Tom Moore Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Sermon on Church of Christ: Church Government

INTRODUCTION: A. In our series of studies on church leadership, there is a very critical item that needs to be discussed and understood, and that is “How is the church to be governed?” 1. What role do the elders, deacons, and other leaders in the church play with regard to church government? 2. What are […]

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The Two Builders

INTRODUCTION: A. Matthew 7:24-27 1. This passage begins with “therefore” — thus, these statements are rooted in the previous passages. 2. In fact, they are a fitting conclusion to the entire “Sermon on the Mount.” 3. If we do not put these sayings of Christ to practice, i.e. the teachings of the Sermon on the […]

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Sermon on Discipleship – Divine Signposts

Sermon on Discipleship — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the signs in the lives of Christians that show the world who we really are.

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Sermon on the Plumbline – The God of the Plumbline

Sermon on the Plumbline – Tom Moore stresses God’s standard (His plumbline) as our rule or standard for our every word and action today.

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Blessed are the Pure in Heart


A. We continue our study of the beatitudes which serve to introduce the Sermon on the Mount by Jesus

1. Together, the beatitudes teach us about faith – how to have faith and how to be a person of faith

a. The beginning of faith – poor in spirit / mourners / the meek

b. The growth of faith – hunger & thirst after righteousness

c. The maturing of faith begins with being merciful

2. Today we will have more on the maturing of faith

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The Church Moving Forward #3, Dangers to Avoid


A. We have been discussing the idea of the Church Moving Forward.

1. The church needs to be thinking about the future

a. Looking forward, thinking forward, planning forward, and moving forward

b. This is critical! The church’s future depends on it!

2. Philippians 3:12-14

B. In our past lessons we discussed:

1. Challenges to accept

a. Making a difference in the world

b. Evangelizing our local community

c. Developing leadership

d. Abiding in God’s word

2. Enemies to defeat

a. Ignorance

b. Apathy

c. Unbelief

d. Sin

C. In this lesson we are going to discuss DANGERS TO AVOID

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True Worship #8 – Gospel Preaching


A. This is our last lesson in our series on “True Worship”

1. Let us be reminded …Psalm 96:8-9

2. John 4:23-24

B. Our worship each Lord’s Day is to consist of:

1. Singing

2. Lord’s Supper

3. Prayer

4. Giving of our means

5. Preaching

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Beware of False Prophets Sermon – Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

Beware of False Prophets

Bible Verse: Matthew 7:15-20


A. Many people like to think that you can trust religious leaders

1. Ministers normally rank high in polls concerning people you can trust

2. People will often accept whatever a preacher, priest, or rabbi says as the truth

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The True Meaning to Life #8. A Study in Ecclesiastes

INTRODUCTION: A. In the first six chapters the Solomon has shared with us: 1. His search for meaning to life (chs. 1-2). 2. His observations during this search (chs. 3-6). B. He has repeated his conclusions time and again… 1. Life “under the sun” is vanity. 2. Yet there is good that one can do, […]

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The Resurrection of Jesus Christ – Sermon Outline by Tom Moore

INTRODUCTION: A. 1 Corinthians 15:17 B. It would be hard to exaggerate the importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 1. If He arose, then He conquered death, His righteousness is fully vindicated, and our hope in Him for our own salvation and resurrection is well-founded. 2. If, on the other hand, He did not […]

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Sermon on Nehemiah 5 – The Life and Times of Nehemiah #6

INTRODUCTION: A. Nehemiah bravely, as a wise and faithful governor, stood upon his guard against the attacks of enemies as we noted in the previous lesson. 1. Here we have Nehemiah no less bold and active to deal grievances at home, and, having kept them from being destroyed by their enemies, now to keep them […]

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Elders in the Bible | Ordaining Elders in the Church

Ordaining Elders in the Church. Sermon outline by Tom Moore giving God’s counsel on ordaining elders in every city. INTRODUCTION: A. God has set forth a pattern for His church. 1. A pattern for: a. Worship b. Entrance into the Church c. Organization 2. Hebrews 8:5 3. I am pleased that the church here wants […]

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2 Timeless Examples to Help You See Obedience to God

(Matthew 21:28-32)


A. The Background of the Parable

1. The background to this parable is to be found in Matthew 21:23-27

2. Jesus had previously in this chapter entered triumphantly into Jerusalem – with great joy of the crowd, He had run the moneychangers out of the temple, and He had denounced the fig tree so that it withered.

