Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Is Hell Eternal?

Date written: April 17th, 2005 Scripture ref: Matthew 25:41-46 SUBJECT: Hell, End Times TITLE: Is Hell Eternal? PROPOSITION: Hell is eternal because 1) The Bible clearly says it is eternal. 2) The same words used to describe the eternality of hell is used to describe the eternality of heaven, God, and the saved. 3) God’s […]

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The Fruit of the Spirit is Self-Control

In order to have self-control in our lives we must realize 1) Humans are Out of Control, 2) God is in control, 3) We Can Regain Control with Jesus and the Spirit, and 4) The Purpose of Self-Control..

OBJECTIVE: God wants us to practice self-control in our lives so that we will not be dominated by our own sinful desires and so that we will fulfill His great purposes for our lives.

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Interacting with Other People (Part 3)

The single greatest obstacle that we face in our relationships is the image that we construct of other people. Most of the time we interact with that image instead of with the actual person. Why do we do this? It is easier. That image is a product of our own creation. It is what we see of ourselves in someone else. We know it very well. After all, we made it. But this is a selfish move because we are just interacting with an image of our own creation, not the other person.

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Church of Pergamum Sermon – Jesus’ Letter to the church at Pergamum


TITLE: Asian Churches — Pergamum

PROPOSITION: In this study we will examine the letter to the church at Pergamum. In it we learn about Jesus. He is He who 1) wields the sword, 2) testifies of faithfulness, 3) rebukes evil, and 4) gives blessing to those who overcome.

OBJECTIVES: Each will be able to understand and explain the letter along with some significant historical information.

AIM: To better familiarize all with Christ’s letter to Pergamum.


1. Read: Revelation 2:12-17

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Sermon on Temptation | The Challenge of Fighting Inner Demons

Sermon on Temptation – Sermon outline by Kevin on our inner demons of selfishness, greed, pride and lust. The text is Romans 7:14-25.

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Four Paradoxes of the Christian Life

SUBJECT: Passage

TITLE: Four Paradoxes of the Christian Life

PROPOSITION: In this sermon, we will study Galatians 2:20 and notice the four paradoxes it contains for the Christian life: 1) Perpetuation–The dead are alive; 2) Identification–I am not myself; 3) Location–I am in two places at the same time; 4) Distribution–Life is given by life being taken away.

OBJECTIVE: To teach the sacrifices involved in the Christian life.


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Challengers to the King

We must oppose challengers to the King: 1) Law of Moses, 2) Religious Imagination, 3) Doctrines of Men. Each person will understand that there are challengers to the King that we must reject. Each person would be aware of false religions and their influences.

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Blessed Are They That Mourn | Sermon Outline on Mourning

Blessed Are They That Mourn Sermon – Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on they beatitude from Matthew 5:3-10 on mourning for sin and the comfort that comes to those that properly mourn.

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Sermon on God’s Promises – Studies in Genesis – God Promises a Son

Sermon on God’s Promises Date written: September 23rd, 2007 Scripture ref: Genesis 18:1-15 SUBJECT: Faith, God’s Promises TITLE: Studies in Genesis – God Promises a Son PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study God’s promise of a son to Abraham. OBJECTIVE: To understand that God keeps His promises, but in his own way and time. […]

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Crucifixion of Jesus – The Nature and Purpose of the Crucifixion


TITLE: The Crucifixion of Jesus

Type: Topical

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will discuss how to view the crucifixion of Jesus, that it was 1) Real, 2) Personal, and 3) Sacrificial.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to discuss how one should view the crucifixion of Jesus with others.

AIM: To impress upon each person the reality, personal nature, and sacrifice in the crucifixion of Jesus.


1. Read: Matthew 27:33-36

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“Christ Receiveth Sinful Men”

SUBJECT: Jesus, Salvation

TITLE: “Christ Receiveth Sinful Men”

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will discuss 1) Why, 2) How, and 3) To What End Jesus receives sinful men.

OBJECTIVES: Each should be able to explain why, how, and to what end Jesus receives sinful men.

AIM: To instill the knowledge of salvation and motivate each individual to be received of Jesus. To motivate the faithful to tell others why, how, and to what end Jesus receives sinful men.


1. Read: Mark 2:15-17

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On Zion’s Glorious Summit

In this lesson we will look at the song “On Zion’s Glorious Summit” and think about the meaning of the lyrics. Each person should be able to understand the lyrics and how they relate to scripture.

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The Holy Spirit is Divine

The Holy Spirit 1) Has Divine Attributes 2) Has a Divine Relationship, 3) is Worshipped.
Each listener should be able to describe the Holy Spirit by the scriptures to educate each listener on what the Bible teaches regarding the Holy Spirit.

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Interacting with Other People (Part 1)

Life is much better when we have other people to interact with. God said, “It is not good that man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). God made humanity a social creature, but interacting with other people can be hard.

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Bible Miracles – Awe-inspiring Events That Make Believers

SUBJECT: Miracles

TITLE: Bible Miracles

PROPOSITION: In this lesson, we will look at the subject of Bible miracles looking at their definition, distribution, and domain.

OBJECTIVES: Each should be able to understand what a Bible miracle was and explain their distribution and circumstances.

AIM: To help all have a better understanding of the purpose of Bible miracles.


1. Read: Hebrews 2:3, 4

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False Religious Practices – When Religion Has No Authority

SUBJECT: False Religion

TITLE: When Religion Has No Authority

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study Judges 17-19 and draw appropriate lessons.

Objectives: Each ought to be able to explain how a lack of respect for God’s authority leads to false religious practices.


1. Read: Judges 2:10-19

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Good Men Who Opposed God

In this lesson we will look at the lives of some good men who opposed God and draw lessons to understand that while we may oppose God, that God is willing to work with us to bring us around to His point of view and that each would be encouraged knowing that God is continuing to work with us to be His people.

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Being a Spiritual Mother (Part 2)

Godly mothers will care for and educate their children to ensure their emotional well-being. Mothers must pay attention to their children to help them grow. Luke 2:19 says that Mary, the mother of Jesus, “kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.” She focused on Jesus’ and adjusted her care for him appropriately.

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The Other Prodigal Son

Date written: August 15th, 2004 Scripture ref: Luke 15:25-32 The Other Prodigal Son SUBJECT: Evangelism TITLE: The Other Prodigal Son PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will take a look at the other prodigal son. 1) His knowledge, 2) His attitude, 3) His true possessions. OBJECTIVES: Each should understand from Luke 15:25-32 the attitude that the […]

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Resurrection Sermon Outline – I am the Resurrection and the Life


TYPE: Topical/Expository

TITLE: John 11:25 Sermon | I Am The Resurrection and the Life

PROPOSITION: Jesus is the resurrection. Identifying Jesus in this way means that He is 1) The Son of God, 2) Powerful and Authoritative, 3) The bringer of hope, 4) The bringer of life, 5) The Promiser, 6) The Overcomer, 7) The Future.

OBJECTIVE: Each hearer will be able to grasp the significance of this claim, understand how it relates to us today, and relate how this affects our future.

AIM: I want to convincingly show that the history of the resurrection, our baptism, and the hope we have for the future should motivate each individual to more dedicated service in their life to the Christ.


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