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Bearing the Infirmities of the Weak

Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons | Comments

Introduction: Read Rom. 15:1

1. There can be things we do or say that would destroy a weaker brother or sister.

2. The things I’m talking about aren’t sin, necessarily, but appear so to the uninformed, Rom. 14:14-23.

3. We can destroy the weak with our liberty.


I.   The Weak May Be a New Christian Coming Out of Denominationalism.

1. It may harm a conscience to do something that appears to be a denominational practice, such as the eating of meat in Paul’s illustration.

2. Former SDA, the eating of pork.

3. Former Mormon, coffee.

4. Former Amish, automobile, machinery.

II.  May Be Your Own Child.

1. Lack of teaching and lack of reason can cause strange understanding sometimes.

2. For ex., small child receives environmentalist training at school and now believes it is wrong to kill bugs.

III. Could Be The Elderly

** What a loss if the elderly became weak and caused to stumble.

IV.  Are There Limits?

1. This only applies to those areas where we have liberty.

2. Duties to God are first, Matt. 6:33; Acts 5:29.

3. One must know of a problem to be charged with bearing infirmities.


1. There may have been those that bore your infirmities while you were weak.

2. We can bear the infirmities of others by reining in our liberty where necessary and by teaching, strengthening the weak.

Notes for a Wednesday night devotional.