Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Can I divorce my husband because he is not the leader financially, emotionally, or physically?

Can I divorce my husband because he is not the leader financially, emotionally, or physically? For three years now I have been the head in my house. I feel as if I am the man and he is the woman. Prior to getting married I knew I should not have married him but thought it […]

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What day is the first day of the week?

Who decides what day is the first day of the week? If the first day of the week somewhere else is not Sunday, what day do they worship upon? God has decided what the first day of the week is by deciding what the seventh day of the week is. That is, the first day […]

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“Loose Cannons”

Reading through the news today, I came across an article on one of the presidential candidates wherein one of his former military commanders had said that he was a “loose cannon.” Just the other day, one of our members was telling me about a man who claimed to be a “loose cannon” religiously; we took […]

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In The Light

“In The Light” When Jesus died on the cross, there was darkness over the land. The same was true prior to the death of the firstborn in Egypt. To walk in the light we need to know what is light and what is darkness. God is light and doesn’t want us to live in darkness, […]

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Munchausen’s Syndrome

Have you ever heard of the Baron Karl Friedrich Hieronymus Freiherr von Munchhausen? He was a German army cavalry officer who was born in Bodenwerder (Germany) and lived from 1720-1797, but so far as we know, he never accomplished any great or notable feat worthy of historical fame. So why is the good Baron famous? […]

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Does Galatians 6:10 Authorize The Church to Give to Non-Saints? Part 6

March 16th, 2003 In reply to your comments below, even in 1 Corinthians 11 the use of the word “church” and “together” does not preclude individual action because Paul states in verse 28, “but let a man examine himself.” My position is clear. The use of the singular in 1 Corinthians11:28 is within a plural […]

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What Liberalism Is Not

There is in the Lord’s church a growing number of individuals who are seeking to change the practices that we find in the scriptures to conform to a more denominational perspective. These are departing from the teaching that is found in the Bible regarding salvation, worship, the church, and Christian living. It is good for […]

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“Avenge Not Yourselves”

Enemies come in all different shapes and sizes. There are physical enemies who seek to take our lives. There are enemies in the business world who would destroy our way of earning a living. There are enemies within families when close bonds have been severed due to a “falling out.” And, there are spiritual enemies […]

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Was there ever a portrait of Jesus found? If not, would it not be wrong for man to try to portray what Jesus looked like?

We have no authentic portraits, images, or likenesses of Jesus that were done during his life and so we really have no understanding of Jesus true appearance. The portraits, images, and likenesses of Jesus that have been done through the years come merely from the artist’s imagination. I understand that in history the first depictions […]

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Must a Christian know the purpose of charity to the poor?

Do we, as Christians, have a responsibility to know for what purpose moneys will be used as we give to those who would ask us for help? Jesus said in Matthew 5:42, “Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.” We read in Ephesians 4:28 […]

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Is Ezekiel 28 referring to Satan’s fall?

In Ezekiel 28, I have understood that this is referring to the King of Tyre. However, I’ve heard parts of it referred to as describing Satan’s fall, especially verses 11 and following. Could this be a dual meaning in this chapter? Let’s read together verses 11-19. First of all, the context is set in verse […]

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The Significance of the Sufferings of the Christ

By now, no doubt, you have heard of the movie, “The Passion of the Christ” directed by Mel Gibson. The subject of the movie is, more or less, the last twelve hours of the life of Jesus. I saw the movie this past week and it accurately, vividly, and gruesomely portrays what the physical experiences […]

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Is it scriptural to use the term “parsonage?”

My question is what about preachers referring to the preacher’s house as the parsonage? Thanks for your question. According to Webster’s dictionary, the word “parson” comes from Middle English “persone” and Old Latin “persona.” Literally, the word simply means “person” however, the word has come to refer to a “rector” or “clergyman.” The word “rector” […]

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“Witnessing” For Christ

More and more I hear of members of the church speaking about “witnessing” and less frequently do I hear about members of the church speaking about teaching the gospel of Christ. While the term “witness” is a biblical one and while many people speak of “witnessing” within the denominational world, perhaps we should wonder if […]

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Why weren't Adam and Eve given a second chance?

The Israelites were given repentance many times when they sinned against God and God himself even asked them to return to him. My question is this, why weren’t Adam and Eve given another chance when they sinned against him in the Garden of Eden? Weren’t they the first children created by him with his own […]

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Paganisms Promises?

Witches, warlocks, bards, ovates, and druids: you’re probably thinking that Halloween is over for this year, so why the strange list? Well, according to Reuters news service, pagans are celebrating Samhuin, the Celtic new year, and “a time for remembering dead ancestors before the darkness of winter” explained one pagan priestess. According to the article, […]

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Making Promises to God | Must I Keep The Promises I Made?

I fell away from God and suffered for it. So, in my pain and desperation I promised God that if he would bring me back I would keep my life as simple as possible. I promised to be a bank teller and I also promised him I would be single. So do you think that […]

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Are we, as Christians, to judge other people? Did Jesus judge people in his ministry?

Are we, as Christians, to judge other people? Did Jesus judge people in his ministry? As you know, there are many in the religious world today who claim that it is an outright sin to judge other people. They say these things especially at times when they, individually, are caught red handed within some particular […]

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Apocalyptic Admonitions

Studying the apocalyptic prophets can be challenging, but rewarding at the same time. While it is difficult to be dogmatic about what the various symbols mean, there is much to be gained from the study. There are some definite lessons as well that we can glean from the cryptic writings of these prophets. During my […]

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Purity of Purpose

It is clear from the scriptures that in order for one to be saved, one must be baptized (Mark 16:16). Since the word “baptize” is a transliteration from the Greek word “baptizo” the significance of the word is lost to us in the English language. So it is within the context of how the word […]

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