G. E. Watkins Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Genesis 4:6-7

Cain had worshipped God in a way that God had never commanded. Cain was then upset that his gift was not accepted. This was fueled by the fact that his brother’s gift WAS accepted. God’s formula for Cain was simple, i.e., repent and worship God’s way, but Cain wouldn’t repent. God also gives Cain a […]

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Genesis 3:22-24

The Lord is shown further in His mercy in this passage. He had prophesied of the downfall of Satan, covered the shame of Adam and Eve, and then drove them from their garden home. This was a blessing and an object lesson. The lesson involved teaching them the consequences of sin. The blessing is explained […]

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Genesis 3:8-13

When Israel arrived at the foot of Mt. Sinai, Moses was commanded to set up barriers to make a separation between Israel and God the reason being, “lest he break out against them” (Exodus 19:23-24). Later, the people had no trouble keeping the command to distance themselves from God, because they saw the majestic destructive […]

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Genesis 2:1-3

God gave Israel the privilege of being like Him (Genesis 1:26) in another point. God rested on the seventh day so Israel is privileged to rest on the seventh day as well. Israel was to be different, distinct from the nation from which they had been delivered and the nations that they were to live […]

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Genesis 1:14-19

Moses turns his notice to features of the physical universe beyond the reach of man. Man has often turned his worship to the sun, moon and stars but we are here told that the God of Sinai is responsible for their creation as well. This fact makes bowing down to them folly. In later years […]

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Matthew 1:1-17

In passages such as Acts 1:8; Matthew 28-18-20; Mark 16:15-16 and Luke 24:46-47 Jesus taught his disciples of their duty to go and preach the Gospel to every creature. Their first destinations were Jerusalem and the towns of Judea. The Jews needed to be convinced that Jesus was qualified to be the Messiah. They would […]

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Genesis 1:11-13

As Moses enumerates the features of the visible universe he comes to those things that are in the realm of provision for man and beast. One can learn from this passage that God is the ultimate provider of man’s food. There is no god made of wood, stone, or metal to thank for it. Man […]

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Genesis 1:6-8

Moses continues his explanation of the origin of all things by continuing with the most basic of the features of the visible universe. God has made visibility of the universe possible with the creation of light and now he provides a place that is neither in the water nor in the vast reaches of space. […]

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Effective Soul Winning Material

I just received this letter from Wilma Bates, widow of Bobby Bates: You may have been personally acquainted with Bobby Bates. If not, you have probably heard his name or read his writings in the area of personal evangelism. You may also have used his evangelism materials to teach the lost. Preaching and teaching the […]

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Secret Things? (Audio)

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