The Basic “Flaw”

Problems of a thousand kinds, in a thousand areas of life, have the researchers poring over plans, systems, procedures, behavior, etc. – all looking for the basic flaw causing the malfunction. Current space probes scheduled, and then repeatedly cancelled, show us that the search goes on for the “flaw.” Science was not my “big thing” […]

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Is Mercy and Grace Sufficient For You?

Is mercy and grace sufficient for you? Or is your love based on things I can do? If you had no voice, with which to sing Would you still find a way to give praise to my name? If you had no ear, with which to hear Would you still know my words and hold […]

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

I Long To See Your Glory Lord

I long to see your glory Lord, It comes to mind each day. To see you coming in the clouds, To hear the trumpet voice proclaimed. The time is here, He has returned Confirming truths that He revealed, When He walked as man on earth, Now every knee will bow to Him! We know that […]

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Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

Spiritual Worship

We worship thee today, oh Lord, before Thy throne we come. We seek what pleases thee, dear Lord, and not to serve our own. We worship as Thou wilt, oh Lord, not through our own devices. With faith within Thy word, oh Lord, we bring our lives devoted. We bow, we sing, we give, we […]

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The Best Hamburgers in Town

The Christian is to live a well-ordered life. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). As time goes on, we are all the more convinced that balance is the key to successful living for the Lord. Balance is the key for elders, as they take care that material and financial […]

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