Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

“It Doesn’t Matter Where You Go”

Have you ever heard someone say this in regard to an invitation to attend the church of Christ? I have heard it all too many times. It is one of the more popular things to say to get out of accepting the invitation. In essence, it is just an excuse, because it is clear that […]

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Are You An Accessory to Sin?

Within the legal code of the various states within the U.S.A., one may be found guilty of being an accessory to a particular crime. If one supplies a murderer with a weapon knowing what the intent of the murderer is, then one will be found guilty of being an accessory to murder. If a person […]

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Are you Spiritual, Religious, or Both?

There is in the popular mindset today, the idea that an individual can be spiritual without being religious. I’ve seen this concept presented in some recently read articles. I’ve also heard such touted in some television programs on the subject. And, there are many people today who have bought into this idea that one can […]

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Why Be Rational In Religion?

I was talking with someone the other day regarding coming to the services. The person explained that he was going to a denomination right now because his child liked going to this place. That is when this thought crossed my mind. Would I leave any other major decision in my life up to a child? […]

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Job 2:1-6

Satan’s Second Strike Vs. 1 – 3 – The first two verses of this chapter are virtually identical to chapter one verse six, seven, and eight (see comments on those verses). The point of this repetition is to make it clear, once again, that Satan was responsible for Job’s malady. The only difference in these […]

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The Ubiquity of New Testament Teaching

Recently someone asked, more or less, the following question: “How do we know that the things that were done in one church in the first century were done in the other churches as well?” That’s a good question because if we can’t know that the things practiced, say, in Corinth, were also practiced in Rome, […]

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“Can He Depend On You?” (Audio Sermon)

We have a song in our songbook, “Can He Depend On You?” This song speaks of God’s desire for us to be faithful. Can Jesus depend upon us as his servants?

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A New Way to Know God

Recently I was driving down the road and I noticed a sign on one of the local denominations. It said, “Experience a new way to know God.” This really got me to thinking. If God wanted me to know Him, the Creator, the Sustainer, the Giver of life and salvation, how would He reveal himself […]

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Would you please explain Romans 9:18?

Would you please explain Romans 9:18? Romans 9:18 states, “Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.” The context of this particular passage is in the midst of Paul’s expressed desire for the salvation of the Jewish people. He says in Romans 9:3, “For I could wish […]

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What version of the Bible should I use?

As a Christian, what Bible version should I be using? If a version is doctrinally unsound should we refrain from using this in a public way? Is there anything wrong with the NIV? In Deuteronomy 4:2 we read, “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from […]

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Is Hell Real?

Recently, in two completely unrelated incidents, I have heard the Bible doctrine of hell challenged. There are religions today that challenge what the Bible plainly says in regard to one of the two eternal destinations for the soul of man, hell. There are those who believe that all are going to be saved and these […]

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For years the town had been controlled by the criminal element. Cattle rustlers commonly preyed on unsuspecting cowboys as they worked hard to make a living. The local sheriff was in the back pocket of several known thieves and bandits. The town’s unofficial boss was the saloon owner who relished the opportunity to get a […]

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Romans 1:21 “Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.” One of the hallmark traits of those who would reject God in their knowledge is that they become unthankful. It was, therefore, with great interest that […]

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The Truth About Why Did Jesus Turn Water Into Wine?

Why did Jesus turn water into wine? I suspect the questioner has a little more in mind than this. The question is not one of why did Jesus turn water into wine, but rather, why is it that Jesus chose wine as the beverage into which to turn the water and is this the same […]

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Weary, But Faithful!

When weary we get, consider we ought, The way of the path Jesus trod. To Calvary’s crest, upon it to rest, A cross with a Man nailed upon. Though weary was He, yet faithful indeed, Enduring the pain, shame, and thirst. And when it was o’er, our sins he had bore, ‘Til soldier with spear […]

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I Don’t Want You To Join My Church, Be Added to His!

We run into people on a more or less frequent basis that are looking to perhaps “join my church.” Many times you will hear people who are undergoing this process say things like, “How do I know which church to join,” and “How do I choose the right church?” It is well understood that these […]

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Should we read scripture before the Lord’s Supper?

We most always read the scripture in Luke 22 before we partake of the Lord’s Supper. Shouldn’t we also read scriptures that we should do this on the first day of the week? I sometimes wonder if we have non-Christians in our audience that we should include these scriptures also. In 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Paul […]

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Should We Use Instrumental Music in Worship?

Yes! In fact, we have a divine obligation to use instrumental music in worship! Perhaps you are wondering at this point if this writer is the same Kevin Cauley who preaches for the Berryville church of Christ in Berryville, Arkansas. You know, the church that doesn’t believe in “instrumental music.” Well, it is the same […]

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Bible Question on Baptism for the Dead, 1 Corinthians 15:29

When we come across a passage within the Bible that is difficult to interpret or seemingly means something that contradicts another plain teaching of scripture, we must look at it through our understanding of the plain teaching of scriptures. Many choose to interpret the difficult passage first and then take perfectly plain scriptures and twist […]

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The Truth About Infant Baptism

If the steps to salvation are understand, believe, confess, repent and be baptized… does that mean that if these steps were done but not in that order that one will not find true salvation? Is infant baptism invalid? Thanks for your question. In order to be saved, one must follow the order of salvation that […]

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