Tom Moore Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

The Change Movement – The Roots of Change


A. Churches of Christ are experiencing shock and heartache all over America as they are being torn asunder by those who wish to restructure the church

1. The church is under siege from within

2. Many, if not most, of our Christian colleges are promoting this restructuring

3. Many of our liberal brethren insist that change is absolutely necessary if the church is to remain “relevant” to society & “appealing” to human culture

B. Jude 3

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Sermon on Priorities | I Count All Things But Loss

INTRODUCTION: Read Philippians 3:4-11

A. Many businesses issue periodic profit-and-loss statements

1. Profit and losses are listed to show whether or not a company made money

2. Jewish rabbis used this kind of accountant terminology to compare what was important and what was not

3. Jesus used a similar approach, Matthew 16:26

B. In our text of study Paul included his own profit-and-loss statement, Philippians 3:7-8

C. As we investigate the text before us, we will see what mattered to Paul and what did not.

D. Each of need to ask, “What is truly important to me?”

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The Trials of Jesus


A. The trial and crucifixion of Jesus the Christ are the greatest miscarriages of justice in all the annals of history

1. In less than twelve hours, just before His crucifixion, Jesus the Christ was put through a series of proceedings that give the term “railroad” a whole new meaning.

2. First before Jewish officials, then before Roman authorities, Jesus was hauled before illegal assemblies, falsely accused, subjected to verbal and physical abuse, and finally sentenced to death by a spineless politician who had pronounced Him not guilty at least three (probably four) times and repeatedly stated his intentions to release Him.

B. Not only did these trials violate the […]

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You Are The Salt Of The Earth Sermon – Our Relationship to the World


A. We now leave the Beatitudes altogether and move into the next section of the Sermon on the Mount

1. Remember, however, that the beatitudes have to do with two things

a. Faith – beginning, growth, maturity and testing

b. Character of people who would be disciples of Jesus

2. It is essential to remember the beatitudes because they set up a foundation upon which the rest of the sermon is built

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Sermon on My Brother’s Keeper – Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

Sermon outline by Tom Moore. We are warned by the negative example of Cain that we have a responsibility toward those around us. We are indeed our brothers’ keeper.

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How to be Happy in Chains

Philippians 1:3-11


A. As Paul wrote Philippians he was imprisoned in chains in Rome (1:13)

1. He could have spent his time in self-pity and complaint – but he didn’t

2. Instead, he spent his time encouraging others: “Rejoice in the Lord always: again I will say, Rejoice” (Phil. 4:4)

B. You and I may not be physically bound, but most of us wear “chain” of varying sizes and lengths:

1. Failing health or a serious medical problem

2. An unhappy marriage or children who break our hearts

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Sermon on Tabernacle – Lessons from the Tabernacle*

Sermon on Tabernacle — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the typology of the Tabernacle and its furniture.

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The Need For Vision In Our Work


A. John 4:35

B. The word “vision” means the ability to see things that are visible – but we also use it to mean the ability to see other things:”Vision is the art of seeing things invisible”

1. Vision is the “unusual competence in discernment or perception; intelligent foresight”

2. Who has not heard a founding father of some community eulogized as a “man of vision”?

C. Without the imagination to visualize worthy goals and the foresight to see how these can be realized, very little of importance is achieved.

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The Change Movement – The Assault on Worship

INTRODUCTION: A. Much of the change being promoted among the Lord’s church today is centered around worship 1. These changes include church music, lifting up hands, hand-clapping, drama, female leadership, observing religious holidays, dedicating babies, the Lord’s Supper, Sunday night cluster groups, children’s worship, preaching style and worship environment. 2. Each of these items will […]

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Blessed Are They Who Mourn


A. We are studying the Sermon on the Mount

1. The greatest single collection of the thoughts and teachings of Jesus

2. Our Lord begins with what we know as the beatitudes, which shows us some important things about faith:

a. The beginning of faith

b. The growth or development of faith

c. The maturing of faith

d. The proving or testing of faith

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Every Act Counts


A. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

B. Our age tends to blur distinctions and throw everything into a “gray area” – but in the Scriptures matters are more clear-cut.

C. In the world there are good people and there are bad people: those who lovingly obey their God and those who stubbornly reject Him

1. Romans 2:5-10

a. Two destinies await […]

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Fruit of the Spirit Joy Sermon – Galatians 5:22


1. Those who are influenced and directed by the sword of the Spirit will produce “the fruit of the Spirit” in their lives … Galatians 5:22-23

1) We noted in our previous study that there is not a plurality of fruits, but one fruit

2) Yes, only one fruit that is made up of several interrelated graces or virtues, all of which will be manifested if one is truly walking in the Spirit

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The Soul at Death


A. We are keenly aware of the reality of death

1. I am sure that we have had friends and loved ones who have ceased to have life in the body.

2. Hebrews 9:27

B. The body is said to be “mortal” (Rom. 8:11)

1. The word “mortal” means that it is subject to death, or dying is in its nature.

2. However, such is not said concerning the soul … 2 Corinthians 4:16

3. Thus man has a dual nature — of body and soul

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“Is Not My Word Like Fire”

“Is Not My Word Like Fire…” INTRODUCTION: A. Jeremiah 23:21-32 is found in a context speaking against the false prophet. 1. Verse 21 … God said that there were some prophets who He did not send, nor spoke to, and yet, they RAN to prophesy. a. More true prophets need to run to prophesy b. […]

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1 Samuel 15 Sermon – The Disobedience of Saul

INTRODUCTION: 1 Samuel 15:1-31

A. In 1 Samuel 8 we find an incident that forever changed Israel’s course – and it was a change for the worse.

1. 1 Samuel 8:1-7

a. They rejected God as their King and wanted to be like the nations around them.

b. They were warned of the results of this kind of rebellion… 1 Samuel 8:18-19

2. Saul was the people’s choice to be their first king

a. Saul’s reign was filled with one indiscretion after another

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The Truth About The Compassion of Jesus

Sermon on the Compassion of Jesus– Sermon outline by Tom Moore showing the compassion of Christ as an example to us today.

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Lay Up Treasure In Heaven

Matthew 6:19-24


A. In writing to Timothy, Paul described the danger of seeking to be rich…

1. The desire to be rich is filled with temptations which have destroyed many – 1 Timothy 6:9

2. The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil which have led many astray – 1 Timothy 6:10

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The Parable of the Wedding Feast – Sermon on the Lord’s Invitation

INTRODUCTION: Read Matthew 22:1-14

A. Jesus the Master Teacher taught often in parables.

1. The word parable is derived from a Greek word signifying to compare together, and denotes a similitude taken from a natural object to illustrate a spiritual or moral subject.

2. It is a narrative of some fictitious or real event, in order to illustrate more clearly some truth that the speaker wished to communicate.

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Sermon on Lot | Lot’s Completely Epic Bad Decision

INTRODUCTION: Genesis 13:8-13

A. Lot is mentioned by name 29 times in the Genesis record

1. In the context of Abraham’s family six times.

2. Once in the context of strife.

3. Three times in the context of choosing the best land according to its appearance, and his separation from Abram

4. Once in the context of separation from Abram alone.

5. Once when he was captured by evil kings.

6. Once when he was rescued by Abram.

7. Once when he was doing […]

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Kinds of Sin


A. In our series of lessons on sin we have discussed thus far:

1. “The Origin of Sin

2. And, “What Sin Is”

B. As we have previously discussed, the importance of understanding and avoiding sin is easily seen in the following passages:

1. Isaiah 59:1-2

2. Romans 6:23

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