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Sermon on Rest | “Come Unto Me”

Introduction: Matt. 11:28-30

1. An invitation from the Son of God, the Messiah, should certainly capture our attention.

1) One whose word is true.

2) Whose intent is pure.

2. This invitation compels us to make a choice.

1) We can reject it but where will we go for blessing?

2) We can accept it and receive the promised rest.

3. Jesus is specific in His invitation. His call is for those who labor under a heavy load.

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Textual Sermon Outlines

The Book of Jude

SUBJECT: Passages

TITLE: The Book of Jude

PROPOSITION: To set forth an expository study of the book of Jude.

OBJECTIVES: Each listener should be familiar with the book.

AIM: To help each one have a better understanding of the books of the Bible.


1. Read: Jude 1-3

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Forgiveness – 3 Fail Proof Modes of Forgiveness

Sermon on Forgiveness — Sermon outline on the 3 fail proof modes of forgiveness in the scriptures. Forgiveness of Sin, Forgiveness as an attitude, etc.

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God’s Ledger of Life

INTRODUCTION: A. Most of us are familiar with the principle of bookkeeping 1. We have, assets and liabilities. 2. When liabilities outweigh assets, we have a problem. 3. Assets and liabilities have a much wider application today B. People in a company, or in religion, may be an asset, or a liability. 1. Too many […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Joy | For The Faithful Christian Joy Is Possible

Date written: Feb. 9, 1997
Scripture ref: Phil. 4:4

SUBJECT: Happiness

TITLE: Sermon on Joy – Christian Joy

PROPOSITION: The Christian has much in which to rejoice because of his 1) Past, 2) Present, 3) Future.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to quote the Scripture Ref: and state why his Past, Present and Future give him reason to rejoice!

AIM: To encourage the brethren by outlining why the Christian has much to rejoice about.

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The Church Moving Forward #3, Dangers to Avoid


A. We have been discussing the idea of the Church Moving Forward.

1. The church needs to be thinking about the future

a. Looking forward, thinking forward, planning forward, and moving forward

b. This is critical! The church’s future depends on it!

2. Philippians 3:12-14

B. In our past lessons we discussed:

1. Challenges to accept

a. Making a difference in the world

b. Evangelizing our local community

c. Developing leadership

d. Abiding in God’s word

2. Enemies to defeat

a. Ignorance

b. Apathy

c. Unbelief

d. Sin

C. In this lesson we are going to discuss DANGERS TO AVOID

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The Birth of Jesus: As Incredible as it Sounds

Introduction: Read Matt. 1:18-25. 1. There are many that balk at becoming a Christian at the story of the Birth of Jesus. 2. They “know” how things work and it’s easier to believe in an impure Mary than a Virgin Birth. 3. We are asked to believe based on the testimony of Mary and Joseph, […]

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags:

The True Meaning to Life #5 – A Study in Ecclesiastes

INTRODUCTION: A. If ever there was a present-day subject that needs, in the worse way, to be salvaged by and for the Savior, it is this one: “The Folly of Living for Self.” 1. All to many are living “Me-Deep In Self” 2. Too many are plagues with the disease of “Me-ism” B. It is […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Parable Of The Two Builders


A. Matthew 7:24-29

1. As this passage begins with “therefore” it is certain these statements of the Lord are rooted in the preceding passage.

2. In fact, they are a fitting conclusion to the entire “Sermon on the Mount.”

3. If we do not put these sayings of Christ to practice, i.e. the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount, our spiritual house will fall in this life and come to utter ruin in the world to come.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

The Church Moving Forward #4 – Opportunities to Take


A. Our theme for this series is “The Church Moving Forward”

1. Philippians 3:12-14

2. Paul believed in moving ahead – not falling back

B. A few weeks ago we began talking about the church moving forward into the future, and things we must consider so we can effectively do God’s will.

1. We have considered:

a. Challenges to accept

b. Enemies to defeat

c. Dangers to avoid

2. Today I want us to realize that if the Church is going to mover forward there are OPPORTUNITIES TO TAKE

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Sermon on Covenants – Differences Between The Old Covenant and The New

Date written: October 23rd, 2004
Scripture ref: Hebrews 8:13

SUBJECT: Covenants

TITLE: Differences Between The Old Covenant and The New

PROPOSITION: Between the Old Covenant and the New, there is a difference of 1) Scope of People, 2) Their Relationship to the Cross, 3) Purpose

OBJECTIVES: Each person should be able discuss the differences between the Old and New Covenants and give scriptures that illustrate the differences.

