Introduction: Read John 4:43-54
1. A nobleman stood at the bedside of his son. Son dying. Doctors helpless. Mother weeping.
2. Father is out of options. Needs a miracle. Thinks “water to wine” (John 2:1-11). “I know where there is a miracle working man.” Government keeps track of those that cause a ruckus in Jerusalem (John 2:13-25). Doesn’t send servant, goes himself.
3. Finds Jesus in Cana, an uphill journey from Capernaum. Asks Him to come down.
4. Jesus changes the subject, v. 48.
1) Reveals that He is concerned more for the soul of the nobleman than for the life of the child. …of such is the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 19:14).
2) Jesus’ purpose is to seek and save the lost.