPOSITION: What will I make of the New Year? I will make it a year of 1) love, 2) service, 3) optimism. OBJECTIVES: Each should resolve to make this New Year a year of […]

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What Does it Mean to be Born Again?

SUBJECT: Salvation

TITLE: Sermon on Born Again | What Does it Mean to be Born Again?

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study what it means to be born again. To be born again means 1) To be born of water, 2) To be born of Spirit, and 3) To enter the kingdom of God.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to understand and tell others what it means to be born again.

AIM: To refute the denominational doctrine that the new birth does not include baptism and to teach the truth regarding what it meant to Jesus, John, and Nicodemus.


1. Read: John 3:1-7 “There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus…

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Ephraim Grieving

Date written: April 3rd, 2005 Scripture ref: Jeremiah 31:18 SUBJECT: Attitudes TITLE: Ephraim Grieving PROPOSITION: The Bible speaks of complaints that are unwarranted, but also of complaints that are warranted or righteous. We will look at these two areas and then examine some of the results of both warranted and unwarranted complaints. Objectives: Each should […]

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Pattern of Worship

Date written: October 5th, 2001 Scripture ref: Psalm 95:6-7 Pattern of Worship SUBJECT: Gospel Meeting: Back to the Bible Pattern TITLE: Pattern of Worship PROPOSITION: We want to study the Pattern of Worship. Our pattern of worship must have the correct object, the correct attitudes, and the correct actions. OBJECTIVES: Brethren should be able to […]

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Love Lessons from the Life of Ruth


TITLE: Love Lessons from the Life of Ruth

PROPOSITION: We see in Ruth’s love 1) Dedication, 2) Devotion, 3) Determination.

OBJECTIVES: Each should be able to tell the story of Ruth and understand what it means to be dedicated, devoted, and determined.

AIM: To exemplify the concept of love in action.


1. Read: Ruth 1:15-18

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Interacting with Other People – Part 9

There is a proper place for safety, but we must not use it as an excuse not to exercise our God given responsibilities. Remember the excuses given for “safety” in the book of Proverbs. “The slothful man saith, There is a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets” (Proverbs 22:13), and “The slothful man saith, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets” (Proverbs 26:13). God condemns this kind of thinking as slothful or lazy. “Safety” is not a good reason for not interacting with other people.

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Sermon on Discipleship – The True Vine and Discipleship

Scripture ref: John 15:1-8

SUBJECT: Discipleship

TITLE: The True Vine and Discipleship

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at Jesus teaching regarding discipleship as it relates to his identity. We will notice 1) the root of discipleship, 2) the relation of the disciples, 3) the renewal of discipleship, 4) the response of discipleship, 5) The results of discipleship.

OBJECTIVES:Each person should be able to discuss their relationship to Jesus as His disciple and how to pursue that relationship more effectively.

AIM:I want to encourage all to learn more about Jesus so as to strengthen each as a disciple of Jesus.

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Studies in Daniel – God's Preeminence

Date written: October 7th, 2007 Scripture ref: Daniel 4:1-3 SUBJECT: Pride, Humility TITLE: Studies in Daniel – God’s Preeminence PROPOSITION: In this passage we have 1) A Message, 2) The Meaning, 3) A Mistake and a Misfit, 4) A Moral 5) Lessons from the text. OBJECTIVE: That each of us would know and understand the […]

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Interacting with Other People – Part 8

We need to interact with other people. Isolation is a spiritually dangerous place to be. Consider Proverbs 18:1, “A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment.” Here is the heart of why people isolate themselves. They are seeking their own desires. That is, they are being self-centered and not trying to engage with other people, which God wants us to do to fulfill His purposes.

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Sermon on Getting to Heaven | How Heaven is Like the Grand Canyon


TITLE: How Heaven is Like the Grand Canyon

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study some Bible truths about heaven as illustrated by truths regarding the Grand Canyon.

OBJECTIVE: That each would understand what it takes to get to heaven.


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The Second Command – Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbour as Thyself

Date written: June 2nd, 2006 Bible Text: Matthew 22:36-40 SUBJECT: Love, Obedience TITLE: The Second Command PROPOSITION: What does it mean to love my neighbor as myself? How do I practice it? Where do I start? Objectives: That each would understand more about the second command and how to live it. Aim: To encourage everyone […]

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Sermon on Samuel – Lessons from the Life of Samuel

Sermon on Samuel – Sermon outline on the life of Samuel, taking lessons from his life.

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Focus on the King

In this lesson we will focus on the king and his 1) Priorities, 2) Person, and 3) Promises as we study through Colossians 3:1-4. Each hearer should understand what Colossians 3:1-4 teaches and how it relates to focusing on Christ the King

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