Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

The King and His Kingdom

Christ the King gives His kingdom 1) Knowledge, 2) Good Works, 3) Strength, 4) Family. Each person should understand that Christ the King is the source of Knowledge, Good Works, Strength, and Family. I want everyone to appreciate that Christ the King is the charter of His kingdom.

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Christian Olympics – Preparing to Run the Race

Date written: August 6th, 2007 Scripture ref: 1 Corinthians 9:26-27 SUBJECT: Salvation TITLE: Christian Olympics – Preparing to Run the Race PROPOSITION: What do we need in order to prepare to run the race that is set before us? 1) The proper attitude, 2) The proper nutrition, 3) The proper training, 4) The proper attire. […]

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Sermon on Sodom and Gomorrah | Studies in Genesis

Sermon on Sodom and Gomorrah — Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on Sodom and Gomorrah.

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Loving Our Enemies

Listen Date written: 7/15/06 Scripture ref: Matthew 5:43-48 SUBJECT: Love TITLE: Loving Our Enemies PROPOSITION: In this lesson we’ll consider what it means to love our enemies by answering several questions: 1) Who are our enemies? 2) Why should we love our enemies? 3) What is loving our enemies? 4) How do we love our […]

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Studies in Daniel – God’s Plans

Date written: August 4th, 2007
Scripture ref: Daniel 2:1-12

SUBJECT: Passage Study

TITLE: Studies in Daniel – God’s Plans

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we’ll look at the second chapter of the book of Daniel and note 1) A Troubling Situation 2) A Timely Solution, 3) The Task of Showing, 4) A Terrific Significance 5) A Trumpeted Statement.

OBJECTIVE: That we understand God’s plans will be accomplished in His time.

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What Does The Bible Say About Divorce and Remarriage?


TITLE: God’s Law Regarding Marriage and Divorce

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at God’s law regarding marriage, divorce, and remarriage; we will then examine some popular questions in regard to the subject.

OBJECTIVES: The hearer should be able to state who is eligible for marriage and who may get a divorce and who may marry after divorce.

AIM:I hope to teach each listener what God’s word says regarding marriage, divorce, and remarriage.


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Sermon on Psalm 119:9-16 – The Cleansing of the Word


1. Recently I received a note in the suggestion box that reads: “A sermon on Are We Doing God’s Will? Or Are We Lukewarm or Have We Left Our First Love? We should find a work no matter how small or great and do it with all our might. Yes we hear this over and over and over but do we think the Lord is not talking to each and every one of us? It seems that we think and act as if we think someone else will do that task hence it usually doesn’t get done.”

2. My apologies to the author if you didn’t want the note read. However:

1) It reveals this concern in a way that I cannot.

2) It is a powerful call to Christian service.

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Lamb of God

SUBJECT: Christ – Sacrifice

TITLE: Lamb of God

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will compare and contrast the Passover lamb with Jesus as the lamb of God. We will notice that the lamb is 1) Sanctified — God’s lamb, 2) Sinless — Without blemish, 3) A Sacrifice, 4) Salvation.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to understanding the significance of the Passover lamb and the typical relationship to Jesus our Messiah.

AIM: To help all understand why Jesus is the Lamb of God today.


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I Am The Bread of Life Sermon – Another “I Am” Sermon


TITLE: “I Am The Bread of Life”

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study Jesus statement, “I am the bread of life.” We will look at 1) The significance of the bread, 2) the source of the bread, 3) the supping of the bread, and 4) the supply of the bread.

OBJECTIVES: Each person should be able to understand the meaning of the statement, “I am the bread of life” and how that statement applies to them as individuals.

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Our Standard for Authority

SUBJECT: Bible Authority

TITLE: Our Standard for Authority

PROPOSITION: The Bible and only the Bible must be our sole standard for spiritual authority today because 1) Only the Bible is Inspired of God, 2) Other standards are woefully inadequate, 3) The Bible is all sufficient to meet every spiritual need.

OBJECTIVE: The hearer should be able to state why other standards are lacking, understand Bible inspiration, and state why the Bible is all sufficient.

AIM: To establish in the mind of each hearer the importance of letting the Bible settle all spiritual questions today.

