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Textual Sermon Outlines

textual sermon outlines
Free Textual Sermon Outlines PDF – Textual Sermons — Textual sermons are normally taken from a small portion of scripture and take the points of the sermon outline from the points of the portion of scripture. Textual messages differ from an expository sermon outline in that the portion of scripture is usually smaller than the average expository sermon. These examples of textual preaching were written by preachers for the churches of Christ to edify members of congregations.  Just print these textual sermon outlines and use to God’s glory.

Textual Sermon Outlines PDF

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Free Textual Sermons

These textual sermons are free for you to use in the pulpit, in the classroom, and in private study settings. You may file them for future use, print them out for the edification of others or save the PDFs to your hard drive to build a searchable library of biblical material for future use.

Promises of God, Promises of God in the Bible


A. Have you ever made a promise?

1. One you didn’t keep?

2. Has anyone made a promise to you they didn’t keep?

B. A promise is a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified – it is a declaration that gives the person to whom it is made a right to expect

C. The word “promise” appears 100 times in the Bible

1. But there are many, many more promises than these in the Bible

2. The Bible contains many different kind of promises:

a. Made to one’s self

b. Man to Man

c. Man to God

d. God to Man

D. The promises of God are certain

1. When we make promises we do not always keep them:

a. Un-purpose

b. Purposely

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Sermon on the Prodigal Son | The Failure and Success of the Lost Son

Luke 15:11-24


1. To any student of the Bible the parable of the Prodigal Son is one of the most familiar.

1) Its sentiment, its scope, its message of a son’s rebellion, a wasted life, and a father’s love has been the source of inspiration for many lessons through the centuries.

2) The Theme: God’s Attitude Toward the Lost.

3) The Main Lesson: God not only accepts penitent sinners, He earnestly seeks their salvation.

2. The Background to the Parable.

1) There are many precious words in our English language – “home” is one of them. Many this very hour are thinking of home:

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Studies in Daniel – God’s Plans

Date written: August 4th, 2007
Scripture ref: Daniel 2:1-12

SUBJECT: Passage Study

TITLE: Studies in Daniel – God’s Plans

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we’ll look at the second chapter of the book of Daniel and note 1) A Troubling Situation 2) A Timely Solution, 3) The Task of Showing, 4) A Terrific Significance 5) A Trumpeted Statement.

OBJECTIVE: That we understand God’s plans will be accomplished in His time.

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The True Meaning to Life #6*. A Study in Ecclesiastes

INTRODUCTION: A. Solomon has been explaining why he reached his conclusion that life “under the sun” is vanity: 1. Based upon his personal experience (1:1-2:26) 2. Based upon his personal observations (3:1-6:12) B. In chapters 3 and 4, we saw where he discussed: 1. The inexplicable purpose of God 2. The injustice and oppression of […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Spiritual Warfare – The Spiritual Patriot Must Fight


A. Patriots are people who passionately love their country and are willing to support and defend it with their very live

1. The word “patriot” awakens memories of great heroes from America’s military history

2. “Give me liberty, or give me death” (Patrick Henry)

3. “I only regret that I have only one life to lose for my country” (Nathan Hale)

B. The same kind of devotion can be seen in the lives of the first century Christians

1. Peter and John were beaten for preaching Jesus — but never shied away from their responsibilities

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God Sermon Outline (Part 1)

Date written: May 14th, 2003
Scripture ref: Matthew 6:33

SUBJECT: Priorities

TITLE: “Seek Ye First” (Part 1)

PROPOSITION: In this lesson, we will study Matthew 6:33. Matthew 6:33 contains a 1) Principle, 2) People, 3) Priority, 4) Place, 5) Pattern, 6) Promise.

Objectives: Each listener should be able to break down this verse and explain what it truly means to someone else.

Aim: To help all have a deep understanding of this wonderful scripture.


1. Read: Matthew 6:33

2. About the Text:

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Sermon on Matthew 5:17-20 | Jesus’ Mission and the Old Testament



A. There are many today in the church who believe that sermons ought to be characterized more by positive presentation than by negative correction.

1. But, Jesus’ own sermons demonstrate otherwise.

2. Beginning in Matthew 5:17, Jesus begins a lengthy discourse directed against those religious leaders who were guilty of perverting Old Testament teaching.

B. The scribes and Pharisees were accusing Jesus of speaking evil of the Law of Moses, and that He came to destroy the law.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Accounts of Conversion – The Ethiopian Eunuch

Date written: September 1st, 2007 Scripture ref: Acts 8:26-40 SUBJECT: Salvation TITLE: Accounts of Conversion – The Ethiopian Eunuch PROPOSITION: From this account of conversion we learn the following great truths 1) God wants people, 2) God uses preachers, 3) God’s proposal is Jesus, 4) God’s plan includes baptism, 5) God’s plan produces joy. OBJECTIVE: […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on the Purposes of God | Studies in Daniel 1:1-7

SUBJECT: Passage Study

TITLE: Studies in Daniel – God’s Purposes

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at the first chapter of the book of Daniel and note God’s purposes, namely, that there was: 1) Divine Change, 2) Divine Constancy, and 3) Divine Counsel.

