Fundamentals – The History of the Bible – Lesson 6

Date written: March 07, 2002 Scripture ref: Ephesians 3:3,4 SUBJECT: Bible TITLE: The Bible, Its History PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will examine how we got the Bible. We will briefly look at the canonization, the transmission, and the translation of the text. OBJECTIVES: The student should be able to briefly discuss the concepts of […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon Moving Forward – Challenges to Accept #1


A. I think the saying is basically true: we are either going forward, standing still, or falling behind.

1. Sadly, this is also true in the Lord’s church

2. The problem is that many congregations have become complacent and comfortable (the prelude to standing still)

3. And once we are standing still, everyone passes us by and we begin to fall behind

B. To introduce our theme… Philippians 3:12-14

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Who Is Jesus Christ?

INTRODUCTION: Who is Jesus Christ? 1. We all have to start somewhere when we want to learn about someone. 2. We can learn about Jesus the same way we’d learn about anyone else. 3. We will answer the question, “Who is Jesus Christ” by asking his friends and family, by inquiring of competent authority, and […]

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Topical Sermon Outlines

Prerequisites to Evangelism

SUBJECT: Sermon Outline about Evangelism

TITLE: Evangelism

PROPOSITION: To set forth three prerequisites that all Christians should understand before beginning to evangelize namely that before we can evangelize we must 1) Recognize that there are souls that are lost, 2) Be willing to make a lasting commitment and 3) Truly believe that the gospel is the “good news.”

OBJECTIVE: That each Christian would examine their life and ensure that they are prepared to begin evangelizing.

AIM: To help all of the brethren want to be evangelists and work toward more evangelism in their life.


1. Read: Acts 8:1-4

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Faith That Overcomes the World Sermon | How To Overcome The World

Date written: December 10, 1994
Scripture ref: John 16:33

SUBJECT: Salvation

TITLE: Sermon on Salvation | How To Overcome The World

PROPOSITION: We can overcome the world because 1) God has given us the power; 2) Faith gives us the victory 3) The world shows us the alternative; 4) The results of overcoming give us the motivation.

OBJECTIVES: In this lesson, the hearer should 1) recognize that God’s power is through his word 2) understand the necessity of baptism for salvation 3) realize the power of faith in Christ 4) shun the desire to be like the world 5) and desire to obtain the blessings that occur as a result of overcoming the world.

AIM: With this lesson I hope to encourage the brethren to faithful living by showing them that they can overcome the world; that the rewards of doing so are great; and that the failure to do so is perilous.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

The Faithful Christian Woman

Date written: July 30, 1994
Scripture ref: 1 Corinthians 11:2-3

SUBJECT: Character

TITLE: The Faithful Christian Woman

PROPOSITION: To study the responsibilities of the faithful Christian woman–ecclesiastically, connubially, parentally.

Objective: To help all become aware of the importance of the role which God made for woman.

SUBJECT: Character

TITLE: The Faithful Christian Woman

PROPOSITION: To study the responsibilities of the faithful Christian woman–ecclesiastically, connubially, parentally.

Objective: To help all become aware of the importance of the role which God made for woman.


1. Read: 1 Corinthians 11:2-3

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Sermon on “Faith Only” | Why I Am a Member of the Church of Christ #8*


A. Why are you a member of the church of Christ?

1. If you are not a member of the church of Christ, why are you a member of the religious organization that you are?

2. Is it because that was the one your Dad and Mom were members of?

3. Is it because that is the one closest to your home?

4. Is it because it has the nicest building in town?

B. If our neighbor were to ask us why we were a member of the church of Christ, could we give them a sound reason?

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Choose The Right

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study three choices that need to be made in our lives. We must: 1) choose the right way 2) choose the right attitudes 3) choose the right company.

OBJECTIVE: The hearer should be able to 1) list these three choices that need to be made in each of our lives 2) cite at least one appropriate scriptures for each choice that needs to be made and 3) discuss the significance of Deuteronomy 30:15-20


1. Read: Deuteronomy 30:19-20

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on the Four Lepers | This is a Day of Good News


A. Jesus is our perfect example

1. 1 Peter 2:21-22

2. Philippians 2:5

B. Jesus was one who had great concern for the lost

1. Luke 19:10

2. Jesus wept over a city in sin (Lk. 19:41)

3. There are many examples of our Lord’s concern for loss souls:

a. Nicodemus (Jn. 3)

b. The Samaritan Woman (Jn. 4)

4. Christ died that we might live … Romans 5:6-9

5. Matthew 28:18-20

C. We, like our Lord, need to have a deep concern for lost souls

1. “He that is wise winneth souls” (Pro. 11:30)

2. Daniel 12:3



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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

How Does God Add “All These Things” To Those That Seek First The Kingdom

Proposition: To teach how “all these things” shall be added.