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The Rights and Responsibilities of the Redeemed

Date written: October 15, 1994 Scripture ref: Hebrews 10:19-25 SUBJECT: Passage TITLE: The Rights and Responsibilities of the Redeemed PROPOSITION: To make a expository study of Hebrews 10:19-25 noting the rights of the redeemed Christian (confidence and counsel), and the responsibilities of a Christian (that he must come close, cleave, and consider). Objecive: To recognize […]

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Sermon on Peace – Christian Peace


TITLE: Christian Peace (Words of Encouragement Series)

PROPOSITION: Christ gives the Christian peace outwardly, inwardly, and upwardly.

OBJECTIVES: The hearer should be able to state the three main points regarding Christian Peace with supporting scripture.

AIM: To encourage the brethren by informing them of the great peace that is available to them in Christ and to encourage the unbeliever to want Christian peace.


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Some Spiritual Commitments for the New Year

The year 2024 is in the books and 2025 is here. We have a new year ahead of us to work for the Lord. What will it hold in store for us? First, let’s resolve to be spiritually active this year. Let’s work on our prayer life and Bible study. Speaking to God every day and letting Him speak to you in His word every day is a great recipe for daily success. Acts 17:11 records the attitude of the Bereans, “These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.”

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Sermon on False Prophets | “Beware of False Prophets”

SUBJECT: Truth, Warning, False Teachers

TITLE: “Beware of False Prophets”

PROPOSITION: What are the dangers of listening to false prophets? 1) Diversion, 2) Division, 3) Damnation.

Objectives: That we would be keenly aware that God expects us to believe and obey the truth and that to be lead astray by false teachers is serious business.

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Things That Unite–One Hope

Date written: September 11th, 2004 Scripture ref: Ephesians 4:1-6 SUBJECT: Unity TITLE: Things That Unite – One Hope PROPOSITION: The Christian has one hope for 1) justification, 2) motivation, and 3) salvation. OBJECTIVES: Each should be able to state how hope unites. AIM: To teach about hope and encourage toward unity. INTRODUCTION: 1. Read: Ephesians […]

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Lessons from the Life of Adam and Eve – Sermon on Adam and Eve

SUBJECT: Biography

TITLE: Lessons from the Life of Adam and Eve

PROPOSITION: In this study we will observe some lessons from the life of Adam and Eve. 1) God is our creator. 2) God’s commands are for our benefit. 3) Satan is our enemy. 4) Sin separates man from God.

OBJECTIVES: Each listener should be able to apply these lessons from the account of Adam and Eve in Genesis 1-3.

AIM: To review the first three chapters of the Bible specifically as applies to man and to learn not to repeat the mistakes that were made by Adam and Eve.

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Christ is King!

Christ is King because… 1) He is the Creator, 2) All Things are For Him, 3) He Supports and Sustains Us, 4) He is the Head of the Church, 5) The Fullness of God Dwells in Him, 6) He Reconciles All Things to Himself by His Sacrifice. Each should understand that these fundamental truths make sense of the world.

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The Importance of the Doctrine of Christ

SUBJECT: Christian Doctrine

TITLE: The Importance of the Doctrine of Christ

PROPOSITION: The doctrine of Christ is important for the church to be 1) Fruitful, 2) Faithful, 3) Fellows.

OBJECTIVE: That each would understand why doctrine is important and the need we have to give heed to it.


1. Read: Matthew 28:18-20.

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The Two Covenants

TITLE: The Two Covenants SUBJECT: The Bible PROPOSITION: In this lesson, we will look at the two covenants in the Bible, their 1) Contents, 2) Purpose, and 3) Application. OBJECTIVE: Each person will have a better understanding of the two covenants. INTRODUCTION: 1. Read: Galatians 4:23-26 2. About the Text: 1) Paul talks about “the […]

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“Brethren, Pray For Us”

Date written: January 28th, 2007 Scripture ref: 1 Thessalonians 5:25 SUBJECT: Prayer TITLE: “Brethren, Pray For Us” PROPOSITION: In asking for prayer, Paul acknowledged his 1) Need for Divine Help, 2) Dependence upon God’s providence, 3) Belief that God answers prayer, 4) Trust in his brethren to live righteously. OBJECTIVE: Each should understand that when […]

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