Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Sermon on Unity in the Church | There is One Body


TITLE: Things that Unite – One Body

PROPOSITION: Knowing that God only acknowledges one body drives us to be that one body. We can be that one body provided: 1) We acknowledge our Lord’s standard for unity of the body, 2) We do not divide the one body based upon human philosophy, 3) We endeavor for unity in the one body through service to others.

Objectives: Each hearer will have a better knowledge of unity as it relates to the one body.

Aim: To discuss the seven ones of Ephesians 4:1-6 and the uniting truths associated therewith.


1. Read: Ephesians 4:1-6

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Common Questions About the Church of Christ

SUBJECT: Church TITLE: Common Questions about the church of Christ PROPOSITION: To answer the three most common questions about the church of Christ. OBJECTIVES: Each listener should be able to understand the answer to the three most common questions regarding the church of Christ. AIM: I want to answer the most commonly asked questions both […]

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Sermon on Faith | Does It Matter What We Believe?

SUBJECT: Faith, Truth

TITLE: Does it matter what we believe?

PROPOSITION: It matters what we believe because 1) Our beliefs determine our actions, 2) Our actions have consequences, 3) Happiness results from believing the right things.

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Effectual Work

Date written: October 1, 1994 Scripture ref: John 9:4 SUBJECT: Stewardship TITLE: Effectual Work PROPOSITION:Effectual work in the kingdom requires three things: abiding, acting, acknowledging; such work looks forward to a fourth thing–accounting for our labor. OBJECTIVE: In this lesson, each should learn what it means to work effectually in the kingdom. INTRODUCTION: 1. Read: […]

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Sermon on Hope | The Importance of Hope


TITLE: The Importance of Hope

PROPOSITION: Hope is important because it gives us something 1) To Talk About, 2) To Work Toward, 3) To Hang Onto.

OBJECTIVE: That each would understand the importance of hope in the life of the Christian.


1. Read: Hebrews 6:17-20

2. About the Text:

1) The book of Hebrews was written to encourage Christians to remain faithful to Christ.

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Spiritual Exercise


Date written: December 3rd, 2005

Scripture ref: 1 Timothy 4:6-8

SUBJECT: Perseverance, Steadfastness, Christian Growth

TITLE: Exercising Godliness

PROPOSITION: What do we need to properly exercise? The truths that apply to physical exercise apply to spiritual exercise as well. What are those truths? 1) Readiness, 2) Repetition, 3) Resistance, 4) Resolution.

Objectives: Each ought to understand what is involved in exercise so that we can exercise godliness.

Aim: To encourage everyone to apply themselves to the Christian life through spiritual exercise.

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Be Not Weary In Well Doing Sermon Warning to be Faithful

Be Not Weary in Well Doing Sermon — Sermon outline and audio sermon on perseverance by Kevin Cauley on Paul’s warning, “be not weary in well doing.”

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Asian Churches — Laodicea


TITLE: Asian Churches — Laodicea

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will briefly look at the asian church of Laodicea. We will note: 1) Some facts regarding the city, 2) Some facts regarding the church at Laodicea, 3) Jesus’ message to the church at Laodicea.

OBJECTIVES: Each should be able to discuss Revelation 3:14-22 in its historical and spiritual context.

AIM: To increase awareness of the church at Laodicea and the lessons we can learn from her mistakes.

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Asian Churches – Sardis

TITLE: Asian Churches – Sardis SUBJECT: Church PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at the church in Sardis. OBJECTIVE: Each should be familiar with the description of the church at Sardis. AIM: To teach the lessons of the church at Sardis. INTRODUCTION: 1. Read: Revelation 3:1-6 2. About the Text: 1) Sardis is the […]

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Things That Unite — One Baptism


TITLE: Things That Unite – One Baptism

PROPOSITION: Baptism unites because 1) It is that which Jesus commanded. 2) It is that which the apostles practiced. 3) It is the point where the new man is created and we are placed into Christ’s body.

