Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Is the church of Christ a cult?

It has not been too long ago when I heard a report of someone accusing the church of Christ of being a cult. Now before I even address the question of the church of Christ being a cult, let me first state that the person who made the accusation does not understand the description, “church […]

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Can one be forgiven of not being baptized?

Okay I know you are suppose to get baptized,but if you don’t and it is a sin but sins can be forgiven so even though it is a part of salvation it is necessary,but you can be forgiven for not being baptized right? Will God forgive you for anything no matter how great the sin? […]

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Please explain paradise and purgatory

If upon death the spirit is returned unto God then are the Christians in Heaven prior to judgement day? Please explain “Paradise” and purgatory. Thank you. Thank you for your question. I wouldn’t necessarily say that Ecclesiastes 12:7 means that we return to the presence of God, just to His care. I.E. He controls our […]

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How Do I Study The Bible?

There are many people who ask this question today. It is difficult to answer such a question in so short a space as I have in the bulletin, but I am going to try to give a few practical bits of information that I hope you will find valuable as you purpose to study the […]

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How Do We Hear the Voice of God?

We all listen to the voice of someone. As humans this is inescapable. John Donne (1572-1631) wrote, “No man is an island.”? We come into this world listening to the voice of our mother and father. As children we hear the voices of relatives and friends. Growing older, we listen to teachers and preachers, newscasters […]

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How God Dealt and Deals With Apostasy

In the book of Ezra, chapters 8-10, we read concerning the return of some Israelites to their native land. When they had come out of captivity, they offered sacrifices to God (8:35). From this sacrifice they delivered some to the satraps and governors of the king as a commission. But when they did this, they […]

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Sermon on Elders in the Church | Why Do We Have Elders?

SUBJECT: Church Organization/Leadership

TITLE: Why Do We Have Elders?

PROPOSITION: We have elders to 1) Oversee 2) Counsel 3) Shepherd.

Objectives: That each would understand the role elders have in the local congregation.


1. Read: Acts 20:28

2. About the Text:

1) This context is the only passage of scripture in which we have all three words used to describe the office of the elder.

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How many clean animals get onto the ark? Seven or seven pair?

In Genesis 7:2, 3, how many of the clean animals get onto the ark? Is it seven, or seven pair? Ancient, modern, conservative, and liberal scholars alike are divided about 50/50 on this question. The text says, “Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of […]

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Fundamentals – The Meaning of Biblical Faith – Lesson 1

Date written: January 29th, 2002
Scripture ref: Heb. 11:1, 6

SUBJECT: Fundamentals Bible Class — Lesson 1

TITLE: The Meaning of Faith

PROPOSITION: To clarify the Biblical doctrine of faith as it relates to knowledge.

OBJECTIVES: The student should be able to state the meaning of Biblical faith and provide at least one scripture reference in which faith and knowledge are used together to describe the same object.

AIM: To provide a foundation for discussion in this series of fundamentals by defining the term “faith” and to show how that term has been misused and how to use it properly.


1. Read: Heb. 11:1, 6

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God’s Dragonfly

We have all been to lakes and ponds to enjoy various different activities. I remember when I was a kid and my parents took me to Lake Bastrop State Park which is about 30 miles east of Austin, TX off highway 71. We would camp, fish, play miniature golf, and just enjoy being outdoors among […]

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As I type this article, I am suffering from the cumulative effect of having stayed up very late for the past several evenings. What have I been doing, you may ask, to keep me up so late? Mary Lynn and I re-wallpapered the living room this past week and we have been moving around furniture […]

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When Money Trumps Morality

Thanks to those who have brought to my attention that this story has been debunked. Link to story on snopes The past couple of weeks there has been a news story making its way through the media regarding an unemployed German woman. The woman evidently lost her job and went on government unemployment. In the […]

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Is It the Holy Spirit or Is It Memorex?

Several years ago before CDs had replaced cassette tapes there was a well known commercial on television. The commercial would show a fine crystal glass and than an opera singer shattering the glass with the intensity of her high and sustained voice. But after the glass was shattered, the camera would pull back and reveal […]

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Righteous Judgement

In the business world, there is a saying, “Perception is Truth.” The concept basically is this: you should react to people the way they perceive you, regardless of whether those perceptions are correct or not. The result of this type of thinking is a one-way relationship. These relationships are commonly practiced in business and “understanding” […]

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Speaking in Tongues – The Bible Miracle of the Gift of Tongues

Bible Study by Kevin Cauley on the gift of tongues or speaking in tongues. Was it meant to be understood by the speaker? Was it gibberish?

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Does Man Have An Immortal Soul?

The question of life after death is a common theme in many cultures today. It is a question that has been discussed by poets, artists, philosophers, and scientists. It is a question asked by each and every individual living upon the face of the earth. One of the first things that we are made aware […]

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When a baby dies, does he/she go to heaven?

When a baby dies, does he/she go to heaven? The Bible talks occasionally about the afterlife of adults, but what about the afterlife of children? While we don’t have as much information there are some basic things that we can understand about children who die and it is about that which I want to direct […]

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“Free Union”

One might think upon seeing the title of this article that we are about to discuss something extremely positive. After all, what could be more appealing that freedom and what could be more motivating that unity? However, we have an adversary who is very deceitful and rejoices in calling wicked things by righteous names. This […]

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Please explain 1 Peter 3:15-22.

RE: 1 Peter 3:15-22. These verses of Scripture say Christ, went and preached to spirits in prison–1) Souls in prison, 2) while the ark was a preparing. Some believe the three days Christ was in the grave he went and preached to those in prison in a spiritual form. Would you please comment on this? […]

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Are choruses outside of worship acceptable to God?

Do you believe its wrong to have choruses to sing outside of worship (after worship has been dismissed)? If so, what makes it wrong to sing religious songs w/musical instruments outside of worship? Are these things out and out wrong or are they to be considered bad judgment? First, just because the assembly has been […]

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