G. E. Watkins Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Sermon on Honesty | Christians are to be Honest

INTRODUCTION: [ Beginning of this sermon on honesty. ]

1. Honesty is is the divinely appointed standard for men.

1) Pray that we might live a life of honesty. 1 Tim. 2:2

2) Walk honestly toward them that are without. 1 Thessalonians 4:12

3) Provide things honest. Romans 12:17; 2 Corinthians 8:21

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Sermon on Jesus’ Baptism – The Baptism of Jesus

Sermon on Jesus’ Baptism INTRODUCTION: Read Matt. 3:13-17, The Baptism of Jesus 1. The arrival of Jesus had been heralded by angels, an astronomical phenomenon, visiting dignitaries and a prophet of God. 2. Now it is time for God to make the announcement. 1) God had spoken audibly before, Exo. 20. 2) The announcement occurs […]

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Why Shouldn’t We Believe Modern-day “Revelation?”

INTRODUCTION: 1. Modern-day revelations are rampant in the religious world. Angels, Holy Spirit, nudgings, still small voice. 2. These “revelations” are trusted by those who “received” them but rejected by most others. Divisive, contradicting, often confusing or vague. 3. Shall we believe modern-day revelations? Can we remove the division, contradictions, and know precisely what the […]

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Lessons Learned From “Terror From The Sky.”

INTRODUCTION: 1. I am sure none of us need a reminder of the sinister events of this past week. What we need a reminder of is some of the lessons God would have us learn from it. 1) Life is short. 2) Dedication to one’s beliefs. 3) Courage in the face of danger. 4) The […]

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The Transforming Power of the Gospel – A Great Company of the Priests

Introduction: Acts 6:7

1. Sometimes few words are needed to speak volumes.

2. Our text is one such instance.

3. It speaks of Old Covenant priests obeying Jesus.

4. There’s one point and an application I’d like to make.

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Giving to Jesus | To Whom Are You Giving?


1. We often stress the fact that when we give, we give to Jesus. This is good and right, Matt. 25:34-40.

2. I wonder, though, when we “lay by in store” each Lord’s Day, if we think about who we are giving to in order that it may be giving to Jesus.

3. We think about what we see. There are so many things a congregation does that is not seen.

4. This hour I’d like to walk your mind through those things that you might not be thinking about when you put your money in the plate.

5. I’d like to increase your appreciation for what you do in giving, and increase your joy in giving to Jesus.

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Sermon on Living by Faith | “But The Bible Doesn’t Say I Can’t!”

Sermon on Living By Faith — Shows that the Bible meaning of living by faith defeats the saying, ‘But the Bible doestn’t say I can’t!” By G. E. Watkins

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Sermon on Christian Living – Doing and Teaching

SERMON ON CHRISTIAN LIVING INTRODUCTION: Acts 1:1 1. Acts a continuation of Luke (former treatise). Luke 1:3 2. To write, Luke had to learn what Jesus did and taught. 3. It is implied that he found out that Jesus didn’t do anything without teaching also. He was not a silent example. 4. Neither did he […]

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The Conception of John the Baptist

Introduction: Luke 1:5-25 1. Read Malachi 4:5-6 1) In the final words of God in the Old Testament we read a promise that there would be more to come.

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Sermon on Heroism – Jesus, The Hero of Calvary

PROPOSITION: To emphasize what we should be like if we have the proper view of Jesus and what He has done for us.


1. Heroes cause us to want to better ourselves.

1) They endow us with the drive to excel.

2) They change what we believe our limits are.

3) How much punishment can we take for a just cause?

4) How far will we go when our friends and family are in danger?

5) How much better can we be at what we do?

6) Our heroes set those limits and then new heroes smash them.

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Was Paul An Apostle in the Same Sense as the Twelve?