3. The chief priests and the elders of the people wanted to know by what authority He was doing these things.

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Self-Centeredness – When Self Is at the Center

INTRODUCTION: A. Philippians 2:3-4 B. Self-centeredness is a very, very old problem 1. The first sin in the world was committed when Satan talked Eve into thinking that her own will was self-sufficient 2. Genesis 3:1-6 C. Yet, self-centeredness is a peculiarly modern way of thinking, too. 1. Humanism, the prevailing philosophy of the modern […]

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Sermon on Discipline in the Church | Exactly What is Church Discipline?

Sermon on Discipline in the Church –Sermon outline by Tom Moore on withdrawing fellowship, disfellowship, or what exactly church discipline is.


A. Can you imagine what it would be like to live in a society where citizens could flaunt the rules and absolutely no consequences would follow/no fines, no imprisonment, etc.?

1. Can you conceive of a home environment where children are allowed to do whatever they please with utterly no discipline imposed?

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God’s Ledger of Life

INTRODUCTION: A. Most of us are familiar with the principle of bookkeeping 1. We have, assets and liabilities. 2. When liabilities outweigh assets, we have a problem. 3. Assets and liabilities have a much wider application today B. People in a company, or in religion, may be an asset, or a liability. 1. Too many […]

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The True Meaning to Life #9. A Study in Ecclesiastes


A. Previously in Ecclesiastes 7:1-10 Solomon provided counsel for a better life showing that:

1. Honor is better than luxury

2. Death is better than your birth

3. A funeral is better than a party

4. The end is better than the beginning

5. The present is better than the past

6. This counsel is designed to make the best of life, especially since life “under the sun”is vanity

B. Now in Ecclesiastes 7:11-29 Solomon provides us with even more counsel to help us in life “under the sun”

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Why I Am a Member of the Church of Christ #5*


A. In previous lessons we have that noticed that I am a member of the church of Christ because:

1. It was founded by the scriptural builder – Christ

2. It was founded on THE scriptural foundation

3. It was founded at the scriptural place – Jerusalem

4. Christ is the founder of only one church – His church

5. It is scriptural in name.

B. This morning we will notice that I am a member of the church of Christ because it is scriptural in organization.

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Fatherhood in the Bible

I.   Introduction

A. There is a great need in our day for fathers to live up to their God-given tasks.

1. One of the reasons that the church is as weak as it is in many places is because fathers are not fulfilling their spiritual duties

2. One of the reasons that some many of the youth of our day are involved in drugs, premarital sex, gangs activity, and a host of other sinful things is because fathers are not fulfilling their responsibilities

B. It is time that we as fathers and grandfathers realize the awesome responsibility we have in molding our children’s spiritual lives

1. It is time that fathers do more with their children that just play ball or paper dolls with them.

2. It is time for fathers to act like spiritual giants in the family

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Sermon on Genesis 22:1-14 – The Offering of Isaac


A. Genesis 22:1-14 is the high-water mark in the book of Genesis, in the life of Abraham, and in the life of Isaac.

B. The offering of Isaac is discussed three times in the Bible (Genesis 22:1-14; James 2:2:21-22; Hebrews 11:17-19)

1. In James 2:21-22 and Hebrews 11:17-19, this event is discussed in the context of genuine faith.

2. Abraham is the Faith’s Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11, along with many other great servants of faith.

C. God had made a promise to Abraham

1. Genesis 12:1-3

2. This promise was given six times to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3; 13:14-18; 15:17; 18:16-19; 22:17-19)

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