Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Love and Loving God

When my wife and I got married close to thirteen years ago and my parents asked us why we wanted to get married, we replied, “because we love each other.” I will never forget the words that my dad told me that day. He said that we had a love, but that we really did […]

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Is Israel A Nation Approved by God?

I understand that Israel is no longer to be a nation according to God & the scriptures today. Would you please furnish me the scriptures that prove this beyond a doubt. I would deeply appreciate an answer. I believe that the scripture that you are looking for is found in Deuteronomy 28:15-68. 15 But it […]

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Is it scriptural to use the term “parsonage”?

My question is what about preachers referring to the preacher?s house as the parsonage?

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Why is it that I feel that God hasn't forgiven me?

Why is it that I feel that God has left me, that I feel unwanted. My life is an empty shell; have I done something wrong for him to do this to me. I pray everyday and night for forgiveness, but I never have been given an answer. Thanks for writing. First, you need to […]

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