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How Much Do We Treasure God's Word?

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The importance of spending much time with something of great value and beauty is illustrated by a quote from the National Geographic magazine about Carl Sharsmith, an 81 year old guide in Yosemite National Park:

Carl was back at his tent quarters after a long afternoon with tourists. His nose was flaked white and red with sunburn; his eyes were watery, partly from age, but also from hearing again an old question after a half century of summers in California’s Yosemite National Park. A lady tourist had hit him with a question where it hurt: ‘I’ve only got an hour to spend at Yosemite,’ she declared. ‘What should I do? Where should I go?

The old naturalist-interpreter-ranger finally found voice to reply:

Ah, lady, only an hour.’ He repeated it slowly. ‘I suppose that if I had only an hour to spend at Yosemite, I’d just walk over there by the [Merced] river and sit down and cry‘” (source).

How much do we treasure God’s word? If we only had a hour to spend in reading and studying the Bible, would we, like the old guide in the above story,  just “walk over there by the river and sit down and cry?”

Brethren, let us treasure the beauty and value of God’s word — the Bible — even more than our necessary food (Job 23:10-12; cf. Matthew 4:4; John 4:32-34).