Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Sermon on God’s Grace | The Biblical Picture of Grace

SUBJECT: Salvation

TITLE: Grace

PROPOSITION: The Biblical picture of Grace shows us its 1) Definition, 2) Direction, 3) Duty, and 4) Determination.

OBJECTIVES: Everyone should be able to explain the meaning of grace and how that implies that we do not earn our salvation.

AIM: To encourage the brethren through the study of grace.

INTRODUCTION: [ Beginning of this sermon on God’s grace. ]

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Sermon on Jesus Feeding the Five Thousand – Lessons from the Feeding of the 5000

SUBJECT: Passage Study, Miracles, Faith, Correct Standards

TITLE: Lessons from the Feeding of the 5000

PROPOSITION: From the story of the feeding of the 5000 we learn about 1) The Ministry of Jesus, 2) The Methods of Man, 3) The Miracle of Feeding.

Objectives: That each would understand the feeding of the 5000 and the lesson that it teaches.


1. Read: Mark 6:35-44

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The Great Faith of Matthew 8

In this lesson we will study the great faith of the centurion in Matthew chapter 8. Each person should understand how Jesus recognized the centurion’s faith for being great and why.

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The Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31

In this lesson we will look at the various qualities of the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31, namely, her 1) Morals, 2) Industry, and 3) Relationships. Each hearer will be able to discuss the qualities of a virtuous woman from Proverbs 31.

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Being a Spiritual Mother (Part 1)

Mothers are not perfect; they may give us a set of emotions difficult to manage. This can be changed. It is important that mothers train their hearts to listen to the word of God and follow the example of Jesus Christ. We can overcome negative feelings by listening to and practicing the Bible’s teaching.

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“O for a Faith That Will Not Shrink”

Date written: August 25th, 2007 Scripture ref: Hebrews 6:9-12 “O for a Faith That Will Not Shrink” SUBJECT: Faith TITLE: “O for a Faith That Will Not Shrink” PROPOSITION: That each Christian would have a faith that wouldn’t shrink in the face of 1) Persecution, 2) Discipline, and 3) Evangelism. OBJECTIVE: Each listener should be […]

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Asian Churches — Smyrna

Date written: December 19th, 2004 Scripture ref: Revelation 2:8-11 SUBJECT: Church History TITLE: Asian Churches — Smyrna PROPOSITION: In the letter to the church at Symrna, we have Jesus’: 1) Description 2) Knowledge, 3) Prophecy, 4) Command. OBJECTIVES: AIM: INTRODUCTION: 1. Read: Revelation 2:8-11 2. About the city of Smyrna 1) It is located about […]

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Four Commands to Live By


TITLE: Four Commands to Live By

PROPOSITION: To discuss the four commands in 1 Peter 2:17: Honor all men; Love the brotherhood; Fear God; Honor the king.

OBJECTIVE: The hearer should be able to quote and explain the verse citing a supporting scripture for each point.

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Sermon on Prayer Changes Things – How to Pray Effectively

SUBJECT: Worship

TITLE:Sermon on Prayer

PROPOSITION: To understand how to pray we must understand the Character, Circumstance, Content, and Consequences of prayer.

OBJECTIVES: The listener should be able to learn how to pray effectively both in public and private.

AIM: To teach the basic concept of prayer and to help those who are learning, to pray better.


1. Read: Acts 2:42 “And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.”

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Does First Breath Make One a Human Person?

Does First Breath Make One a Human Person?

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Has Satan Ever Appeared as a Man?

Has Satan ever taken the form of a man to entice people to sin? This question reminds me of an old country music song by Terri Gibbs titled “Somebody’s Knockin’.” The lyrics go, “Somebody’s knocking. Should I let him in? Lord, it’s the Devil. Would You look at him? I’ve heard about him, but I […]

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The Good Father

SUBJECT: Father’s Day

TITLE: The Good Father

PROPOSITION: To understand a good father through the example of Abraham. Abraham was a good father because he was 1) Present, 2) Protective, 3) Providing and 4) Faithful.

Objectives: By following the example of Abraham as a father we can be good fathers also.


1. Read: Genesis 18:17-19

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The Work of the King

The Work of the King is to 1) Perform Spiritual Circumcision, 2) Give Life to the Dead, 3) Conquer the Enemy. Each person may know how the King does His work in us. Each person may understand that the King has a work to do, and He does it.

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Being Spiritual as a Mature Couple (Part 3)

Psalm 92:12-14 says “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those who are planted in the house of the Lord Shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing.” While we will never “arrive” spiritually speaking, we will continue to learn and grow as the oak tree, adding new rings of experience each year.

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Parting Words

Date written: December 30th, 2007 Scripture ref: Acts 20:17-38 SUBJECT: Last Sermon TITLE: Parting Words PROPOSITION: The Bible addresses situations where brethren part company on an amiable basis. We learn from such passages that parting with brethren can bring 1) Sorrow, 2) Comfort, and 3) Joy. OBJECTIVE: That each would understand that while parting with […]

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Sermon on Servanthood | To Be A Servant

SUBJECT: Discipleship

TITLE: To Be A Servant

PROPOSITION: What does it mean to be a servant? To be a servant one must 1) Have the attitude of a servant, 2) Know what you need to do to serve, 3) Serve.

Objectives: Each listener should come away with a better understanding of what it means to be a servant.

Aim: To encourage the brethren to be more contemplative when it comes to being servants one of another.

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What is God’s Plan for Me?

This lesson discusses what the Bible has to say about God’s plan for our lives. Everyone will understand that God does not have a specific plan for our lives, but that He has given us life and freedom.

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The Four Accounts of the Gospel

This lesson will review the four accounts of the gospel: 1) Matthew 2) Mark, 3) Luke, and 4) John. Each person will become more familiar with the four accounts of the gospel. To help new Christians learn more about the gospel accounts.

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Being Spiritual as a Mature Couple (Part 2)

Couples need to consider these possibilities as they get older, make the appropriate plans, and be committed to their relationships. The worse the situation is, however, the greater one’s ability to demonstrate the true love of Christ in one’s life. Sacrificial love does not give up on a spouse.

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Sermon The Blood Speaks of Better Things – The Blood of Jesus

SUBJECT: Christology

TITLE: The Blood That Speaks of Better Things

PROPOSITION: To make a brief, but thorough study of the blood of Jesus.

OBJECTIVES: To help all understand the importance, significance, and seriousness of the blood of Jesus.


1. Read: Genesis 4:1-10

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