Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Excellent Endorphins!

It is no secret that I have been involved in a good amount of exercise over the past several months. One of the things that I have experienced in exercising is the so-called “runner’s high.” During cardiovascular exercise, the body reaches a point where it releases “feel-good” chemicals known as endorphins. One of the effects […]

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What Does It Mean To Be Saved?

In order to understand what it means to be saved, we need to understand that from which we need to be saved. The Bible teaches that because all men have sinned, they have fallen short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). It is these sins that separate us from God (Isaiah 59:2) putting us into a […]

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Fundamentals – The Authority of the Bible — Lesson 5

SUBJECT: Fundamentals Bible Class

TITLE: The Bible–Its Authority

PROPOSITION: In this lesson, we will BRIEFLY look at four aspects of Bible authority: 1) That the Bible is authoritative, 2) That the Bible constitutes a pattern for faithfulness to God, 3) That to receive the blessings of God we must abide within His authority, 4) That we can know we are living within God’s authority by understanding how God authorizes.

OBJECTIVES: The student should have a basic understanding of Bible authority and be able to state in his own words these four concepts.

AIM: I want to set forth the idea that in order to be faithful to God we must respect and abide by God’s authority.


1. Read: Colossians 3:17

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Memories of Johnny Ramsey

Today (Friday) my mind is on a mentor of mine, brother Johnny Ramsey. He passed away last night (Thursday). It is reported that this past week he was, even in his delirious state, quoting scripture and exhorting young preachers to be faithful to the word. He was hard wired with the Bible. I first came […]

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End Times Sermon | What is the Truth About the End Times?

Scripture ref: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

SUBJECT: Eschatology

Type: Topical

TITLE: What Will Happen at the End of time?

PROPOSITION: The Bible teaches that the following events will unfold at the end of time: 1) Jesus will return, 2) The dead shall be raised, 3) There will be a great judgment, 4) All will enter into their eternal estate.

OBJECTIVES:Each hearer should be able to state the four main events that will happen at the end of time.

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What is the gift of the Holy Spirt in Acts 2:38?

What is the gift of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:38? Do we receive it today? We read in Acts 2:38 “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” […]

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When I Awake

When I awake, what will I see? As I step into eternity? No longer frail or just a breath As man on earth is said to be! Sin brought death to all mankind But death for me is silver lined, A triumphant cry, the victors shout Saved by grace, there is no doubt! A stranger […]

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Does Galatians 6:10 Authorize The Church to Give to Non-Saints? Part 8

March 20th, 2003 Start at Part 1 No, I do not think that you have been dishonest. I believe that you honestly believe the things that you set forth, I have just been trying to show some of the implications of the words that you have written down. I did get the impression from your […]

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Do Numbers Matter… To God?

We live in a very analytical society that is concerned with the constant association of numbers and success. Businesses mull over sales quotas and production numbers like cows ruminate cud. When our elected officials talk about the budget, we want to know the numbers. Even in matters of opinion we want to know what the […]

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Fundamentals – The Need for a Savior – Lesson 7

Date written: April 9th 2002
Scripture ref: Romans 7:24

SUBJECT: Fundamentals Bible Class

TITLE: The Need for a Savior

PROPOSITION: Man needs a savior because 1) Man has a sin problem, 2) Man cannot set his own terms of pardon, and 3) Man needs someone who can mediate before God on behalf of man.

OBJECTIVES: Each person should be able to teach others the problem of sin, the reason we can’t remedy this situation, and what it was that Jesus did to remedy this situation for us.

AIM: To help each person understand the role of the savior in God’s plan for man’s salvation.

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The Sins of Benedict Arnold

We’ve all heard of the famous traitor Benedict Arnold, heralded in our American history classes as one of the most infamous traitors to the United States during the revolutionary war. But did you know that Arnold was first a General in the Continental Army and a war hero? That’s right, he was credited with the […]

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Should a minster counsel a woman by himself?

Should a minster counsel a woman by himself? What I mean is should he go over a woman’s house by himself to discuss the Bible? Please give me an answer and scriptures to back this up. Understanding that it is every Christians responsibility to study the Bible with others, there is no scripture, to my […]

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Should I marry my pregnant girlfriend?

What is the appropriate thing to do biblically if a boy gets his girlfriend pregnant before he is married to her. He is a Christian and she is a baptist.Do they have to get married? He plans on supporting the child. This is a difficult situation, but the Bible has some principles which can answer […]

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A Word To The House of Israel

And God said unto Ezekiel “Son of man, go, get thee unto the house of Israel, and speak with my words unto them. For thou art not sent to a people of a strange speech and of an hard language, but to the house of Israel” (Ezekiel 3:4,5). And God said unto Jeremiah “Say not, […]

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The Pen is Mightier than the Penknife

Jeremiah records in chapter 36 the history of King Jehoiakim’s rejection of prophecy. In verses 1-8, Jeremiah asks Baruch, a scribe, to write the prophecies on a scroll and then take them to the temple and read them before the people. Verses 9-19 tell of how one Michaiah heard the prophecy and had Baruch read […]

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Fundamentals–The Resurrection of Christ–Lesson 3

Date written: February 14th, 2002 Scripture ref: 1 Corinthians 15:3,4 SUBJECT: Fundamentals Bible Class TITLE: The Resurrection of Christ PROPOSITION: In this lesson, I want to prove the historical fact of the resurrection of Christ. OBJECTIVES: The student should be able to understand the evidence and make the case for the resurrection of Christ. AIM: […]

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What day did Jesus observe the Passover?

Did Jesus observe a different Passover than the Jews? John 19 seems to indicate that the Jews observed the Passover on Saturday whereas Jesus observed it on Thursday night. John 19:14 states, “And it was the preparation of the Passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!” and […]

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Exact Essentials

That which is essential is that which is fundamentally necessary and indispensable. Cereal boxes talk about essential vitamins and minerals. These are things the FDA says are necessary and indispensable for our physical well being. There are other things that are essential as well, such as a drivers license for legal driving, flour in a […]

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“Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married man and someone other than his wife or between a married woman and someone other than her husband” (Merriam-Webster). This is expressly forbidden by God (Exodus 20:14; Matthew 5:28; Matthew 5:32). It is not necessarily a one-time act but can be continued, and one living such a state is […]

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It has been said that humility is one of those things that if you claim you have it, you don’t! There is something to be said concerning this statement. Humility is one of those characteristics that you have in your life that is better shown that stated. It is also something that is desired by […]

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