G. E. Watkins Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Sermon on Christian Living – Doing and Teaching

SERMON ON CHRISTIAN LIVING INTRODUCTION: Acts 1:1 1. Acts a continuation of Luke (former treatise). Luke 1:3 2. To write, Luke had to learn what Jesus did and taught. 3. It is implied that he found out that Jesus didn’t do anything without teaching also. He was not a silent example. 4. Neither did he […]

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Sermon on Patience – How to Acquire Patience

Introduction: Rom. 2:7

1. We see in our text the importance of patience. It is a must.

2. We also see times in our lives when we fail to exhibit patience.

1) Stopped praying, 1 Thess. 5:17.

2) Grew weary in well-doing, Gal. 6:9.

3) Some even fail to remain faithful, Heb. 6:11.

3. We know we don’t always have patience, so how do we develop it? How do we acquire patience?

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I Will Not Leave You Or Forsake You

I.   God shows how He will be with you by showing how He was with others, v. 5. 1. Heb. 13:5; Matt. 28:20. 2. As He was with the apostles He will be with you. 2 Tim. 4:6-8 II.  Be strong and courageous. God is with you, v. 6. 2 Kings 6:14-16; Acts 5:27-29; Acts […]

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Biblical Submission, The Example of a Submissive Wife

Submissive Wife Bible INTRODUCTION: Read Eph. 5:22 1. Many in the world scorn the notion of a Patriarchal society, along with the idea of a wife submitting to her husband. 2. There is no doubt, though, that the Lord teaches that a Christian wife is to be in submission to her husband. 3. The Bible […]

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The Conception of John the Baptist

Introduction: Luke 1:5-25 1. Read Malachi 4:5-6 1) In the final words of God in the Old Testament we read a promise that there would be more to come.

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Sermon on Heroism – Jesus, The Hero of Calvary

PROPOSITION: To emphasize what we should be like if we have the proper view of Jesus and what He has done for us.


1. Heroes cause us to want to better ourselves.

1) They endow us with the drive to excel.

2) They change what we believe our limits are.

3) How much punishment can we take for a just cause?

4) How far will we go when our friends and family are in danger?

5) How much better can we be at what we do?

6) Our heroes set those limits and then new heroes smash them.

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Was Paul An Apostle in the Same Sense as the Twelve?

INTRODUCTION: 1. Based on a question I received online. 2. Was Paul an apostle? 3. Did He have the authority of Heaven in his teaching? 4. Let’s consider his case. DISCUSSION: I.   HE WAS CHOSEN BY CHRIST. 1. The Lord explains his choosing to Ananias. Acts 9:15. 2. By the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:2. Not […]

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Sermon on Memorizing Scripture – “Thy Word Have I Hid In Mine Heart”

Introduction: Psa. 119:11 1. Memory work is hard work. 2. Bible study is hard work. 3. So why invest our time in it? THAT WE MIGHT NOT SIN AGAINST GOD. DISCUSSION: I.   God’s Word Informs Us 1. 1 John 3:4, Sin is transgression of the law. 2. Isa. 54:1-2 II.  God’s Word Warns Us 1. Rom. 6:23, […]

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Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Sermon on Selfishness

INTRODUCTION: Read Genesis 4:9

1. This question was raised in response to God’s earlier question.

2. The right kind of questions may cause us to think soberly.

DISCUSSION: (Discussion of this sermon on selfishness.)

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Ye are the Salt of the Earth. . .

Introduction: Matt. 5:13

1. It is impurities that cause salt to lose its taste.

2. Clay, sand, etc., might make the salt useless.

3. Impurities cause men to be useless or good for nothing.

4. Jesus is speaking of sin.

5. What makes us impure? 1 John 2:16.


I.   Lust of the Flesh

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Examples of Commitment in the Bible – Sermon on 1 Corinthians 15:58

INTRODUCTION: 1 Corinthians 15:58

1. In light of the fact that we are to be motivated in the pursuit of pleasing God, we are provided with reasons to be motivated, both positive and negative.

2. One of the most effective things God has done for us is to provide examples of commitment in the Scriptures to motivate us.

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Open His Eyes That He May See

INTRODUCTION: 2 Kings 6:8-17

1. Through the prophet the king learned what he could not see.

2. Through the prophet Gahazi learned what he could not see.

3. Through Jesus Christ we learn things we cannot see. Hebrews 1:1-2

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Evangelism Sermon – The Absolute Primacy of Evangelism


1. The work of the church involves 3 things:

1) Evangelism. Matthew 28:18-20; 2 Timothy 2:2

2) Benevolence. Gal. 6:10; James 1:27

3) Edification. Hebrews 10:24.

2. Many have placed the importance of benevolence and edification higher than they ought.

1) The main goal of many churches is to battle poverty and disease. Laudable in its place but was never the main goal of our Lord.

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“Sin Night”

1. Local bar advertised on a marquee, “Sin Night.” 1) The usual amount of drinking, carousing, and lusting wasn’t enough. 2) They needed an occasion to sin to entice more customers. 2. Our answer to this is… 1) Sadness – “terror of the Lord,” 2 Cor. 5:11. 2) Outrage – led astray, Matt. 18:6. 3) […]

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Sermon on Heaven – I Want To Go To Heaven

SERMON ON HEAVEN INTRODUCTION: Read Philippians 3:20, 21 1. Paul proclaims to the Philippians that they are not citizens of earth but of heaven. 2. They will be equipped to be citizens of that city. 3. The Savior is coming with the power to transform. 4. Words such as these have excited us for 2000 […]

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The Child Jesus in the Temple at Age Twelve

Introduction: Read Luke 2:46-47 1. At age twelve Jesus had the opportunity to visit Jerusalem and the Temple at Passover. 2. He took this opportunity to spend three days at the Temple hearing the teachers and asking questions. 3. The text reveals that his hearers were astonished, which may reveal the reason why Jesus was […]

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Lessons on Peace


1. The persecution that Saul was a part of wreaked havoc on the churches of Palestine.

2. The Jews waged war against the church that resulted in death or imprisonment for many. Acts 8:1-3; 9:1-2; 22:4, 19; 26:10, 11

3. One can well imagine the relief that came upon the churches when their greatest antagonist suddenly stopped his attack. 9:21; see also 9:2-6

4. Peace brings blessings, responsibilities, and lasting results.

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Dangers of Denominationalism


1. The religious world around us has arranged itself into denominations (distinct parts of the whole).

2. Originally there were a few (Lutheran, Church of England, Presbyterian, Catholic, etc.). Now there are more than a thousand.

3. We must comment on this situation because this idea is nowhere found in the doctrine of Christ. Denominations have no right to exist because they are not found in scripture.

4. The will of Christ is ONE CHURCH, BODY, KINGDOM. (Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 4:4; John 3:5)

5. The denominations argue that the totality of the denominations is the one church.

1) The New Testament, however, fails to use the word “church” in that sense.

2) There is the “church universal” (Matthew 16:18) and “church local” (Romans 16:16).

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Let Brotherly Love Continue – Sermon Outline by G. E. Watkins

Let brotherly love continue sermon — Sermon outline on the brotherly love of Abraham and Lot and Jonathan and David. By G. E. Watkins.

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Blessed are They Which are Persecuted…

Introduction: Read Matt. 5:10 1. The world pities the persecuted Christian. 1) Certainly don’t count as blessed. 2) The blessed are those who tell lies for religion’s sake. Blessed with fame, money, power, Phil. 3:17-19; Phil. 2:21. 2. The lie had been told so often that the truth sound strange. Those who suffer for the […]

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