The True Meaning to Life #1 – A Study in Ecclesiastes – An Introduction


A. Thomas Wolfe once wrote, “For of all I have ever seen or learned, this book seems to me the noblest, the wisest, and the most powerful expression of man’s life upon this earth – and also the highest flower of poetry, eloquence, and truth. I am not given to dogmatic judgments in the matter of literary creation, but if I had to make one I could say that Ecclesiastes is the greatest single piece of writing I have ever known, and the wisdom expressed in it the most lasting and profound.”

B. We live in a time when everyone longs for happiness and satisfaction

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Jesus’ Baptism – The Baptism of Jesus

Sermon on Jesus’ Baptism INTRODUCTION: Read Matt. 3:13-17, The Baptism of Jesus 1. The arrival of Jesus had been heralded by angels, an astronomical phenomenon, visiting dignitaries and a prophet of God. 2. Now it is time for God to make the announcement. 1) God had spoken audibly before, Exo. 20. 2) The announcement occurs […]

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags: ,

The Transforming Power of the Gospel – A Great Company of the Priests

Introduction: Acts 6:7

1. Sometimes few words are needed to speak volumes.

2. Our text is one such instance.

3. It speaks of Old Covenant priests obeying Jesus.

4. There’s one point and an application I’d like to make.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Do Not Worry About Tomorrow

Matthew 6:24-34


A. In His sermon on the mount, Jesus exhorted His disciples to…

1. Lay up treasure in heaven (by helping others)

2. Keep your eye good (guard what you allow to influence your inner man)

3. Make God your Master (and you will not be able to serve another Master)

4. We examined this in our last lesson – “Gaining Mastery Over Mammon” (Mt 6:19-24)

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Memorials – What Mean These Stones?

Sermon on Memorials – What Mean These Stones? — Sermon outline by Tom Moore applying the lessons of an Old Testament memorial to today.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on The Wise and the Foolish Builders, From Matthew 7:24-27

Sermon on Matthew 7:24-27 — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the wise and the foolish builders.

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The True Meaning to Life #3. A Study in Ecclesiastes


A. The book of Ecclesiastes shows in a very powerful way that there is more to life than just existing, and there is more to death than dying (there is a judgment).

B. In our previous lesson we learned how Solomon began a search for “The True Meaning To Life”

1. He observed the futility of this life as revealed in the “weariness of repetition” (1:4-11)

2. Solomon also came to know the folly of “human wisdom” (1:12-18)

3. Solomon realized that this is not where “The True Meaning To Life” is found – for these only brought grief and sorrow

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Blessed Are The Merciful | Sermon

Blessed are the Merciful Sermon — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on Jesus’ teaching in the Beatitudes, Sermon on the Mount.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Ephesians 4:4-6 The Unique Nature of God’s Family


TITLE: The Unique Nature of God’s Family

PROPOSITION: The unique nature of God’s family involves a unique Home, Spirit, Future, Older Brother, Standard, Birth, and Father.

OBJECTIVES: The hearer should be able to list the seven “ones” of Ephesians 4:4-6 and explain how each relates to the unique nature of God’s family.

AIM: To study the unique nature of the parts of God’s family to come to the conclusion that the whole is unique as well.


1. Read: Ephesians4:4-6

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Daniel in the Lion’s Den – Sermon on Daniel 6

SUBJECT: God, God’s People

TITLE: Studies in Daniel – God’s Protection

PROPOSITION: In the story of Daniel in the lion’s den we see 1) Conspiracy, 2) Confrontation and Condemnation, 3) Conservation, 4) Consternation.

OBJECTIVE: That the hearer would be familiar with the story of Daniel in the lion’s den and be familiar with lessons from that chapter.


1. Read: Daniel 6:1-10

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags: , ,

Be Not Weary In Well Doing Sermon Warning to be Faithful

Be Not Weary in Well Doing Sermon — Sermon outline and audio sermon on perseverance by Kevin Cauley on Paul’s warning, “be not weary in well doing.”

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags:

Fruit of the Spirit Love Sermon – Galatians 5:22


1. Having considered the manifold works of the flesh, we now focus our attention to “the fruit of the Spirit”

1) Have you noticed that the word fruit is singular, while works is plural?

2) This suggests that the individual works of the flesh are varied and not necessarily related

3) But the fruit of the Spirit, though possessing various characteristics, is, in reality, one, made possible by the combination of all nine characteristics in these verses

4) A person may be guilty of the works of the flesh when only committing one of the works

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Asian Churches — Laodicea


TITLE: Asian Churches — Laodicea

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will briefly look at the asian church of Laodicea. We will note: 1) Some facts regarding the city, 2) Some facts regarding the church at Laodicea, 3) Jesus’ message to the church at Laodicea.

OBJECTIVES: Each should be able to discuss Revelation 3:14-22 in its historical and spiritual context.

AIM: To increase awareness of the church at Laodicea and the lessons we can learn from her mistakes.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Asian Churches – Sardis

TITLE: Asian Churches – Sardis SUBJECT: Church PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at the church in Sardis. OBJECTIVE: Each should be familiar with the description of the church at Sardis. AIM: To teach the lessons of the church at Sardis. INTRODUCTION: 1. Read: Revelation 3:1-6 2. About the Text: 1) Sardis is the […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Joshua 22 Sermon – The Story of Ed the Altar

Joshua 22 Sermon — Sermon Outline by Kevin Cauley from Joshua 22 on the building of the great altar.

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The True Meaning to Life #7. A Study in Ecclesiastes


A. It has been said, “Happiness is neither within us only, or without us; it is the union of ourselves with God.”

B. “It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.”

C. These are some of the things that Solomon will be addressing in Ecclesiastes 6.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Lessons From The Rich Young Ruler – Sermon on Priorities

Scripture ref: Mark 10:17-22

SUBJECT: Attitudes

TITLE: Lessons from the Rich Young Ruler

PROPOSITION: To study the story of the rich young ruler and note four particular lessons.

OBJECTIVES: Each person should be able to explain these four elements of the story of the rich young ruler.

AIM: To cause everyone to think about their situation and if there is anything in their life coming between them and God


1. Read: Mark 10:17-22

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags:

Studies in Psalm 119 – The Strengthening of the Word

Date written: November 11th, 2007 Scripture ref: Psalm 119:25-32 SUBJECT: Word of God TITLE: The Strengthening of the Word PROPOSITION: In this lesson we’ll discuss how God’s word strengthens us 1) In Inwardness 2) In Weariness 3) In Faithfulness. Objectives: That each one would realize his need to turn to God’s word to be strengthened […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

David and Goliath Sermon | Are You Ready To Fight Goliath?


A. Probably one of the most familiar stories in the Bible is the one of David and Goliath.

1. It is a story of a shepherd’s bravery and trust in God

2. It is a story about a young man being prepared

B. The Battle Scene (1 Sam. 17:1-3)

1. Envision in your mind two mountains with a large valley running between them

2. On the one mountain you have the Israelites and on the other you have the Philistines — both come to battle

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags: , ,

Blessed are They Which are Persecuted…

Introduction: Read Matt. 5:10 1. The world pities the persecuted Christian. 1) Certainly don’t count as blessed. 2) The blessed are those who tell lies for religion’s sake. Blessed with fame, money, power, Phil. 3:17-19; Phil. 2:21. 2. The lie had been told so often that the truth sound strange. Those who suffer for the […]

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Textual Sermon Outlines