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The Life and Times of Nehemiah #7. Conspiracy to Stop the Work

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1. Sometimes people will stop at nothing to prevent the work of the Lord from being accomplished.

2. What we see unfolding in Nehemiah 6 is Sanballat and company’s conspiracy to stop Nehemiah’s efforts in doing the work of the Lord. Nehemiah 6:1-2

3. The work of Nehemiah was nearly complete, and in a last-ditch effort to stop the work – Sanballat and company resort to conspiracy.

4. Let us now consider the various acts of conspiracy that Nehemiah had to overcome in doing the work of the Lord.


I.   Priorities

1. Nehemiah 6:2-3. They wanted Nehemiah to come down to the plains of Ono (a halfway point between Samaria and Jerusalem), hoping to convince Nehemiah that they wanted to compromise.

2. But Nehemiah said, “Oh no” – he knew that they thought to do him only harm.

3. Nehemiah was able to resist this ploy because he had his priorities right. Nehemiah knew he was involved in “a great work” and would not leave it to do something less important – Nehemiah’s priority was doing the work of the Lord.

4. If we are going to accomplish great things in the work of the Lord we must have our priorities set properly.

1) Haggai 1:3-4 … were concerned more with themselves than they were with God.

2) 2 Chronicles 1:7-12 … Solomon had his priorities correct.

3) Matthew 6:33

4) Luke 9:59-62

5) Luke 10:38-42

6) The things of God must be our first priority.

5. Without having the proper priorities in life we will be constantly making bad decisions.

II.  Slander

1. Nehemiah 6:4-9 …

2. Efforts to lead Nehemiah to the slaughter at Ono ended in frustration. However, refusing to be outdone, Sanballat went public with a campaign of slander and intimidation.

1) Normally correspondence to an official of state would have been sealed, but this letter was open and intended for more than the eyes and ears of the addressee.

2) In fact, it may have been delivered in much the same manner as the letter sent by Sennacherib to Hezekiah (2 Kings 18:17-19:14; 2 Chronicles 32:9-20).

3. The letter set forth allegations of a rumor spreading among the nations around Judah. The rumor was twofold:

1) The walls were being build for a rebellion.

2) Nehemiah had appointed prophets to proclaim him as king of Judah.

4. Nehemiah categorically denied the charges; they were only inventions of the evil heart of Sanballat.

5. Note again Nehemiah 6:9

1) Nehemiah expressed strong conviction that God would help him overcome this slander – He did not allow slander to stop him in his work for the Lord.

2) Again he resorted to prayer.

6. Today, we too may be slandered as we do the work of the Lord.

1) For example we may be accused of:

a. “Trying to run the church.”

b. “Being mean spirited.”

c. “Being a trouble-maker.”

2) There may even be hurtful rumors spread about you and your family.

7. Proverbs 11:9 … Many will try to destroy us with their tongue.

8. Jeremiah 18:18 … Some will try to smite us with their tongue.

9. Acts 14:2 … There will be those who will try to stir up trouble through slander.

10. Like Nehemiah, we must be strong and not give in to slander in doing the work of the Lord.

III. Hired Traitors

1. Nehemiah 6:10-13 …

2. Shemaiah wanted to take Nehemiah into the temple on the pretense of protecting his life.

1) Nehemiah quickly responded that such a man as he could not enter God’s sanctuary; the law of the Lord reserved that privilege only for the priests.

2) Numbers 18:7 …

3) Situation ethics? (No, wrong is wrong no matter what the circumstances.)

3. Nehemiah said, “Should such a man as I flee?”

1) Nehemiah served as both leader and example to the people.

2) Could he expect them to lay their lives on the line for the Lord while he sheltered his own in the safety of God’s house?

4. Nehemiah also said, “I discerned, and, lo, God had not sent him.”

1) Nehemiah was a shrewd ruler, and by careful analysis of the situation realized that he was being set up.

2) Again, Nehemiah appeals to God … Nehemiah 6:14 … He asked God to remember those cruel and vindictive men for their evil in opposing the work of God.

5. Notice these valuable lessons:

1) Situation ethics is wrong even in doing the work of the Lord.

2) The importance of a good example in doing the work of the Lord.

3) We must consider situations carefully while doing the work of the Lord.

6. We must not allow anything to keep us from doing the work of the Lord.

IV.  Internal Corruption

1. Nehemiah 6:15-19.

2. A constant stream of information has flowed to Tobiah from those on the inside pledged to him. This caused Nehemiah much trouble and aggravation.

3. This is one of Satan’s most deadly weapons.

1) Acts 20:28-30 …

2) Paul warns the Ephesian elders of internal corruption.

4. Thus, 1 John 4:1, 6 comes into play.


1. Nehemiah is an amazing man.

1) He continued to do the work of the Lord even in the face of possible murder, slander, hired traitors, and internal corruption.

2) Nehemiah used wisdom and willpower to accomplish this great feat.

3) He was not going to allow anything to prevent him from accomplishing great things for the Lord.

2. Will we be willing to do what it takes in doing the work of the Lord?

3. Will we allow difficulties to stop the work of the Lord?

4. May we all be a Nehemiah.