The Mark Of Cain — What Was It?

A querist asks, “In Genesis 4:15, what is the mark set upon Cain? Does anyone know?”

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Preservation Of The Bible — A Blessing From God

After substituting in our local school libraries for nine years, I found that my favorite sections of the library are history and science. Let’s imagine for a moment if one Saturday

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

The Lord's Church — Built To Last!

When the first explorers entered Peru, they found huge, impressive buildings that may have been standing for 2,000 years. These ancient Inca structures (see pictures) were

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

A Small Light Can Dispel Great Darkness

In Daniel 1:3, we read of Ashpenaz, a high court official in ancient Babylon, who was committed to banishing any testimony of Israel’s God from his kingdom. His strategy

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

A Greater Deliverance

The story is told of a submarine that lay disabled on the ocean floor. Several days passed and the crew lost hope of being rescued. The prospect was especially dim because they

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A Question Concerning Marriage

A querist asks, “If a man and woman get married then get divorced, then the man goes and remarries, we know that he (and his new wife) has committed adultery. But say him

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Tree And Temple — Or Temple And Tree?

A querist asks, “In Matthew 21:12-22 We see Jesus cleanse the temple (Matthew 21:12-13) and then leave the city (Matthew 21:17) and then curse the fig tree (Matthew 21:19). In Mark 11:12-18, we see Jesus curse the fig tree (Mark 11:13-14) and enter the

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Let's Look For Common Ground

Roman emperors are not generally remembered for their wisdom, but there are a few exceptions. One such exception was Marcus Aurelius, a great thinker and emperor of

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“I Am Crucified With Christ”

The correct attitude that we as Christians should have toward the call of the world versus the call of God, is exemplified in the apostle Paul

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Lord, Give Us God-Fearing People

If we’ve ever stood on the side of a cliff and peered over the edge, there’s a funny feeling we get in the pit of our stomach that is a natural reaction to the danger of heights and falling. It is called

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Best Way To Read And Study The Bible

A querist asks, “I just finished reading the New Testament and was wondering if there is a certain way to study the Bible. Where should I begin reading next?”

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What Are “Disputable Matters?”

Romans 14:1 in the NIV says, “Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters.” The ESV reads, “As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions.” The ASV says, “But him that is weak in faith receive ye, yet not for decision of […]

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

“Overcome Evil With Good”

As Jesus was passing through Samaria on His way to Jerusalem, He sent messengers ahead to prepare a place. However, the villagers refused Him because they had no

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When We Pray

When we pray, we should know and do the following: Acknowledge that our help comes from above (Psalm 121:1-2).

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Original Language Of The New Testament

A querist asks, “Were the original writings of the New Testament written in Hebrew or Greek, and what is the earliest reliable manuscript?”

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God — Our Ultimate Security System

In a December 2005 RFID Journal report, there is a primary school in Japan that tested a system to improve the security of students and also give their parents peace of mind. A radio frequency identification tag carried by each student sends a signal to receivers at school gates, and a computer shows

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Seeing God In The Ordinary

Here it is — the work week after Spring Break. For many folks, Monday represents the start of another monotonous cycle of work. Maybe it’s a mountain of washing and ironing,

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Do We Know Our Product?

Professional salespeople will tell you that one mark of a good salesperson is a thorough knowledge of his product. He knows the materials from which it is made, understands its

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Remedy For The Blues

At one time or another, we’ve all experienced them, or at least listened to other people talk about them — the blues. Times of dark discouragement and despair. However there’s

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles, uncategorized

Having A Heart For Those In Need

Like many congregations of the Lord’s people, the Montana Street congregation (3101 Montana Ave) where my wife and I worship, are generous givers — not only to those in need within the congregation, but to those outside its walls as well.

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