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When Money Trumps Morality

Categories: Bible Study Lessons

Thanks to those who have brought to my attention that this story has been debunked.

Link to story on snopes

The past couple of weeks there has been a news story making its way through the media regarding an unemployed German woman. The woman evidently lost her job and went on government unemployment. In the course of her unemployment, job office contacted her and said something was available; it wasn’t the kind of job she was expecting. In fact, she was told by the unemployment office that if she didn’t accept this job that her unemployment benefits would be terminated.

“Standard policy” you may think? Well, it’s not every day that an unemployment office tells you to become a prostitute or lose your benefits. That’s right, the job that had become available was with a German brothel and the government expected this woman to prostitute herself or lose her unemployment benefits. After all, a job is a job, right?

What happened here?

You may be wondering, how did something like this happen? Well, two years ago, the German government declared prostitution legal. In so doing, they required brothels to provide health insurance and pay taxes. In return, the brothels gain access to the government’s roles of the unemployed. When some questioned the morality of the matter, one lawyer stated that since prostitution has been legalized it is no longer immoral.

The fact of the matter is that in this situation money has been allowed to define morality. What was the rationalization for legalizing prostitution? Likely it was to reduce state health care costs and to levy taxes