Let's Look At Realistic Expectations
In growing older, one of the things this writer has learned is not to expect too much from people. For example, many folks will say they are going to do something, and they disappoint us when
In growing older, one of the things this writer has learned is not to expect too much from people. For example, many folks will say they are going to do something, and they disappoint us when
In the Old Testament, Job and Daniel had much in common because both went through serious trials and challenges. Both had great success because of the blessing of God’s
The story is told of a Russian Christian living under the communist regime, who learned that a friend had acquired a Bible. Since he didn’t own one, he asked his friend if he could borrow it. His friend told him that he read his Bible every evening until 10 p.m. So each night for 8 […]
The story is told of a successful Christian businessman who was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor to take over his business. Instead of choosing one of his directors or his children, he decided to do something different. He called all the young executives in his company
From all over the world, long lines of visitors wait patiently day after day to visit Lenin’s Tomb and view his embalmed body. Although he died in 1924, the corpse of this Communist leader has relatively suffered no decomposition. In fact, it looks deceptively lifelike. And its
Recently, I read where a city employee in one California city, sued the city for damages after he backed a dump truck into his own parked car. The man’s argument was that
After the death of Moses, Joshua was commissioned by God not only to be the leader of Israel, but given the daunting task of conquering the land of Caanan as well (Joshua 1:1-6).
Compared to women, some folks say that all men are at least a little colorblind. This may be true, because in the hazy light of early morning, it’s a struggle to distinguish my black socks from my navy
On the morning of July 4th, 1776, the founding fathers signed the declaration of independence. Later on that same day, a British armada carrying some 34,000 British soldiers began landing on Staten Island where Lt. Gen. Sir William Howe made his headquarters. On August 22nd, the British began preparing to cross from Staten Island to […]
The story is told of a father whose young daughter was killed in a car accident. Recalling the terrible tragedy, he told a close friend, “I cried easily before my daughter’s accident — Now I find myself crying all of
The story is told of a driving instructor who was stopped by police after a minor accident with a truck. When asked for his driver’s license, he couldn’t provide one. He had been
In the book of Judges, we read an account of God’s people descending into spiritual indifference and rebellion. After the death of Joshua and his peers, we read that the next generation “forsook the Lord God of their fathers …. and they followed other gods from among the gods of the people who were all […]
The evening is my favorite part of the day. It’s a time to look back, take stock, and reflect on the events of the day, no matter whether they’re good or bad. As I study God’s word,
Have we ever taken a vacation where we knew we would have a great time, but on the way we had so many traveling difficulties that we wondered if the journey was worth it?
The story is told of an eccentric old man who carried an oil can with him everywhere he went. If he passed through a squeaky door or a stiff gate, he applied oil to the hinges. His
When a storm arrives over El Paso, thunder rolls across the Franklin Mountains, crashing and echoing through the peaks and canyons, shaking the ground with deafening sounds
In one of Charles Schultz’ Peanuts comic strips, the character Marcie gives her schoolteacher some flowers. Not to be outdone, Peppermint Patty says to the teacher, “I
A querist asks, “The Bible talks about Cain getting married. My question is who did he marry? If Adam and Eve where the only people in the beginning, where did Cain’s mate come from?”
One day while meeting with His disciples by the sea of Galilee (Tiberias), Jesus asked Simon Peter a heart-searching question when He asked, “Do you love Me?” (John 21:17 – NKJV). Then the risen Lord told His disciple Peter that his future would lead to
A querist asks, “What is a good approach to help one who is a Christian but feels as if they are going to hell in a handbasket?“