Objectives: That we understand God’s purposes can be accomplished even under difficult circumstances.


1. Read: Daniel 1:1-7

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Sermon on False Teachers – They Call it Treason

Sermon on False Teachers — Sermon outline by Tom Moore continuing the series on Spiritual Patriots and discussing the need for vigilant elders, etc.

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Sermon on False Teachers – The Downfall of Dreamers

Sermon on False Teachers — Sermon outline by Tom Moore from Jude 8-10 on false teachers and false teaching.

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Unto Us A Child Is Born

THESIS: To teach the wonderful characteristics of the Messiah as described in Isaiah 9:6-7.

TEXT: Isa. 9:6-7

INTRODUCTION: Read Isa. 9:6-7

1. Queen Elizabeth II holds the following titles, “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith”

2. In similar style Isaiah gives the wonder characteristics of a king to be born far in the future. He sees a king born.

1) He is a child born, an heir. “For unto us a child is born.”

2) He will be a male heir, a son. “Unto us a son is given.”

3) He is born heir apparent. “The government shall be upon his shoulder.”

3. Much as we have spoken of the current monarch of Great Britain His expanded name will include these attributes: Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

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The True Meaning to Life #11. A Study in Ecclesiastes

INTRODUCTION: A. It was mentioned last week that there are two things we can count on for sure in this life ““ and that is death and taxes. 1. In our last lesson we discussed the government and it is God ordained, and how that giving honor to government is giving honor to God 2. […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Why Does the Psalmist Cry?


TITLE: Why does the Psalmist cry?

PROPOSITION: The Psalmist cries because of 1) Sickness and Suffering, 2) The Persecution of Evil Men, 3) His Sins and For His Forgiveness, 4) His Desire to Worship God.

OBJECTIVE: That we would each be like the Psalmist in deeply desiring God to hear our requests and answer them.

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The Christian Soldier | At War, Fully Prepared, Ready to Fight!

TITLE: The Christian Soldier

INTRODUCTION: Ephesians 6:10-20

A. A Christian’s efforts to live faithfully in this life is described in various terms throughout the New Testament:

1. As a walk and as running a race

2. But the one use most often is that of “warfare.”

B. One of the greatest texts on Spiritual warfare is found in Ephesians 6:10-20.



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Sermon on the Authority of the Bible | Do Not Go Beyond What Is Written!

INTRODUCTION: Read 1 Corinthians 4:6

1. In dealing with the Corinthian brethren’s tendency to render judgment upon one another based on the wisdom of men Paul gives a basic principle that needs to be heeded today as much as ever.

2. The need for this principle is seen in the great division in the religious world today.

3. The principle implies this:

1) God’s written word is FINAL on any matter it teaches. John 17:17

2) The wisdom of man is insufficient. Jeremiah 10:23

4. To understand why we must not go beyond what is written we must understand:

1) The nature of what is written.

2) The effects of going beyond what is written.

3) The rewards of not going beyond what is written.

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Sermon on Humility | Taking the Road to Jerusalem

Sermon on Humility Date written: October 27th, 2007 Scripture ref: Matthew 20:17-34 SUBJECT: Humility TITLE: Taking the Road to Jerusalem PROPOSITION: On the road to Jerusalem we find 1) A Prediction of Condemnation, 2) Preparation of Conduct 3) A Providing of Compassion. Objectives: That each would understand and apply the lessons Christ teaches in humility […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Temptation – A Way of Escape

Introduction: 1 Cor. 10:13

1. What do we say to those who cry, “I don’t know if I can live the Christian life.”

1) They’ve seen others fold under temptations.

2) They’ve not been able to conquer certain habits.

2. Here the apostle Paul gives a promise from a faithful God. You can trust Him.

1) No uncommon temptations.

2) No temptation beyond your ability.

3) No temptation without a way of escape.

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See That None Render Evil…

Introduction: Read 1 Thess. 5:15

1. Paul gives instructive commands to the new Christians in Thessalonica.

2. What shall the Christian reaction to persecution be? (…)

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Seeking the Old Paths

This sermon is about the value of the old paths. These are the ways that have been laid down by God. Being old they are not obsolete. We should be seeking the old paths because they are timeless. PROPOSITION: To set forth the commandment of God to “seek the old paths.” INTRODUCTION: Read Jeremiah 6:16-21 […]

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