1. Another grace experienced by those whose lives are in tune with the Spirit of God is that of peace (Gal. 5:22).
1) That the Spirit of God should induce peace in the children of God should be understandable in light of the fact that…
2) Their heavenly Father is “the God of peace” (1 The. 5:23)
3) Their Lord Jesus Christ is called “Prince of peace” (Isa. 9:6)
2. But one might ask…
1) What is this peace enjoyed by those who walk in the Spirit?
2) How does one come to have this peace?
3) How we can be sure to preserve this peace, and enjoy it to its fullest extent?
3. As we continue our study of “The Flesh and The Spirit,” and especially as we focus on “the fruit of the Spirit” (Gal. 5:22-23), we now turn our attention to the subject of peace…