Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Hebrews 10:26-27 Explained – Please explain the meaning of Hebrews 10:26-27

Please explain Hebrews 10:26-27 The book of Hebrews is primarily concerned with Jewish Christians who have decided that it is not worth living Christianity anymore and who have decided to go back to Judaism. The writer of the book of Hebrews is exhorting and encouraging these Christians NOT to go back to Judaism. The book […]

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Who Is Precious To You?

In ladies Bible class, we have been studying the epistle of First Peter. Peter writes in this epistle to those who have been scattered abroad by persecution, particularly, those who have been born again through the redemption of the blood of Christ and struggling to be faithful to the Christ. He encourages them to stand […]

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Wisdom, Spirituality, Truth, Religion and God

A few weeks ago I received in my e-mail inbox an article on a psychological study regarding wisdom. My first reaction to the article was, “How can you study wisdom from a psychological perspective?” So I read. The article spoke concerning the “Wisdom Project,” conducted at the University of California Davis. In the study, the […]

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Matthew 2:13-23 – Jesus in Egypt

Matthew 2:13-23 – Jesus in Egypt By Egypt to Galilee and Nazareth Vs. 13-15 – The wise men depart and now God sends a messenger to warn Joseph regarding Herod’s impending plans. This isn’t the first time that Joseph had been visited by God’s messenger in this way (see Matthew 1:20). The warning is to […]

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What is the role of Satan in the last days?

What is the role and fate of Satan and the unrighteous in the last days? Thanks for your question. Right now, Satan’s is the tempter and deceiver (Mark 1:13; 2 Cor. 2:11; Rev. 12:9). According to Matthew 25:41 and Revelation 20:10-15 and 21:8, Satan and the unrighteous will all end up in the lake that […]

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Are demons still present today?

We were studying the expulsion of demons from Legion into the swine and they all ran into the Lake and were drowned. The question was “were these demons (devils) present for Jesus to expel to show his power for the others around, or have they always been and still are present?” A: The key verse […]

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Where the Bereans believers?

In the 17th chapter of Acts, were those Paul preached to in the synagogues in Thessalonica and Berea already believers or became believers after hearing Paul? This is a good and interesting question because it takes us back to the context in which a very familiar scripture is often used. Acts 17:11 says, “These were […]

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430 Years From the Promise to the Law

Did the Israelites live under the bondage of the Egyptians for 430 years? This question arises due to the alleged contradiction between Exodus 12:40; Genesis 15:13-14; Acts 7:6-7; and Galatians 3:17. The two general views that are held are that 1) the Israelites were in bondage 430 years, and 2) the Israelites were in bondage […]

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Commandment Keeping

There are those in the religious world today who ridicule the idea of keeping commandments. They claim that keeping God’s commandments have nothing to do with our salvation today. If someone objects and says that we must keep God’s commandments to be saved, the charge of legalism is leveled against him. Is it true that […]

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True Love

There they stood. Hand in hand; heart to heart. He was seventeen; she was sixteen. They had known each other since kindergarten, but had never really taken notice of one another. One day, however, she gave him a flirting glance that prompted him to return the flirt in kind. He asked her out and she, […]

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What And How Are We Hunting?

Each year around this time it is popular for different social groups to host egg hunts. Someone takes the eggs and hides them in various “secret” places in a designated area and then children go out and look for the eggs. There are, among the children, various different kinds of hunters. There are those who […]

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Why should I be punished for divorce when it’s not my fault?

I do not understand all the teachings on divorce and remarriage. I would like to understand how it all works. I’ve had two husbands who were terrible men. I realize I am the one that twice filed for divorce. Am I to be punished for thinking of what is best for my child? Thanks for […]

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Job 2:7-13 – Job’s Disease, The Savage Corruption of Job’s Body

Please open your Bibles to Job 2:7-13. Description of Job’s Disease Vs. 7-8 – Satan unleashes his second sortie against Job afflicted Job with a terrible disease. From the various descriptions of Job’s disease in the book (Job 2:8; 7:4-5; 13:14; 13:28; 16:16; 16:8; 17:1; 19:20; 19:26; 30:17; 30:30), it has been strongly suggested that […]

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The Mission and Work of the Church – Introduction

God, in His wisdom, saw fit from eternity to establish the church. Ephesians 3:10-11 reads, “To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” This organization of […]

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Adoration of the Magi, Wise men. Matthew 2:1-12

The Officials Declare – Jesus Is King Matthew’s purpose in this chapter is to explain how Jesus fulfilled the prophecies related to his locative origins and tell us how Jesus ended up coming from Nazareth. One criticism that was leveled against Jesus was that no prophet ever arose out of that area (John 7:52). Matthew […]

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Does God honor all marriages?

Does God honor all marriages? — Kevin Cauley answer the question, “Are all marriages from God” answering the question from the Bible.

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Does Galatians 6:10 Authorize The Church to Give to Non-Saints? Part 2

February 26th, 2003 Based upon the definitions upon which we agree about general and specific authority, I argue that the church has general authority to give to non-saints from Galatians 6:10. The reasoning that I would offer on this behalf is that Paul is writing to the churches of Galatia (1:2) and so the epistle […]

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Does God Keep Score?

Several years ago, I was having a conversation with someone about getting credit for ideas. I mentioned to them that it doesn’t matter to me if I get credit for an idea or not, because God knows who did what and I was content to let God handle such things. This person then wondered whether […]

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Where's The List?

The other day I was having a conversation with someone who was, in essence, asking for a list of things that were right and wrong for Christians to do. His contention was that since we believe that we must be obedient to God and live a life that is holy and pure that therefore, we […]

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What Does Convict Mean?

What Does Convict Mean? Please help me to understand the word “convict” more clearly. What does it mean when we say that God ‘convicts’ us of our sins? Without ‘conviction’, we may not want to make a commitment. Thanks for your question. The word is only used once in the KJV (John 8:9). It is […]

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