Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Life's Goal

What is the goal in life I seek? Whatever do I call my aim? Could it be wealth? Or maybe pow’r? Or is it early fame?

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Lest I Forget

As we grow older, forgetfulness somehow happens to us all. And while our occasional lapses of memory may be amusing or annoying (a senior moment!), a lack of memory toward God can be spiritually disastrous.

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“Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone”

In the well-known narrative of Jesus’ temptation, the Scripture says, “And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But He answered and said:

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There Are Responses Every Time The Gospel Is Proclaimed

In Acts 28:23-24, Luke records the following statements in reference to Paul’s preaching to the Jews at Rome (Acts 28:17):

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How Much Do We Treasure God's Word?

The importance of spending much time with something of great value and beauty is illustrated by a quote from the National Geographic magazine about Carl Sharsmith, an 81 year old guide in Yosemite National Park:

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A Podcast On Self-Control

From today’s “The Fellowship Room” Brother Randal Matheny directs us to a one word podcast on the topic of self-control, with Brothers Daniel Howell and Jacob Evans (see About the Hosts).

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Heeding The Warnings Of Christ's Return

The attack on Pearl Harbor (see videos) demonstrated the fact that not only was our military caught off-guard, but the whole nation as well. In their satisfaction with the trivia of everyday living, nearly everyone ignored all of the evidence that an attack was coming, and thus the people were astonished when the attack came.

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Has The Devil Got A “Deal” For Us!

Satan desires to have all men the way he desired to have Peter (Luke 22:31). Relentlessly, he seeks to gain advantage over men through the employment of devious and persuasive devices (2 Corinthians 2:11). That some don’t care and that others don’t take him seriously only makes

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On Flying Off The Handle

The expression, “Fly off the handle,” is used when one quickly loses his temper. The original expression comes to us from the use of tools. After tools have set in the shed for months, the wooden handle becomes dry and shrinks.

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“Fear Ye Not” — Matthew 10:31

From The Fellowship Room, today’s Nudge was to share one of the many passages in the Bible where someone is told, “Fear not,” or “Do not be afraid.” The  following is my response:

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Ten Bible Study Attitudes (2)

6) Desire To Understand God’s Word! Psalm 119:34 states, “Give me understanding, and I shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart.” There are two common reasons why man is unwilling to understand the

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Comparing The Rich Ruler And Zacchaeus

From The Fellowship Room, yesterday’s Nudge was to note some differences and similarities between the keeper-of-rules ruler and Zacchaeus. The following statements consist of my response.

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Being Able To See The Invisible

One of the reasons Paul was able to live as he lived, preached as he preached, and endured what he endured is found in 2 Corinthians 4:18 where he said:

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Let's Read The Manual!

A few years back, the Washington Post printed an article which pondered the reluctance of Americans to read the instructions that come with new products. Too often, consumers struggle with (or even end up returning) items they can’t figure out how to use, or that they assume don’t work because they’re using the product incorrectly.

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Doing Those Things That Are Pleasing In God's Sight

Have we ever pondered the fact that God knows our every thought (Matthew 9:3-4), sees our every action (Acts 5:1-2), and is aware of every decision we make? (Acts 5:3-4) It’s a scary thought, isn’t it? One that is not to be taken lightly (Hebrews 10:31).

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Actions Do Speak Louder Than Words

In the accounts found in Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12 and Luke 5:17-26, we read of a paralytic being brought to Jesus. A multitude of people had gathered in Jesus’ house (Mark 2:1), because they had heard of Jesus’ ability to heal (Mark 1:21-37). When Jesus saw the multitude’s faith

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Another Shameful Anniversary Of Roe vs. Wade

This coming Saturday, January 22, 2011, marks the 38th anniversary of the United States Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade that made abortion legal in this country (1973). Statistics indicate that there were over 1.6 million abortions performed in the United States in 1990. No other taking

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Dealing With Criticism

In our world, no one is able to entirely escape criticism. And often times, our careers, emotional stability, and even our very happiness depend upon how we react to it. Criticism should be viewed in a positive way, for it gives us the opportunity for growth. If we are to grow from criticism, we must […]

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The Centurian's Great Faith

The Roman army is a study in efficient leadership. During the time of our Lord, there were 25 legions in the Roman army. Ordinarily each legion consisted of 6,000 men. Those men were divided into 10 cohorts. Each cohort contained 3 maniples, and each maniple contained 2 centuries. In each province the governor was the […]

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The Greatest War

The following discourse was penned by one of the greatest preachers of the 20th century, Brother Robertson L. Whiteside (1869-1951). Although he has been dead for 60 years, he still speaks to us today through the written word (Hebrews 11:4).

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