G. E. Watkins Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Genesis 4:1-5

There is righteous worship and there is unrighteous worship. The former is to please God and the latter is to please self. Abel presented his offering to God by faith (Hebrews 11:4). This means that he heeded the instructions of God on how God was to be approached (Romans 10:17). By implication we know, then, […]

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Genesis 12:6-9

THE LAND PROMISE The Lord promised to Abraham that his seed would have a land of their own. This information should have edified the children of Israel who first read it. They should have been comforted hearing that the God that delivered them from the land of their bondage had a place for them. Sadly, […]

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All The Way My Savior Leads Me

Hymn by Fanny J. Crosby, sung solo by G. E. Watkins for the purpose of learning the hymn and/or preparing to lead.

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God Hates Divorce

From the beginning God established the home as foundation and assistance to everything He wanted to accomplish on earth. He intended that a man and woman would join together for life. Man, however, because of the hardness of his heart began to betray the wife of his youth and take other wives (Matthew 19:8). When […]

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Dangers Facing the Home

The first of God’s institutions, the home, is foundational for society and for the church. If there are healthy homes there is a healthy society. If there are healthy homes in the church it is more likely that there is a healthy church. The opposite can be said for broken homes; the society and the […]

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Sermon on Repentance | How To Repent of Your Sins

How to Repent. Sermon outline giving instruction on how to repent of sins. By G. E. Watkins

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Genesis 3:1-5

We cannot know the point in the wilderness wanderings where Israel was exposed to their first introduction to the serpent mentioned in this passage. There is no doubt that they had already become familiar with his tactics and message. They had heard his hiss. They had heard him when the ten spies had rejected God’s […]

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Genesis 8:20-22

When God specified what the ark was to be loaded with He provided for the worship needs of Noah and his family. Clean animals were required and so they were available when Noah landed. This sacrifice is a very significant one. The earth had just been cleansed from idolatry and violence and every sin imaginable. […]

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Church Building Roof Constructed

My friend Esudas is zealous for the Lord in South India. In his post he shows how he has gone forward in providing a place of worship for one of the congregations he serves. He has shouldered the burden himself. He has taken out a loan for $3000. He has to have help to make […]

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Genesis 9:18-29 – The Curse of Canaan

The main purpose of this passage is not to discuss Noah’s drunkenness or to speculate as to what evil was done to Noah or to spark discussion on why Canaan was cursed and not Ham. The main purpose is to convey a fact. That fact is that Canaan was cursed. As Moses is relating this […]

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3 rules for reading the Bible, from Acts 1

3 rules for reading the Bible, from Acts 1 Randal Matheny says: Understand the purpose. Don’t go beyond what is written. See the whole picture.

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All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name

All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name

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Take a Minute to Pray

It’s Monday morning and you’re a Christian. If you think about it for more than a minute there’s a good chance that you feel inadequate in your prayer life. For some reason Christians don’t apply principles that work in all other areas of life to their spiritual lives. No one expects a new father to […]

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The Four Corners of the Earth

The Four Corners of the Earth “The works and travels of William and Katrece Howard.” The beginnings of a very interesting site and concept of going to especially remote parts of the earth to take the Gospel. I subscribed to the RSS feed and will read with interest.

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The Aged and the Widowed in the church of Christ in India

The Aged and the Widowed in the church of Christ in India. Brother Esudas is trying to meet a need in his land.  Please read.

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“Move Faster, Hit Harder”

It is indeed strange, sometimes, where we get our insight. In many ways Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) was inferior to previous Hollywood efforts to tell the story, however, four words stand out as a formula for our success today. It is the first meeting of Robin of Locksley and John Little. Robin and […]

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Genesis 8:6-19

I think we can understand that the family of Noah would be excited to leave the ark. It had been their home for over a year but God declared that it was time to leave. They had left behind a world of the deepest depravity but they were opening the door to a restored world. […]

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Genesis 7:11-16 – How Salvation Works

HOW SALVATION WORKS. Moses reports the arrival of the day of the flood. It was on a real day in the life of a real man. The lesson for Israel and for all of mankind is how salvation works. God had declared the future destruction of mankind but made a way of escape for the […]

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Premillennialism Roundup

This is a collection of informative links on the Topic of Premillennialism and may include the topics “Rapture, Tribulation and Thousand Year Reign.” These were gathered at the request of a reader of this website. The Rapture – Granby church of Christ Premillennialism – Topic on Christian Courier Rapture – Topic on Christian Courier Google […]

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Baptism Bible Study- Know the Truth on the Topic of Baptism

Baptism Bible Study – A complete list of scriptures that mention baptism classified into subjects. Useful for sermon preparation.

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