G. E. Watkins Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Jesus Arrested in the Garden – A Divine Demonstration

In John chapter 18 we find Jesus in the garden with His betrayer approaching with a band of soldiers and officers from the chief priests. Jesus is accompanied by the remaining disciples. Judas, His betrayer, knew where to find Him, he had been there many times himself. As they were approaching, Jesus asked a simple […]

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Genesis 1:24-31

In an earlier lesson I related how that God had commanded the children of Israel to worship no other god. He said specifically: Exodus 20:2-6 (2) “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. (3) “You shall have no other gods before […]

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Why is the cross not important in the church of Christ?

A question, why we church of Christ is not important cross or why we never put cross in the worship building? How could you ever go into a congregation of the churches of Christ and not think the cross is important is beyond me. The hymns are drenched with the cross of Christ. The Lord’s […]

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Genesis 8:1-5

Previously we have seen the power of God as it relates to punishment, but in our passage we begin a theme that will echo throughout the pages of Holy Writ. Israel would have many occasions to be thankful that God restores. God destroyed the corrupt families, religions, governments and men of the pre-flood earth. Now […]

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The View From Brokeback Mountain – Hollywood, gay cowboys and social suicide

Let me commend to you Tyler Young’s The View From Brokeback Mountain. It’s an excellent analysis of the recent movie that glorifies homosexual love. Tyler Young is the preacher for the Roanoke church of Christ in Roanoke, Texas.

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Can a member of the Lord’s Church be a Professional Musician?

A query from a reader: Dear Bro. Watkins, I am sending you this message to commend you for the wonderful things you’re doing by spreading the gospel of our Lord via you articles. I greatly appreciate the the opportunity given me to enjoy such an undiluted gospel message from you. Having said that, i’d like […]

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Southside Lectures, Lubbock Texas

I have a speaking engagement this weekend. I’ll be at the Southside Lectures in Lubbock, Texas. I’m speaking Sunday at 4 p.m.

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Genesis 2:4-14, The Astounding Place Prepared For Man

These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, 5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had […]

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Genesis 5

“AND HE DIED” There are two main purposes to this chapter. First is to show that the line of Christ (Luke 3:36-38) contains real, living, breathing people. They are not legendary figures but historic. These are accounts of people with their years numbered rather precisely. In this respect not at all like the legends of […]

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Genesis 13:14-18

THE LAND PROMISE In ch. 12:1 God had sent Abraham to the land of Canaan but here He promises the land to Abraham and to his seed. Coupled with this is a promise that the heirs of Abraham would be so numerous that they could not be numbered. The primary audience was the children of […]

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Let's Drive Some Traffic #3

Ok, so now I trust that you’ve started down the road to adding links to your site or blog and getting links from others. You’ve added links to your profiles and to your e-mail signature. You’ve also learned a little about making the search engines work for you to bring in new readers.  What else […]

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Introduction to the Study of the Book of Acts

A brief introduction to the book of Acts in preparation for a series of posts on the text of the book.

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Genesis 6:5-8

After the mingling of the righteous line of Seth with the unrighteous line of Cain mankind became so corrupt that “the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was ONLY EVIL continually.” Mankind became a cesspool of sin. Imagine the evil that goes on […]

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I Was Sentenced to Death in the Electric Chair – A True Story : ChristianCourier.com

It’s nice to be reminded of this account of Clyde Thompson who went from death row inmate to child of God and Gospel preacher. I Was Sentenced to Death in the Electric Chair ““ A True Story : ChristianCourier.com Check it out. The Meanest Man in Texas: A True Story Based on the Life of […]

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Genesis 11:10-32 – Ancestors of Abraham

The remainder of the chapter is a list of men whose only importance is that they are the ancestors of Abraham, a man not yet mentioned. If not for this connection they would certainly be unmentioned in history. They are mentioned because of the importance of the ancestry of Abraham. From Noah to Abraham, this […]

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Genesis 7:17-24: The Epic Destruction of the Flood

ESV Genesis 7:17 The flood continued forty days on the earth. The waters increased and bore up the ark, and it rose high above the earth. 18 The waters prevailed and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the face of the waters. 19 And the waters prevailed so mightily on the […]

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Sacred vs. Profane

In Leviticus 10:10-11 God, after the fiery death of Nadab and Abihu, teaches an important lesson to Aaron regarding coming before God. We read, Do not drink wine nor strong drink, thou, nor thy sons with thee, when ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die: it shall be a statute for […]

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Genesis 11:1-9 – The Tower of Babel

God took action to delay the progression of the plans of mankind at the tower of Babel. Man had the tendency to move toward evil and were quite inventive in the pursuit of it. So God divided mankind by tribe and tongue. We learn that it is by God’s decree that there are so many […]

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Genesis 12:1-3 – The Call of Abram

It is hard to over-estimate the importance of the passage before us. Abram (later, Abraham) is introduced as one that God had special dealings with, much as He did with Noah. To the Israelites this passages points back to their origin. Abraham is their father. They will be introduced to the faith of Abraham and […]

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Genesis 1:9-10

Moses continues with his enumeration of the the basic features of the physical universe. He now ascribes to God’s creative power the dry land on which the Israelites were sitting at their first hearing of the book. While other religions ascribed the earth as a god in itself, Moses explained it to be a creation […]

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