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Concern for Lost Souls

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A. A while back the news media focused our attention to the tragedy in Midland, where 18 month old Jessica McClure fell down an abandoned well in the backyard of their home. The whole community, the whole nation, and some from around the world showed their interest and concern for this little girl and her parents. On Friday evening, the news media began televising the entire rescue operation. After being in the well some 58 hours, young Jessica was brought out alive. It was a dramatic moment for those present, as they began to shout and clap. Emotion was high in homes that were watching the rescue, and I dare say there was not a dry eye anywhere among those that were watching. It was heart-breaking to think of such a small child in a dark well, but a joyous moment when she was rescued.

B. Now, if we can be that interested in the welfare of a little girl’s physical life, WHY can’t we be just half as concerned about the spiritual life of our friends and neighbors who are lost in the darkness of sin???

C. Let us take a look at the Christian’s concern for lost souls.


A. Who are the lost?

1. First, it is important to understand that it is not man that decides this, God does.

a. But, God has given us information in this regard

b. Thus, man has the ability to know who the lost are, and must make judgments in this regard

2. Those who are lost:

a. 2 Corinthians 4:3

1) Those without the gospel are lost

2) Romans 10:14-15

b. John 8:24

1) Those with out faith in the gospel are lost

2) Romans 10:17

c. Luke 13:3

1) Those without repentance motivated by the gospel are lost

2) 2 Corinthians 7:9-10

d. Mark 16:16

1) Those who reject the gospel baptism are are lost

2) Who is the one that will be saved?

e. Acts 2:47

1) Those outside the Lord’s church are lost

2) Just because someone is kind and good doesn’t mean that they will be saved ….. Acts 10 (Cornelius)

3) Just because someone is devoted to some denomination doesn’t mean they will be saved ….. Galatians 1:13-14

4) Just because one is sincere in his convictions doesn’t mean they will be saved …..

a) Acts 26:9-11

b) 1 Timothy 1:13

c) Acts 22:16

f. Revelation 3:14-16, 19

1) Lukewarm and indifferent church members will be lost

2) Negligence is the most dangerous sin

g. Apostates will be lost:

1) Hebrews 3:12

2) Hebrews 10:29-30

3) James 5:19-20

B. What can we do to save the lost?

1. Live right before lost souls

a. Even the glorious message of salvation will seem repulsive when coming from a hypocrite, but the hypocrite is not usually concerned about lost souls in the first place.

b. Our live must be such that we are attracting souls to Christ and not driving them away.

1) Romans 2:21-24

2) Galatians 2:20

3) 2 Corinthians 3:2

2. Show interest in lost souls

a. Invite them to hear the gospel preached

b. Continue to show interest by talking with them about Christ, His church and salvation.

1) Give them some religious tracts

2) Bible studies

a) Video … Jule Miller

b) Open Bible study, etc..

3) Have the preacher or elders assist you in a study

c. Some say I don’t know enough to teach

1) Hebrews 5:12

2) 2 Peter 3:18

C. Why should we be concerned about lost souls?

1. Because the Lord was concerned

a. The Lord left His home in glory to seek the lost ….. Luke 19:10

b. The Lord gave His life that lost souls might be saved….. Romans 5:8

2. Because of the value of souls

a. If we can shed tears because a little girl’s physical life was saved, should we not weep for souls being eternally lost?

b. Souls are worth much much more than physical life

1) Matthew 10:28

2) Matthew 16:26

c. Once a soul has departed this world unprepared, it will always remain lost, separated from God for eternity.

3. Because of our own souls

a. Can we expect to be saved if we don’t care about the lost souls of those around about us?

b. I once read about two people who were lost in a snow and ice storm together, and they got as close to each other as they could while buried in snow. By doing so, their body warmth went to each other, and they managed to stay alive by giving warmth to each other.

c. That’s the way it is in our spiritual lives. By helping to save others we save ourselves. He who would save himself must save others.


A. May God help us to do our part in saving lost souls from the depth of hell.

B. Exhortation