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Can I Be Happy In Heaven?

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines


1. Many wonder, “How can we be happy in Heaven knowing that loved ones are being punished in Hell?”

2. It drives some to Universalism.

3. It drives some to Atheism.

4. It drives some to believe we won’t know each other in Heaven.

5. What’s the answer? Is it possible to be in heaven and be happy knowing that one or more loved ones are languishing in Hell?


1. Universalism? Matt. 7:12-14; Heb. 5:8-9

2. Atheism? Ps. 14:1

3. So, We just won’t know each other in Heaven. Doesn’t help on the happiness issue.

1) Some one in this audience has lost a child. SIDS, stillborn, miscarriage, abortion. Could you be happy not knowing? 2 Sam 12:23.

2) What about not knowing if the one who brought you to Christ was not there? Mentor, Bible teacher, Preacher, Apostle, Abraham, Adam, Enoch, Job, Martyrs, etc.

3) Doesn’t fit with what little we know about the Afterlife.

a. Samuel appeared, 1 Sam. 18:3-19

b. Thief, Luke 23:42-43.

c. Transfiguration, Luke 9:28-35

d. We will see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Luke 13:23-28


1. Open your eyes to the Holiness of God. Isa. 6:1-8; Exo. 15:11; Isa. 59:1-2.

2. Open your eyes to the vileness of man, Rom. 2:10ff; Gen. 8:21.

3. Open our eyes to God’s grace.

1) His book is the best seller of all time.

2) His Son is the most famous man of all time.

3) His offer of salvation has been preached in every nation, Col. 1:23

4. Open your eyes to the fact that if your loved one is lost it is because they rejected God’s gracious offer.

1) Doesn’t matter how much they taught you about life.

2) Or how hard they worked.

3) Or that they fed the poor.

4) Or that they would never hurt anyone.


1. He was well capable of making conditions on earth where we can be happy…

1) Even with wars

2) Even with disasters.

3) Even with trials. James 1:2ff.

4) Even with persecutions, Matt. 5:10-11

2. We are capable of being happy today knowing some of our family members are hell-bound.

3. How much of our happiness is tied up in remembrance?

4. Let Him wipe away the tears in Heaven, Rev. 21:3ff. There will be tears to wipe away.