Tom Moore Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Evolution #1*


A. Genesis 1:1

1. Today the Bible’s account of the origin of all things is being called into question.

2. Many are saying that the first eleven chapters of Genesis are merely a myth.

3. Many are excepting the evolutionist’s explanation of origins and are rejecting the Bible’s explanation.

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Sermon on Life in Christ | Alive in Christ

Sermon on Life in Christ Ephesians 2:1-10 INTRODUCTION: A. Someone once said that “those born once must die twice, while those born twice must die but once.” B. The statement that “those born once must die twice” is made in view of the fact that 1. One born physically must die physically 2. And, one […]

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Sermon on Judging Others – Judge Not, That Ye Be Not Judged

Judge not, that ye be not judged – Sermon outline by Tom Moore from Jesus’ words in Matthew 7:1-6. Sermon from the sermon on the mount.

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Sermon – Prayer That Pleases God

(Matthew 6:5-15)


A. A wonderful privilege enjoyed by the children of God is prayer…

1. Through prayer we can receive mercy and grace to help in time of need – Hebrews 4:14-16

2. Through prayer we can find peace that guards our hearts and mind – Philippians 4:6-7

B. But the privilege of prayer assumes God will heed our prayers…

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Sermon on Anger | Jesus on Anger, Matthew 5:21-26


A. If a visitor from Mars were to visit an average congregation of Christians, having read the Sermon on the Mount on the way, he would perhaps be shocked by the contrast!

1. Our Lord has just called His first disciples, first showing them the nature of true discipleship (Matt. 5:3-16)

2. Now in Matthew 5:17-48, Jesus is teaching His disciples what true discipleship means

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Sermon | The Origin of Sin


A. Sin, is a word we are all familiar with, or, are we?

1. Sin comes from hamartia and literally means “to miss the mark” – it is the idea of an archer missing the target

2. Sin, though it is a small word, is a very terrible word

3. Sin is terrible because it separates man from God

a. Isaiah 59:1-2

b. Consider also – 1 John 1:6

B. Many in the religious world today try to talk as little about sin as they think they can get away with.

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Why I Am A Member of the Church of Christ #3*


A. If your friend were to ask you why you are a member of the church of Christ, would you:

1. Know how to answer them? … Paul said:

a. Be “prepared for every good work” (2 Tim 2:21)

b. “Be ready to every good work” (Tit. 3:1)

c. And, Peter said … 1 Peter 3:15

2. Or, Would we be ashamed or afraid to answer them?

a. Romans 1:16

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Sermon on the Family of God – God’s Family

Sermon on the Family of God — Sermon outline by Tom Moore from 1 Peter 2:9-10 on the church being the family of God

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Blessed Are The Meek | Sermon on Meekness


A. We are studying the Sermon on the Mount

1. We have learned that the Beatitudes are all about faith

a. How faith begins (vs. 3-5)

b. How faith develops (v. 6)

c. How faith matures (vs. 7-9)

d. How faith is tested (vs. 10-12)

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Sermon on the Work of Christ | What Christ Brings

Sermon on the Work of Christ — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the blessings that Christ brings. From Ephesians 2:11-18

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Thinking and Acting Like a Christian

INTRODUCTION: Philippians 4:8-9

A. To live the Christian life, one must think clearly and act correctly.

1. One who thinks without acting is like a hunter who aims his gun but never fires it

2. One who acts without thinking is like a hunter who fires his gun without aiming.

B. Both thinking and acting are addressed in our present text

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Why I Am a Member of the Church of Christ #4*


A. Again, let me ask you this morning why you are a member of the church of Christ? – Or, Why are you a member of the religious group that you are?

1. Is it because it is the one you were raised in?

2. Is it because it is the one where your friends go?

3. Is it because they have a lot of young people?

B. Many today believe that one church is a good as another.

1. Is one doctor as good as another? … No!

2. Is one auto mechanic as good as another? … No!

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Blessed Assurance Sermon | Our Confidence in Salvation

Blessed Assurance Sermon — One of the greatest things that the child of God enjoys is confidence. It can help him endure the turmoils of this life

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Earth-Based, but Heaven Bound

INTRODUCTION: Philippians 3:17 – 4:1 A. Where are you right now? 1. Look around – what do you see? Touch something with your hand. 2. This is the world that we experience with our five senses – this is the world with which we are familiar 3. This is the world that holds the attention […]

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Qualifications of an Elder #1 – Experience, Home and Habits


A. It can be positively asserted and then sustained that only divine wisdom could have produced the qualifications of an elder necessary for one to function acceptably in the eldership in the Lord’s church.

1. Human wisdom would have added … or taken away.

2. God’s qualifications are perfect for the job.

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Members One of Another

Introduction: A. The Scriptures Clearly Teach This: 1. Rom 12:5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. (KJV) 2. Romans 12:5 so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. (NASB) B. Paul makes over 30 references to the […]

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Improper Attitudes Toward Sin


A. In our series on “sin” we have so far discussed: The Origin of Sin – What Sin Is – Kinds of Sin – What Sin Will Do To You

B. In the lesson of this hour we will be discussing “Improper Attitudes Toward Sin”

1. This is an important study because attitudes determine our actions

2. Proverbs 4:23

a. The “heart” (the mind) is from where all our actions originate

b. If we obey God, it is because we have a mind of obedience, by way of illustration … “a mind to work” (Neh. 4:6)

c. The attitude that we hold toward sin will greatly influence us in regard to how we react to the sin in our lives and in the lives of others

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Undeniable Facts About Who Will Enter The Kingdom of Heaven


A. Most people believe they will go to heaven when they die…

1. Their hope is fostered by the comforting words of many preachers, priests, and rabbis

2. Their hope is based upon the idea that heaven is for all believers, or for those whose good works outweigh the bad

B. But are such hopes well-founded?

1. Will most people go to heaven when they die?

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Sermon on Self-Esteem – Spiritual Growth and Self-Esteem

Sermon on Self-Esteem – Sermon outline by Tom Moore on spiritual growth as it is affected by self-esteem.

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What Have They Seen In Thine House?

TITLE: Sermon on Christian Influence | What Have They Seen In Thy House?


A. In 2 Kings 18:1, a man by the name of Hezekiah became the 13th king of Judah.

1. Of his reign we are told – 2 Kings 18:3

2. Hezekiah was a great king, but he displayed weakness of character when the king of Babylon sent messengers…

a. These messengers came to congratulate Hezekiah upon his recovery from a very serious illness.

b. Hezekiah seems to have the idea that he must convince the king of Babylon, through his messengers, that he was indeed a mighty king.

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