Tom Moore Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Overcoming Discontentment



A. “Contentment is a pearl of great price, and whosoever procures it at the expense of ten thousand desires makes a wise and happy purchase” (John Balguy).

1. Contentment is a very precious commodity to possess in this life of disappointments and heartaches.

2. All Christians should join with King David and say, “He maketh me to lie in green pastures” (Psa. 23:2) – That’s a great picture of contentment

B. Many today are like the two little teardrops floating down the river of life. One tear drop asked the other, “Who are you?” “I am a teardrop from a girl who loved a man and lost him. But who are you?” The first tear drop replied, “I am a tear drop from the girl who got him.”

1. Life is like as is seen in these teardrops.

2. We all too often cry over the things we can’t have, but we might cry twice as hard if we had received them.

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Sermon on Genesis 22:1-14 – The Offering of Isaac


A. Genesis 22:1-14 is the high-water mark in the book of Genesis, in the life of Abraham, and in the life of Isaac.

B. The offering of Isaac is discussed three times in the Bible (Genesis 22:1-14; James 2:2:21-22; Hebrews 11:17-19)

1. In James 2:21-22 and Hebrews 11:17-19, this event is discussed in the context of genuine faith.

2. Abraham is the Faith’s Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11, along with many other great servants of faith.

C. God had made a promise to Abraham

1. Genesis 12:1-3

2. This promise was given six times to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3; 13:14-18; 15:17; 18:16-19; 22:17-19)

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Sermon | Hunger and Thirst After Righteousness


A. People will do some strange things if they are hungry enough

1. It is not uncommon one to steal in order to eat

2. In a military survival course you are taught to eat bugs, worms, all kinds of plants, things that you would never eat if well fed

3. Stranded, starving survivors have even been known to eat each other in order to live

4. I once read of an elderly woman who choked to death trying to eat a piece of cardboard, since it was the only thing she had

5. 2 Kings 6:24-29

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Sermon on Ecclesiastes 10 – The True Meaning to Life #12


A. As mentioned in the previous lessons, there are things in life that we cannot avoid

1. Death

2. Governments/taxation

3. These contribute much to the “vanity” of “life under the sun”

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The Swearing of Oaths

The Swearing Of Oaths
Matthew 5:33-37)


A. Are you a man or woman of your word?

1. When you say “yes” or “no” to something, do people take it as “gospel” (i.e., truth)?

2. Are you someone whose word is questioned, unless confirmed with an oath?

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Sermon on Death – Death is… – Things Awful and Wonderful about Death


A. Death, by definition, is a separation.

1. Physical death is the separation of the spirit from the body

a. Genesis 2:7

b. Thus when the spirit leaves this body of clay, so does life

2. Spiritual death, which is the second death (Rev. 20:6), is a separation of the soul from God

a. Isaiah 59:1-2

b. 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9

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The True Meaning To Life #4 – Sermon on Ecclesiastes 3


A. In Solomon’s effort to understand the “true meaning to life,” he sees that good times and bad times come to all, and this repeats itself in each coming generation.

1. This process repeats itself with such certainty that Solomon concludes – Ecclesiastes 3:15

2. The wise man will understand this, and prepare himself for the ups and downs in life

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Sermon on Sin | Divisive, Deceptive, Destructive & Deadly

Sermon on Sin — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the seriousness of the sin problem. Sin is divisive, deceptive, destructive and deadly.

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Sermon on Miracles | The Miracles of Jesus

Sermon on Miracles | Tom Moore compares the miracles of Jesus with today’s so-called miracles and shows how Jesus’ works pass the test and produce faith.

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Sermon on Hatred in the Bible | Overcoming Hatred*


A. Hate is a sin that has caused many atrocities in our world in the past, and in our present time.

B. Hate is a heart ailment forbidden by the Lord in the Old and New Testament

1. “Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine hear …” (Leviticus 19:17)

2. Matthew 5:43-44



1. God hates sin

a. “These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren” (Proverbs 6:16-19).

b. Hebrews 1:9

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The Elder – Deacon Relationship


1. I have found very little written about this subject

1) Yet this is a very important subject.

2) The well-being of the church depends on this relationship

3) If elders and deacons are unable to work well together:

a. The church suffers

b. Stunted in growth

c. Splits …. divisions

d. Remember ….. Hebrews 13:17

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The Secret of Contentment

INTRODUCTION: Read Philippians 4:10-14.

A. “I’ve got a secret”

1. There is something fascinating about those words

a. Ears perk up, and people lean in as they whisper, “What is it? I won’t tell anyone”

b. Religiously speaking, there are many who claim to have the “secrets” to spiritual life – but they are frauds

2. In sharp contrast to these frauds, notice Philippians 4:12

a. Here Paul speaks of a genuine and important “secret”

b. One has called this “the only secret that we need”

B. We are nearing the end of Paul’s letter to the Philippians

1. He has one final task: to express his appreciation for the gift that was sent him by Epaphroditus

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Sermon on Noah – Life of Noah

Sermon on Noah – Biographical sermon outline on the godly life of Noah with emphasis on living righteously in an evil world. By Tom Moore.

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Sermon on Strife | “For We Be Brethren”

Sermon on Strife — Sermon outline by Tom Moore from Genesis 13 and Abraham’s occasion with Lot. Abraham turns away from strife saying, “For We Be Brethren.” INTRODUCTION: A. Genesis 13:1-8 1. Abraham said that there ought not be strife between them because they were brethren 2. There should be unity and goodwill between brethren […]

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What the Bible Says About the Holy Spirit #2

INTRODUCTION: A. The doctrine of the Holy Spirit is set forth more fully in the New Testament than in the Old Testament. 1. Yet, there is prominence given to the Holy Spirit in the pages of the Old Testament. 2. Twenty-three of the Old Testament books contain direct reference to the Holy Spirit. 3. We […]

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Sermon on Abraham – Great Lessons From the Life of Abraham

Sermon on Abraham – Sermon outline from the book of Genesis. Tom Moore points out the great spiritual lessons from a great spiritual man.

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The Change Movement – The Fuel For Change (1)

INTRODUCTION: A. Keeping the church pure and true to the Book is taught often in the New Testament 1. Ephesians 5:25-27 2. Titus 1:9, 13; 2:1

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Sermon on Jacob | Lessons from the Life of Jacob

Sermon on Jacob – Tom Moore examines the life of Jacob in this sermon outlines and draws lessons for us in the 21st century.

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The Life and Times of Nehemiah #2 – Nehemiah – A Man of Concern

INTRODUCTION: A. In this series of lessons it is our aim to notice the various characteristics and actions of Nehemiah that enabled him to be successful in his endeavors for the Lord. 1. We should want and need to be successful as Christians 2. Nehemiah will help us in this area. B. Nehemiah was a […]

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Sermon Moving Forward – Challenges to Accept #1


A. I think the saying is basically true: we are either going forward, standing still, or falling behind.

1. Sadly, this is also true in the Lord’s church

2. The problem is that many congregations have become complacent and comfortable (the prelude to standing still)

3. And once we are standing still, everyone passes us by and we begin to fall behind

B. To introduce our theme… Philippians 3:12-14

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