Regarding The Value Of People
The story is told of a young man who grew up in an environment of poverty, a broken home, and a violent neighborhood. He skipped school often and was difficult to handle. But when a friend was shot
The story is told of a young man who grew up in an environment of poverty, a broken home, and a violent neighborhood. He skipped school often and was difficult to handle. But when a friend was shot
Most people consider meekness to be weakness. In a world dominated by the strong — ruthless dictators, callous drug traffickers, and powerful corporate leaders — no one wants to be classified as the “wimp” everyone takes advantage of. But is that the biblical concept of meekness?
The saying, “You can never outgive God” may be doubted by miserly people, but the inspired writer Paul fully supports this saying. Having just received their generous gifts
In the mid-1970s, Ed Roberts built the world’s first commercially successful personal computer (PC). He hired Bill Gates and Paul Allen to write software for him.
The story is told of a soldier whose life was changed after he successfully completed the obstacle course in Air Force basic training on his first attempt. In fact, he completed the course far ahead of everyone else.
William Cowper, the 19th-century English poet and hymnwriter, struggled with recurring bouts of depression throughout his life. Perhaps that’s why his hymns still touch us deeply
The story is told of a little boy with a big and compassionate heart. His next-door neighbor was an elderly man whose wife had recently died. When the youngster saw the elderly man crying, he simply climbed up onto his
God’s word gives us some inspired advice regarding the spiritual ideals for we are to “stand.” The following are some Scriptures which gives emphasis to our “standing” for
A father was reading a bedtime story to his young daughter, as he did almost every night before she went to sleep. She had chosen a zoo book, and to her active imagination, it was as if she and her father were actually there at the zoo.
The story is told of a little boy who tried his best to save money to buy his mother a present. It was a terrible struggle because he gave in so easily to the temptation to buy
Is there something that seems to be working against us today — time, health, money, opportunity, people? Sometimes it’s easy to feel that everything and everyone is against us. We know we’re supposed to trust God, but it’s difficult to understand why He would allow our
The prophet Habakkuk was awaiting the destruction of his country (Judah) by the ruthless Chaldeans, whose army was called by God to punish His people for their disobedient and evil ways (Habakkuk 1:5-6). Through faith in the Lord he stated:
The story is told of a Christian doctor who made a house call to a man who was very ill and near death. Being afraid to die, the man asked his physician, “Doctor, What happens to a Christian in the hour of death?” His doctor softly answered, “I don’t think anyone really knows for sure.”
On my grandparent’s farm, we had a chicken coop that would often be invaded by rats because they were attracted by the feed. My grandfather once asked me if I would help him set out a couple of traps. After a week, we had not caught a single rat. Then a farmer friend offered him […]
On just about any mission trip, one thing can be assured, there are going to be some interesting stories. Recently, while in Panama, I had the opportunity to participate in a youth camp for a few days. Around 4:00 AM, Thursday, February 1st, 2007, I awoke to embark upon such a camp. We did so […]
If we could hear a recording of our conversations for a single day, we might be amazed (and surprised) at how much we grumble and complain.
What we do with the Bible depends on what we do with the first sentence in Genesis Chapter 1. The sentence begins with this simple statement: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). If we believe that statement, we can believe everything else that follows. If we reject that statement, […]
Becoming rich and famous does not guarantee contentment. If it did, multimillionaire athletes and Hollywood celebrities would not jeopardize their careers by using illicit drugs.
The story is told of a man who once got in trouble for helping someone. Because he had been raised in a rural area, he was in the habit of stopping to assist troubled motorists.
The saying, “Money is power,” is the principle that drives most societies of the world (including our own). People scramble for wealth, often at the price of personal integrity, in