G. E. Watkins Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Sermon on Rest in the Lord – God’s Promised Eternal Rest

INTRODUCTION: Matthew 11:28-29; 2 Thessalonians 1:7

1. Rest is for the weary–only such can rest. Jews had days, years for themselves, servants, beasts, lands.

2. Jesus promises rest to “weary and heavy laden” in His great invitation if they will come to Him.



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Genesis 12:4-5

Such was the faith of Abraham. God commanded and he obeyed. This was a great object lesson for the Israelite nation. They were undergoing a journey when they first heard this. Theirs was a journey commanded by God. They had the opportunity to obey and identify with their father Abraham. Sadly, few of them lived […]

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The Day of Atonement

The tenth day of the seventh month of Israel’s calendar marked a day unlike any other (see Leviticus 16).  To the spiritually minded in Israel it was a day to be prepared for and longed for.

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Genesis 2:18-25

God is the designer of society. He has declared his design to be that man is to be accompanied by a helper. This helper is not to be of the animal kingdom nor is it to be another man. God specially designed the right companion for man. He presented her to man and man called […]

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Genesis 3:14-19

GOD PRONOUNCES SENTENCE This account is designed to impress upon the children of men the fact that when God warns of punishment such warning is to be heeded. Man sinned in the Garden. God now declares the penalty for that sin. To The Serpent Remember that the one sentenced is the Devil or Satan (Rev. […]

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Genesis 15, God’s Assurance to Abram

In this chapter God assures Abram of three things he had already promised to him. His offspring would be innumerable, they would possess the land of Canaan, and would be a nation with great possessions. God assures Abram through a ritual that was in use in those ancient times. Coffman writes, “The ritual in view […]

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Fathers, Teach Your Children

Fathers! With every step you take, and every word you say, with every book you read, and every conversation with your wife, with every responsibility you take, and every thing you neglect, you are teaching your children. Fathers can’t get around it, fathers teach their children. You teach your children the Golden Rule (Matt. 7:12), […]

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Genesis 12:10-20

Put yourself in Abraham’s place for a moment. In the USA it’s difficult because we don’t have famines. Local food shortages are solved by our transportation system. Even if there is a local drought there is still food in the supermarket. This is true for other areas of the world as well. In ancient times, […]

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Genesis 7:1-10

This passage illustrates well the meaning of faith. Noah had never seen rain but God told him it was going to flood. Noah couldn’t know by experience whether the untested Ark would float. At God’s word Noah obeyed and did His will. We have never seen the new Jerusalem, the resurrection, or the Lord that […]

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Why Don't Members of the Church of Christ have Yard Sales, Car Washes, Cookie Bakes, etc., to Raise Money for the Church and Its Works?

Dear Preacher Files, I was hoping someone could give some scripture and some in depth explanation why members of the Church of Christ dont have yard sales,car washes,cookie bakes etc. to raise money for the Church and its works. I am a member of the Church and do not feel like that those types of […]

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Genesis 6:9-22

The mind boggles at the task laid out for Noah. A structure of this size takes months to build with crews of men and machinery. We don’t know the resources at Noah’s disposal. Perhaps he was a wealthy man with manpower to draw on. However we know from the New Testament that God isn’t shy […]

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Bible Songs for Children

Beth Johnson just alerted me to a page full of links to mp3 songs designed to teach memory verses to kids. I’ve never seen these before. They sound wonderful and you may find that adults could use these helps as well. This is a resource you ought to bookmark and use. You could also suggest […]

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A Life of Significance

1. Women are told, “You need to get a DEGREE, POSITION, FAME to be significant.” 1) I don’t know if Dorothy ever had those things. 2) They weren’t what made her significant.

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Bible Verses About 3 Wise Men

There are NO verses in the Bible that are about 3 (three) wise men. You are perhaps looking for Matthew 2:1-12 where, depending on the translation, wise men or magi visit a very young Jesus in Bethlehem. Many assume there are three Wise Men because there are three gifts, however, we must not go beyond […]

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Adoration of the Magi Bible Verses

The Bible verses that refer to the adoration of the Magi are in one place in the scripture, Matthew 2:1-12. The actual adoration is in verse 11 which reads: And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they […]

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The Purpose of The Preacher’s Files

I just got an e-mail that sums up better than any way I can put it the purpose of this website. I know it is used in many ways; to find answers, to find sermon ideas, etc., but the following e-mail is what I like to hear. It’s what keeps me working on the site.

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Hey, Where Did The Comments Go?!

You’ve seen changes in the site all year now but nothing this drastic. I’ve been trying various themes and adapting them to the needs of this site. My tinkering has not done everything I needed it to do. Because one of the goals of this site is to spread the Gospel as far as it […]

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Saved to Serve

It’s not often I get to see a friend preach but David Hersey of Granby church of Christ let me know that he had a video posted. He needed to cover for the local preacher there and turned to one of Tom Moore’s sermons (Saved to Serve) to help him prepare. Here’s the sermon entitled […]

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Sons of God, “Angel Food for Thought”

Link to an article by Travis Main of Church of Christ Articles Sons of God, “Angel Food for Thought” Oh the joy of being called sons of God! Man has this special title given by believing in Christ and being born by the will of God (John 1:12-13). The Bible uses different terms both in […]

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Why in Bethlehem, to Shepherds?

Why in Bethlehem, to Shepherds?

Why in Bethlehem, To Shepherds


1. On the night of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, an angel appeared and called on mankind to rejoice.

2. Then the hosts of Heaven appeared and glorified God and pronounced peace and goodwill to the inhabitants of planet Earth.

3. The announcement was not made in Rome or Jerusalem or even in the East among wise men.

4. It was made exclusively to the lowly; to shepherds in the field.

5. It makes one wonder, WHY? Why, in the wisdom of God was this announcement made near Bethlehem, to shepherds?

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