Tom Moore Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

The True Meaning to Life #5 – A Study in Ecclesiastes

INTRODUCTION: A. If ever there was a present-day subject that needs, in the worse way, to be salvaged by and for the Savior, it is this one: “The Folly of Living for Self.” 1. All to many are living “Me-Deep In Self” 2. Too many are plagues with the disease of “Me-ism” B. It is […]

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Parable Of The Two Builders


A. Matthew 7:24-29

1. As this passage begins with “therefore” it is certain these statements of the Lord are rooted in the preceding passage.

2. In fact, they are a fitting conclusion to the entire “Sermon on the Mount.”

3. If we do not put these sayings of Christ to practice, i.e. the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount, our spiritual house will fall in this life and come to utter ruin in the world to come.

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The Descriptive Word of God

INTRODUCTION A. “Born in the east and clothed in oriental form and imagery, the Bible walks all the world with familiar feet and enters land after land to find its own everywhere. It has learned to speak in hundreds of languages to the heart of man. Children listen to its stories with wonder and delight, […]

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Sermon on Spiritual Growth – Spiritual Growth is a Choice

Sermon on Spiritual Growth — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the necessity of spiritual growth.

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Sermon on Lot – When Sodom Lived in Lot’s Family

Sermon on Lot — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the effect of Lot’s choice to live in Sodom.

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Fruit of the Spirit Peace Sermon – Galatians 5:22


1. Another grace experienced by those whose lives are in tune with the Spirit of God is that of peace (Gal. 5:22).

1) That the Spirit of God should induce peace in the children of God should be understandable in light of the fact that…

2) Their heavenly Father is “the God of peace” (1 The. 5:23)

3) Their Lord Jesus Christ is called “Prince of peace” (Isa. 9:6)

2. But one might ask…

1) What is this peace enjoyed by those who walk in the Spirit?

2) How does one come to have this peace?

3) How we can be sure to preserve this peace, and enjoy it to its fullest extent?

3. As we continue our study of “The Flesh and The Spirit,” and especially as we focus on “the fruit of the Spirit” (Gal. 5:22-23), we now turn our attention to the subject of peace…

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Sermon | Idols in the Heart

Sermon on Idols INTRODUCTION: A. Ezekiel 14:3-4, 7 1. These God’s people had committed a great evil — they had set up idols in the heart 2. The picture on the screen is suggestive of the golden calf worshiped by Israel.

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Blessed are the Poor in Spirit – Heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven

Blessed are the poor in spirit — Sermon outline by Tom Moore from the beatitudes defining what it means to be poor in spirit and an heir of the kingdom of Heaven.

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The Life and Times of Nehemiah #7. Conspiracy to Stop the Work


1. Sometimes people will stop at nothing to prevent the work of the Lord from being accomplished.

2. What we see unfolding in Nehemiah 6 is Sanballat and company’s conspiracy to stop Nehemiah’s efforts in doing the work of the Lord. Nehemiah 6:1-2

3. The work of Nehemiah was nearly complete, and in a last-ditch effort to stop the work – Sanballat and company resort to conspiracy.

4. Let us now consider the various acts of conspiracy that Nehemiah had to overcome in doing the work of the Lord.

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Sermon on Works of the Flesh – Crucifying The Flesh


A. Galatians 5:19-23

1. Concerning the “works of the flesh” Paul:

a. Said they were “manifest,” i.e. they are very apparent, clear, well-known, clearly perceived to be works of a fleshly nature.

b. Provides us a list

c. Pointed out the significance of them — “they who practice such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God”

2. Concerning the “fruit of the Spirit” Paul also gives us a list

a. These touch three beautiful basics to Christianity:

1) Godly living — living right with God

2) Righteousness — living right with others

3) Being sober — living right with self

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Lessons from the Church at Antioch


A. Without question, the church of Christ is the greatest institution on earth.

1. Granted, there are many man made organizations that do much good, yet none are comparable to the body of Christ — it has no rival.

2. The church did not come by chance, nor was it the invention of man.

3. The Almighty had it in His eternal mind to prepare, plan, and plant His church over which Christ would be the head and in which are all the saved

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Seeking the Truth from the Master Teacher


A. Jesus is correctly called the “Master Teacher”

1. Jesus was not like the religious leaders of His day (or any day), because He had the knowledge and authority needed to instruct others in the most effect way.

2. Matthew 7:28-29

B. There are many today who claim we cannot know truth, or that it is too difficult to obtain

1. Such false teaching leads many to become discouraged – not seeing the need for study

2. The Bible teaches that we can come to a knowledge of truth

3. Ephesians 3:3-4 – truth is knowable

a. John 8:30-32

1) Thus, through Christ we can know truth

2) A mark of a true disciple is one who continually seeks for truth

b. Acts 17:11

c. John 5:39

1) Seeking truth is vitally important

2) Let us now consider what seeking the truth from the Master Teacher is like …

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The Life and Times of Nehemiah #4. Tribute to the Faithful

INTRODUCTION: A. God has always honored those who were willing to go against all odds, or render an extraordinary service. 1. The name Moses is a household word for millions still today, but the name Pharaoh who opposed him is a matter of much speculation, even among scholars (Exodus 5:1-2) 2. We know well Elijah […]

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The Problem of Evil


A. Judges 6:1-6

1. For seven years Israel was victimized by the Midianites.

2. Israel’s crops were destroyed, their livestock was confiscated, and the people were forced to seek refuge in the dens and caves of the mountains.

B. During this difficult period “the angel of the Lord” appeared unto Gideon ….. Judges 6:12-13

1. This very question is what many are asking today!

2. Many are asking, If God is with us:

a. Why did my child have to die from cancer?

b. Why was my wife killed in a car wreck?

c. Why was my child molested?

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Sermon – The Omnipresence of God

Sermon – THE OMNIPRESENCE OF GOD (Jeremiah 23:23) INTRODUCTION: A. In the thirteenth year of Josiah, Jeremiah was called to his prophetic office in about 627 BC 1. His preaching was done during early Babylonian period, through the fall of Jerusalem (586 BC), and into the captivity. 2. The work of this great prophet was […]

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Sermon on Loving God – The Pivotal Command


A. In Mark 12:30-31 we have a very pivotal command for every Christian, a command that is at the very heart of Christianity.

1. If these verses are not engrained in our daily living then we will never be spiritually what we ought to be

2. It is indeed the pivotal command

B. Mark 12:28-31

C. We know these verses, we have heard them often, and we understand that they mean we are to love God with our total being and our neighbor as our self

1. Many claim to love God

2. Many say they love God

3. Many say they love their neighbor

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Sermon – The Way of Cain

The Way of Cain — Sermon outline by Tom Moore from the book of Jude applying the sin of Cain.

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Sermon on Complaining – Complaints in the Camp

Sermon on Complaining — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the sin of complaining. From 1 Corinthians 10:1-11.

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Acting Like Our Father (Love Your Enemies)

Acting Like Our Father (Love Your Enemies)
Matthew 5:43-48


A. When Jesus spoke about “Responding To Evil”, He laid down two principles:

1. Do not resist an evil person (Mt. 5:39a)

2. Respond to evil by doing good (Mt. 5:39b-42)

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The Pre-existence of Christ

Sermon on the Pre-existence of Christ INTRODUCTION: A. Jesus Christ did not begin to exist when He was born in Bethlehem, nor even when He was conceived within the virgin, Mary. B. Scripture teaches that Jesus Christ, unlike us, existed long before His conception and birth. 1. This is not just an intellectual point or […]

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