G. E. Watkins Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

God is In Control Sermon – Our God Who is In Control

God is In Control Sermon. Sermon outline by G. E. Watkins on God being in control.

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Sermon on Obedience – “Ye Have Obeyed From The Heart”

SUBJECT: Obedience


PROPOSITION: To teach what in means to obey from the heart by means of biblical examples.

OBJECTIVE: That the hearer might understand what it means to obey from the heart.


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“Judge Not That Ye Be Not Judged”

Sermon on Judge Not — Short sermon outline by G. E. Watkins on Jesus’ commandment to “Judge not that ye be not judged.”

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Blessed are the Peacemakers…

Introduction: Matt. 5:9 1. The world doesn’t agree. Those able to wage war, engender strive are rewarded. 1) The warlord, revolutionary, the thug, 2) The bully is rewarded. 3) These rewards come by force. 2. Jesus stands in stark opposition to this thought. He epitomizes the peacemaker. He teaches peace in a world of “might […]

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Believing the Lies Our Fathers Believed

PROPOSITION: To teach the folly of walking in the lies our fathers believed.

OBJECTIVE: To motivate the hearer to reject the lies our fathers believed and to walk in truth.


1. One of Satan’s many devices is to cause his lies to become traditions of men.

2. At the time Amos wrote Judah had been in their errors for generations.

3. There was a barrier to Judah’s repentance, namely, tradition.

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Sermon on Judgment | The Horror of Marching to Destruction


TITLE: Marching To Destruction

PROPOSITION: To illustrate the destructive reality of our sin.

OBJECTIVE: To learn why we desperately need salvation.


1. Imagine, if you will, the long line of humanity.

1) Adam is first in line; the last baby ever born is last.

a. You are in this line…

b. As is everyone you have ever known. Your fathers and grandfathers, your sons and your son’s sons.

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Sermon on Change – The Immorality of the Sons of Jacob

INTRODUCTION: Read Genesis 34:25-29

1. The sons of Jacob grew up in a world of winner-take-all attitudes in the company of Laban the Syrian.

1) As they grew to maturity they ignored the lessons of faith learned by Abraham and lived like the world around them where might made right and the “golden” rule was whoever has the gold makes the rules.

2) The record of the immorality of Jacob’s sons begins with Reuben lying with Bilhah, Jacob’s concubine (Genesis 35:22). The consequence of this action was that Reuben lost his first-born status (Genesis 49:3-4).

3) Simeon and Levi showed their cruelty when they slaughtered all the men of Shalem when one of them had defiled Dinah, their sister (Genesis 34:25-26).

4) They sold their brother into Egyptian slavery because of their envy of him (Genesis 37:28).

5) Judah fathered a child by Tamar, his daughter-in-law, when she dressed like a harlot and propositioned him (Genesis 38:15-18).

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The Zeal of Thine House Hath Eaten Me Up!

Introduction: Read Psa. 69:7-12; John 2:13-25. 1. We understand in action what we cannot in abstract. 2. What was His level of dedication to His cause? Jesus began to answer that question here. 3. What does this say of His zeal for the house of God today?

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The Fear That Puts All Into Perspective

Introduction: Read Matt. 10:28 1. In living the Christian life we worry far too much about what others think. 2. Jesus teaches that we should not even fear those that kill the body. He points out: 1) They can’t kill the soul. 2) There is one to fear who can kill body and soul in […]

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The Will of the Father

Introduction: Matt. 7:21 1. We teach that our eternal destiny depends upon doing the will of the Father (Matt. 7:21), without adding (2 John 9; 1 Cor. 4:6; 1 Pet. 4:11), and without subtracting (Rev. 22:19). 2. What is it about the will of the Father that makes it right? 3. What is it about […]

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Thy Word Have I Hid In Mine Heart…

Introduction: Psalm 119:11

1. For 176 vss. the psalmist writes powerfully regarding the word of God.

2. He begins with a blessing to all who walk in the Law, v. 1.

3. He ends with expressions of longing for salvation according to the law, the commandments.

4. The word of God is lifted high in prestige and importance for the child of God.

5. Our text highlights the importance of the word applied to the heart.

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The Bible’s Basis For Faith


TITLE: The Bible’s Basis For Faith

PROPOSITION: To teach that the faith of many is based on man’s idea of what faith is and what exactly faith is based on.

OBJECTIVE: That all may trust that the faith they have is based on a biblical foundation

INTRODUCTION: Read Acts 10:34-42

1. Concerning the text:

1) Peter has the privilege of introducing the Gospel to the first Gentile audience, the household of Cornelius.

2) Cornelius tells of the supernatural circumstances of this event, vv. 30-33.

3) Then Peter bears witness, he testifies, vv. 34-42.

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Rejecting the Counsel of God

Introduction: Luke 7:30

1. The Pharisees and Lawyers heard the counsel of God as the rest did.

2. He saw the confirmation as the rest did. Knew about John and Zacharias. Knew the prophecies.

3. Yet they rejected God’s counsel. Wouldn’t obey.

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The Origin of the Bible

INTRODUCTION: 1. There is a question on the minds of many in this world with regard to the origin of the Bible that they are asked to trust for their salvation. 2. Where did it come from? 3. How did it get to me? DISCUSSION: I.   THE BIBLE ORIGINATED WITH GOD THE FATHER. 1. The […]

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The Incredible Healing of the Nobleman’s Son – Sermon John 4

Introduction: Read John 4:43-54

1. A nobleman stood at the bedside of his son. Son dying. Doctors helpless. Mother weeping.

2. Father is out of options. Needs a miracle. Thinks “water to wine” (John 2:1-11). “I know where there is a miracle working man.” Government keeps track of those that cause a ruckus in Jerusalem (John 2:13-25). Doesn’t send servant, goes himself.

3. Finds Jesus in Cana, an uphill journey from Capernaum. Asks Him to come down.

4. Jesus changes the subject, v. 48.

1) Reveals that He is concerned more for the soul of the nobleman than for the life of the child. …of such is the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 19:14).

2) Jesus’ purpose is to seek and save the lost.

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Wednesday Night Lesson – Acts 15

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Wednesday Bible Class – Acts 14

This audio file makes up for none last week.

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Sermon on Idolatry | The Futility of Idolatry

INTRODUCTION: Isaiah 10:10-14

1. The Kingdom of Judah had trusted in its idols for protection.

2. Sennacherib points out that he had defeated all the kingdoms with greater idols than Judah.

1) He defeated Babylon and Egypt.

2) He defeated Syria and then Samaria.

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Wednesday Night 5/6/2020 Acts 12

Wednesday Night 5/6/2020 Acts Chapter 12 Bible Class by G. E. Watkins

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A Wonderful Savior

A Wonderful Savior mp3, sung A Cappella, with lyrics, for the purposes of training and preparation.

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