Introduction: Matt. 6:24-33

1. In our day, as it was in the ancient world, a great deal of anxiety is felt about the physical things of life.

2. Untold millions of dollars are spent learning how to prosper (College education, self help books, investment journals).

3. Then there is the pile of money spent on treating the anxiety caused by wealth.

4. Jesus teaches the eradication of such anxiety by means of service to God.

1) He says you cannot serve God AND money, v. 24.

2) He teaches the great value of the individual to God, vv. 25-26.

3) He then teaches the utter (…)

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Soul Winning Sermon – Four Essentials for the Soul Winner

Sermon on Soul Winning — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the proper attitudes and preparation for the soul-winner.

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Sermon on Spiritual Growth – Habits for Spiritual Growth

Sermon on Spiritual Growth – Sermon outline by Tom Moore describing the habits necessary for developing spiritual growth.

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Implications of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ – Sermon Outline

SUBJECT: Resurrection

TITLE: Implications of the Resurrection

PROPOSITION: The resurrection of Jesus from the dead implies: 1) the identity of the One resurrected; 2) the injunction of baptism; 3) the insurance of a second resurrection; 4) the inspection of all mankind in the day of judgment.

OBJECTIVES: The hearer should be able to understand the significance of the resurrection of Jesus upon the truth that Jesus is the Son of God and His words, therefore, are truth and that he is, therefore, the Christ.

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Getting out of Our Comfort Zones in Attitudes

SUBJECT: Attitudes

TITLE: Getting Out of our Comfort Zones in our Attitudes

PROPOSITION: In order to get out of our Comfort zones in our attitudes, we must 1) Be proactive 2) Be positive 3) Be Humble.

OBJECTIVES: The hearer should be able to understand and show proactivity, confidance, and humility in a balanced manner.

AIM: I want the listener to be motivated to service in a proactive, confident, but humble way.


1. Read: 1 Peter 2:9 “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light”

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Who Is Jesus?

SUBJECT: Jesus TITLE: Who Is Jesus? PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will answer the question, “Who is Jesus?” Jesus is the one who makes known God. He makes known God by being 1) The Teacher of truth, 2) The Warner of danger, and 3) The Forgiver of sins. OBJECTIVES: Each person should be able to […]

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Questions about Death – Part 2

Subject: Necrology

Title: Questions About Death–2

Proposition: In this lesson we will answer four questions concerning death: 1) What happens after death? 2) Should we desire death? 3) What about the living? and 4) How can we overcome death?

Objective: The learner should be able to answer each of the questions biblically, and demonstrate a knowledge of the scriptures which support the biblical answer.

Aim: The aim of this lesson is to answer questions concerning death thereby comforting the faithful Christian and warning the unfaithful and unbelieving of the judgment to come.

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Sermon on Brotherly Love | Loving the Brethren

Sermon on Brotherly Love Listen Date written: July 8th, 2006 Scripture ref: 1 John 3:14-19 SUBJECT: Love TITLE: Loving The Brethren PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study the text of 1 John 3:14-19 and look at the subject of brotherly love. Loving the brethren is 1) A sign of our salvation and of the […]

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Sermon on Temptation | The Challenge of Fighting Inner Demons

Sermon on Temptation – Sermon outline by Kevin on our inner demons of selfishness, greed, pride and lust. The text is Romans 7:14-25.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Patience – How to Acquire Patience

Introduction: Rom. 2:7

1. We see in our text the importance of patience. It is a must.

2. We also see times in our lives when we fail to exhibit patience.

1) Stopped praying, 1 Thess. 5:17.

2) Grew weary in well-doing, Gal. 6:9.

3) Some even fail to remain faithful, Heb. 6:11.

3. We know we don’t always have patience, so how do we develop it? How do we acquire patience?

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags:

Sermon on Marriage: Honorable Marriage

Date written: March 14th, 2004

Scripture ref: Hebrews 13:4


TITLE: Honorable Marriage

PROPOSITION: In this lesson, we will look at things that define an honorable marriage. Marriage is honorable when 1) God says it is honorable. 2) It respects God’s pattern for marriage. 3) Its not being used to legitimize adultery.

OBJECTIVES: Each listener should know what God has defined as an honorable marriage.

AIM: To teach the truth regarding honorable marriage and to embolden the listener to teach that message to others.

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