Objectives: That each would be able to learn and teach others regarding this critical point of unity.

Aim: That each would understand the uniting factors of baptism.


1. Read: Ephesians 4:1-6

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Sermon | “Man of Sorrows”


TITLE: “Man of Sorrows”

PROPOSITION: Why was Jesus a man of sorrows? Jesus was a man of sorrows because 1) though He was the Son of God, yet He chose to live as a servant, 2) though He proved his message to be true, many rejected it, 3) though He was innocent, yet He bore the sins of many.

OBJECTIVES: Each listener should be able to state why the prophet described Jesus as a “man of sorrows.”

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Sermon on Inspiration of the Bible | The Bible Doctrine of Inspiration


TITLE: The Bible Doctrine of Inspiration

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at the Bible doctrine of inspiration: the evidence for inspiration; the nature of inspiration; the function of inspiration; and the scope of inspiration; some misunderstandings of inspiration.

Objectives: The hearer should be able to: state some misunderstandings; state what inspiration is; understand the authority, function, and scope of inspiration.

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Joshua 22 Sermon – The Story of Ed the Altar

Joshua 22 Sermon — Sermon Outline by Kevin Cauley from Joshua 22 on the building of the great altar.

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Sermon on Youth — In The Days of Thy Youth


TITLE: In The Days of Thy Youth

PROPOSITION: In the days of thy youth, 1) learn what it means to be principled, 2) listen to your parents, 3) treasure every moment you have.

Objectives: To teach and encourage our youth to live lives of wisdom.


1. Read: Ecclesiastes 12:1

2. About the Text:

1) It is good to remember God in our youth.

2) This sets the whole “tone” for our entire life.

3) Psalm 71:17 states, “O God, thou hast taught me from my youth; And hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works.”

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“Jesus, The Loving Shepherd”


TITLE: “Jesus, The Loving Shepherd”

PROPOSITION: Jesus is the loving Shepherd because 1) He supplies all of our needs (providence), 2) He defends us from harm (protection), 3) He lays down his life for us (preservation).

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to state why Jesus is the loving Shepherd and give one scripture that supports their answer.

AIM: To encourage each to understand Jesus as the loving Shepherd.


1. Read: Psalm 23

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Zeal For God Sermon | God’s Zealous Servant

Zeal for God Sermon – Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on what it is to have zeal for God.

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Examples of Evangelism

Examples of Evangelism — Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley giving biblical examples of evangelism in action. Date written: 7/29/06Scripture ref: Acts 8:4 SUBJECT: Evangelism TITLE: Examples of Evangelism PROPOSITION: Our evangelism needs to follow the example of 1) Noah in Obedience, 2) David in Faith, 3) The Prophets in Courage, 4) Daniel In Prayer, 5) […]

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The Decision of Attendance

SUBJECT: Attendance

TITLE: The Decision of Attendance

PROPOSITION: To discuss the decision of attendance; that it ought to be a subservient decision, a sustained decision, and a spiritual decision.

OBJECTIVE: To encourage the brethren toward regular, faithful attendance.


1. Read Hebrews 10:19-28.

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Lessons From The Rich Young Ruler – Sermon on Priorities

Scripture ref: Mark 10:17-22

SUBJECT: Attitudes

TITLE: Lessons from the Rich Young Ruler

PROPOSITION: To study the story of the rich young ruler and note four particular lessons.

OBJECTIVES: Each person should be able to explain these four elements of the story of the rich young ruler.

AIM: To cause everyone to think about their situation and if there is anything in their life coming between them and God


1. Read: Mark 10:17-22

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Sermon on Heaven | The Bible Doctrine of Heaven

PROPOSITION: Heaven Sermon Outline | Heaven is a place where there is no evil, where the righteous will dwell eternally, and where God and Christ are.

OBJECTIVES: In this lesson, the hearer should realize the importance of being with God eternally, living a righteous life, and avoiding evil.

AIM: To motivate each member toward faithful living so as to attain unto the goal of heaven.


1. Read: John 14:2-3

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