Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Acts 2:41 and the Holy Spirit Issue: A Logical, Textual, and Scriptural Response

Please note: This article requires the use of the TekniaGreek font. Download it here. Summary1 The Acts 2:41 argument on the personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit is not as impregnable as supposed. Recent studies conducted by the author in the Greek New Testament shed additional light upon the construction of the sentence from which […]

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What Does it Mean to be Born Again? (Audio)

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Unity and Communication (Audio)

Play Realaudio Sermon See Bible Communication for outline.

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Modern Idolatry | Modern Day Idols

SUBJECT: Modern Idolatry TITLE: Modern Day Idols PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at several modern day idols. These are: 1) The idol of Covetousness, 2) The idol of drugs, 3) The idol of leisure. OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should understand that anything can be an idol to us if we put it before God […]

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In No Position to Ask

SUBJECT: Christian Living TITLE: In No Position to Ask PROPOSITION: To show three examples in the Bible where some have asked amiss of their own lusts. OBJECTIVES: The listener should be able to understand, explain, and illustrate what asking amiss means in James 4:3. The listener should then be able to explain the one thing […]

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Are sponsoring churches scriptural?

We have a member who does not believe in Sponsoring Congregations? Do you and what is the scriptural authority for them? Sponsoring churches are scriptural. In Philippians 4:15, Paul wrote to the church at Philippi, “Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated […]

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Great Moral Questions Facing Our Day

SUBJECT: Ethics: Praxiology TITLE: Great Moral Questions Facing Our Day PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will call attention to the crisis in morality today, and study what the Bible says about 1) Abortion, 2) Homosexuality, 3) Fornication/Adultery, 4) Divorce OBJECTIVE: The hearer should be able to find at least one passage of scripture for each […]

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The Christian and Alcoholic Beverages

Listen SUBJECT: Alcohol TITLE: The Christian and Alcoholic Beverages PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at the Christian and Alcoholic beverages. To understand this relationship we must first understand 1) What the word “wine” means in the Bible. 2) That the Bible forbids the recreational consumption of alcohol. 3) That the recreational consumption of […]

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“For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:20). The above saying of Jesus introduces within its context the fact that the Scribes and Pharisees had devised their own system of salvation based not upon […]

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Is Mercy and Grace Sufficient For You?

Is mercy and grace sufficient for you? Or is your love based on things I can do? If you had no voice, with which to sing Would you still find a way to give praise to my name? If you had no ear, with which to hear Would you still know my words and hold […]

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I Long To See Your Glory Lord

I long to see your glory Lord, It comes to mind each day. To see you coming in the clouds, To hear the trumpet voice proclaimed. The time is here, He has returned Confirming truths that He revealed, When He walked as man on earth, Now every knee will bow to Him! We know that […]

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Spiritual Worship

We worship thee today, oh Lord, before Thy throne we come. We seek what pleases thee, dear Lord, and not to serve our own. We worship as Thou wilt, oh Lord, not through our own devices. With faith within Thy word, oh Lord, we bring our lives devoted. We bow, we sing, we give, we […]

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Love and Loving God

When my wife and I got married close to thirteen years ago and my parents asked us why we wanted to get married, we replied, “because we love each other.” I will never forget the words that my dad told me that day. He said that we had a love, but that we really did […]

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Is Israel A Nation Approved by God?

I understand that Israel is no longer to be a nation according to God & the scriptures today. Would you please furnish me the scriptures that prove this beyond a doubt. I would deeply appreciate an answer. I believe that the scripture that you are looking for is found in Deuteronomy 28:15-68. 15 But it […]

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Is it scriptural to use the term “parsonage”?

My question is what about preachers referring to the preacher?s house as the parsonage?

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Why is it that I feel that God hasn't forgiven me?

Why is it that I feel that God has left me, that I feel unwanted. My life is an empty shell; have I done something wrong for him to do this to me. I pray everyday and night for forgiveness, but I never have been given an answer. Thanks for writing. First, you need to […]

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