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Sermon on Adoption into the Family

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Sermon on Adoption

SUBJECT: Salvation

TITLE: Adoption Into The Family

PROPOSITION: Adoption into God’s family involves 1) acceptance into the family, 2) responsibilities as a family member, and 3) blessings of being a member of the family.

OBJECTIVES: The hearer should be able to state what adoption into God’s family involves, outlining briefly what has been given up and what has been gained through adoption.

AIM: To help all see the need, expectations, and blessings involved in adoption into God’s family.


1. Read: Ephesians 1:3-7

2. About the Text:

1) If we are in Christ, then we are blessed by God.

2) These blessings come as a result of our being chosen by God.

3) God chose us by foreordaining us unto adoption as sons.

4) This adoption is through Jesus Christ.

3. Ref. to S, T, P, O, and A.

DISCUSSION: Adoption into God’s family involves…

I.   Acceptance into the Family

1. Recognize the need for a new family.

1) Once sons of disobedience (Ephesians 2:1-3).

2) Became that way by sin (Romans 3:23).

3) Sin keeps us seperated from God and his family (Isaiah 59:2).

4) Recognizing difference between old and new (1 John 3:10)

5) If desire to be free from sin, we need a new family.

2. Must be a severance with old family.

1) There must be a putting away of the old ways (Colossians 3:5-9)

2) A recognition of non-inheritance (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

3) A putting away of old acquaintances (1 Peter 4:3-4)

3. Father must extend membership to new family.

1) He has given this right to all who believe (John 1:12).

2) We become a member of his family through the new birth (John 3:1-7).

3) This new birth is baptism by which we are adopted into God’s family (Gal. 3:27-4:6).

II.  Responsibilities as a Family member

1. Obedience to the Father’s will

1) Exemplified by the only begotten (John 8:29 “always. . .please him”)

2) We must obey as well (Philippians 2:12-13).

3) Obedience is how we know we love his children (1 John 5:2).

2. Duty to brother and sisters

1) Love of the brethren (1 Peter 1:22; 2:17).

2) Care for the brethren (Gal. 6:10; 1 John 3:17)

3) Unity with the brethren (Philippians 2:1-2)

4) Exhortation (Hebrews 3:13; Hebrews 10:25)

5) Withdrawing fellowship when necessary (2 Thessalonians 3:14-15)

3. Upholding the Family name

1) We recognize the name as above every other name (Philippians 2:9-10)

2) We glorify God through the name of Christ (1 Peter 4:16).

3) We do all things in the name of the Christ (Colossians 3:17).

III. Blessings of membership in the Family

1. Access to the Father

1) We call upon him as our Father (Romans 8:15; Gal. 4:6)

2) He listens to us as his (1 Peter 3:12)

3) He also chastens us for our good (Hebrews 12:5-10)

2. Equality with the only begotten Son

1) He calls us brethren (Hebrews 2:11-17).

2) We shall be as He is (1 John 3:1-2).

3) We have all spiritual blessings that are in Him (Ephesians 1:3).

3. Inheritance of family’s possessions.

1) We are joint-heirs with him of glory (Romans 8:14-17).

2) We are heir’s of the promise through Abraham (Gal. 4:1-7).

3) We have obtained the inheritance through Christ (Ephesians 1:11, 14).

4) It is a heavenly inheritance (1 Peter 1:4).


1. We have studied what adoption into God’s family entails:

1) Acceptance into the family.

2) Responsibilities in the family.

3) Blessings of that family.

2. Would you become a member of God’s family today?

3. Invitation