AIM: To highlight and emphasize the differences between the Old Covenant and the New.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Instrumental Music in Worship Is Sabotaging Your Walk With God

Is Instrumental Music in Worship Wrong? — Sermon outline by G. E. Watkins exploring what the Bible teaches on this important topic.

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Singing to God

SUBJECT: Worship

TITLE: Singing to God

PROPOSITION: To talk about the need to sing, the nature of New Testament singing, and to impart some helpful notations concerning singing to God.

OBJECTIVE: To teach the scriptural way to sing and to enhance our song service.


1. Read: Psalm 100

2. About the Text:

1) We sing to praise God.

2) God is worthy of our praise.

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Beatitudes – Blessed Are the Pure in Heart!

Date written: December 16th, 2005 Scripture ref: Matthew 5:1-12 SUBJECT: Attitudes, Beatitudes, Purity TITLE: Beatitudes

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Sermon on the Joy of Jesus – The Joy of “A Man of Sorrows”

A. The story is told of a bigoted Chinese man who had refused to hear a missionary preach. Finally, he surprised the missionary by telling him, ‘I have decided to hear the words of your religion — I want to hear about Jesus.’ When asked why the sudden change, the man said, ‘I have heard the laughter in your house, and in the houses of my countryman who have accepted what you preach and I want to hear it too.’

B. When people see the joy we possess as a Christian, they will want to know more about Christianity

1. But is we look like we have been weaned on a sour pickle, they world will probably not be interested in what we have to say.

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Sermon on Preaching – Preaching to Bring About Faith

Introduction: Read Acts 8:12

1. Pentecost (Acts 2) gives us a great example as to what to preach.

1) Every word designed to awaken faith in Jesus.

2) Then to motivate the audience to faithful obedience.

2. But did the next evangelists follow the same pattern? It is good to notice what the next evangelists preached because THAT’S what WE need to preach.

3. About the text:

1) Christians were scattered because of the persecution in Jerusalem (Stephen, Acts 7).

2) They didn’t scatter and hide, they scattered and preached (Acts 8:4), and so we find Philip in Samaria.

3) The Lord worked miracles through him so that the people would believe, John 20:30-31, Mark 16:20; Heb. 2:3-4.

4. The content of his preaching is critical

1) The things concerning the Kingdom of God.

2) The name of Jesus Christ.

5. When they heard these things they believed and obeyed.

6. Because we have been given the job of world evangelism (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:46-47), just like Philip we ought to examine what the New testament has to say about the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ.

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The Descriptive Word of God

INTRODUCTION A. “Born in the east and clothed in oriental form and imagery, the Bible walks all the world with familiar feet and enters land after land to find its own everywhere. It has learned to speak in hundreds of languages to the heart of man. Children listen to its stories with wonder and delight, […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

How Does God Add “All These Things” To Those That Seek First The Kingdom

Proposition: To teach how “all these things” shall be added.

Introduction: Matt. 6:24-33

1. In our day, as it was in the ancient world, a great deal of anxiety is felt about the physical things of life.

2. Untold millions of dollars are spent learning how to prosper (College education, self help books, investment journals).

3. Then there is the pile of money spent on treating the anxiety caused by wealth.

4. Jesus teaches the eradication of such anxiety by means of service to God.

1) He says you cannot serve God AND money, v. 24.

2) He teaches the great value of the individual to God, vv. 25-26.

3) He then teaches the utter (…)

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Secret Things?

INTRODUCTION: 2 Kings 17:9

1. Israel is in captivity, God is giving His reasons.

2. Some of what Israel did he did secretly.

3. Notice that with the mention here that it was not secret.

[How sad it is to see the delusions they were under, that they could keep anything secret from God. Is it not true that we are often under the same delusion?]


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Sermon on the Soul | God’s Greatest Treasure

PROPOSITION: In this sermon, we will give three reasons why the soul is God’s Greatest Treasure: 1) The soul is constant; the world is perishable. 2) The soul is a unique creation. 3) The soul cost the life of the Son of God.

OBJECTIVE: To help everyone recognize that the soul is more valuable than anything and is worth sacrificing everything for its salvation.


1. Read: Mark 8:36, 37 “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

2. About the Text:

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