INTRODUCTION: 1. Based on a question I received online. 2. Was Paul an apostle? 3. Did He have the authority of Heaven in his teaching? 4. Let’s consider his case. DISCUSSION: I.   HE WAS CHOSEN BY CHRIST. 1. The Lord explains his choosing to Ananias. Acts 9:15. 2. By the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:2. Not […]

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Sermon on Memorizing Scripture – “Thy Word Have I Hid In Mine Heart”

Introduction: Psa. 119:11 1. Memory work is hard work. 2. Bible study is hard work. 3. So why invest our time in it? THAT WE MIGHT NOT SIN AGAINST GOD. DISCUSSION: I.   God’s Word Informs Us 1. 1 John 3:4, Sin is transgression of the law. 2. Isa. 54:1-2 II.  God’s Word Warns Us 1. Rom. 6:23, […]

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Examples of Commitment in the Bible – Sermon on 1 Corinthians 15:58

INTRODUCTION: 1 Corinthians 15:58

1. In light of the fact that we are to be motivated in the pursuit of pleasing God, we are provided with reasons to be motivated, both positive and negative.

2. One of the most effective things God has done for us is to provide examples of commitment in the Scriptures to motivate us.

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Evangelism Sermon – The Absolute Primacy of Evangelism


1. The work of the church involves 3 things:

1) Evangelism. Matthew 28:18-20; 2 Timothy 2:2

2) Benevolence. Gal. 6:10; James 1:27

3) Edification. Hebrews 10:24.

2. Many have placed the importance of benevolence and edification higher than they ought.

1) The main goal of many churches is to battle poverty and disease. Laudable in its place but was never the main goal of our Lord.

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“Sin Night”

1. Local bar advertised on a marquee, “Sin Night.” 1) The usual amount of drinking, carousing, and lusting wasn’t enough. 2) They needed an occasion to sin to entice more customers. 2. Our answer to this is… 1) Sadness – “terror of the Lord,” 2 Cor. 5:11. 2) Outrage – led astray, Matt. 18:6. 3) […]

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Sermon on Heaven – I Want To Go To Heaven

SERMON ON HEAVEN INTRODUCTION: Read Philippians 3:20, 21 1. Paul proclaims to the Philippians that they are not citizens of earth but of heaven. 2. They will be equipped to be citizens of that city. 3. The Savior is coming with the power to transform. 4. Words such as these have excited us for 2000 […]

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The Child Jesus in the Temple at Age Twelve

Introduction: Read Luke 2:46-47 1. At age twelve Jesus had the opportunity to visit Jerusalem and the Temple at Passover. 2. He took this opportunity to spend three days at the Temple hearing the teachers and asking questions. 3. The text reveals that his hearers were astonished, which may reveal the reason why Jesus was […]

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Dangers of Denominationalism


1. The religious world around us has arranged itself into denominations (distinct parts of the whole).

2. Originally there were a few (Lutheran, Church of England, Presbyterian, Catholic, etc.). Now there are more than a thousand.

3. We must comment on this situation because this idea is nowhere found in the doctrine of Christ. Denominations have no right to exist because they are not found in scripture.

4. The will of Christ is ONE CHURCH, BODY, KINGDOM. (Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 4:4; John 3:5)

5. The denominations argue that the totality of the denominations is the one church.

1) The New Testament, however, fails to use the word “church” in that sense.

2) There is the “church universal” (Matthew 16:18) and “church local” (Romans 16:16).

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Blessed are They Which are Persecuted…

Introduction: Read Matt. 5:10 1. The world pities the persecuted Christian. 1) Certainly don’t count as blessed. 2) The blessed are those who tell lies for religion’s sake. Blessed with fame, money, power, Phil. 3:17-19; Phil. 2:21. 2. The lie had been told so often that the truth sound strange. Those who suffer for the […]

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Sermon on Excuses | Ten Lies We Tell Ourselves


1. Do you have any idea why you have a problem with a particular sin in your life?

1) We say, “It’s hard to deal with sin!”

2) Perhaps we should stop and examine why it’s hard.

2. If an enemy wants to stop your progress he will often spread lies about you to do it.

1) To poison public opinion.

2) To cause you to doubt yourself.

3. Our enemy uses the same tactic to stop your progress.

4. He is so clever that often he gets YOU to tell the lies to yourself. It’s easy because he knows what you want to hear.

5. We must recognize the lies for what they are in order to make progress once again. We must stop telling them.James 4:7

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