Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Enoch's Exam

SUBJECT: Attitude TITLE: Enoch’s Exam PROPOSITION: This lesson will cover the three tests of Enoch’s Exam: Action (Enoch walked with God), Association (Enoch walked with God), and Attitude (Enoch walked with God). OBJECTIVES: Each listened should be able to explain what walking with God entails by defining the Christian walk, explaining their association with God […]

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The Balm of Gilead, The Great Physician

SUBJECT: Salvation

TITLE: The Balm of Gilead/The Great Physician

PROPOSITION: To study together the problems of the sin sick soul and how these problems are met and eliminated.

OBJECTIVE: To help everyone apply the prescription given by the Great Physician to our problems.

INTRODUCTION: There is a balm in Gilead.

1. Read: Jeremiah 8:18-22

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Why Do We Need Mother’s Day?

Date written: May 12th, 2007 Scripture ref: Deuteronomy 5:16 SUBJECT: Mother’s Day TITLE: Why Do We Need Mother’s Day? PROPOSITION: We need mother’s day to 1) Celebrate Life, 2) Remember Death, 3) Reinforce Holiness. Objectives: That each would reflect upon what we do on mother’s day and how doing this can support our ability to […]

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Sermon on Mothers – In Praise of the Mother’s Maker

SUBJECT: Mother’s Day

TITLE: In Praise of the Mother’s Maker

PROPOSITION: We praise the Maker of our mothers because He made our mothers to be 1) Kind, 2) Compassionate, and 3) Caring.

OBJECTIVES: Each listener should be able to understand why God made mothers and the importance of their role within the home.

AIM: To help everyone appreciate the value of motherhood.


1. Read: Genesis 3:20

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Was Jesus a Historical Figure?

Date written: November 5th, 2006 Scripture ref: Luke 1:1-4 SUBJECT: Apologetics TITLE: Was Jesus a Historical Figure? PROPOSITION: To set forth evidence that Jesus was a historical figure. Objectives: That each would understand that Jesus was a historical figure. INTRODUCTION: 1. Read: Luke 1:1-4 2. About the Text: 1) At the beginning of Luke’s account […]

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Beatitudes – Blessed Are the Persecuted

Date written: May 26th, 2006 Scripture ref: Matthew 5:1-12 SUBJECT: Beatitudes TITLE: Blessed Are the Persecuted PROPOSITION: One can be happy when one is persecuted because of 1) the Christian’s Relationship with God, 2) the Reality of Truth, 3) the Recompense of the wicked, 4) the Reward of the Righteous. OBJECTIVE: The Christian ought to […]

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Holiness and Gambling


TITLE: Holiness and Gambling

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at the subject of gambling. What do the statistics say? What does the Bible say? What should the Christian do about this? We’ll look at this in four sections: 1) Gambling is about money. 2) Gambling robs the old, poor, mentally unstable, and you. 3) Gambling fosters lying and deception. 4) Other problems with gambling.

OBJECTIVE: That each would understand the facts associated with this problem and avoid gambling in their lives and encourage others to do the same.


1. Read: Romans 6:19-22

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Let Brotherly Love Motivate Us to Seek Unity

Date written: July 7th, 2007 Bible Text: John 17:20-23 SUBJECT: Unity TITLE: Let Brotherly Love Motivate Us To Seek Unity PROPOSITION: We need to let brotherly love move us in our 1) Aspirations, 2) Axioms, 3) Autonomy, 4) Astuteness. OBJECTIVE: That each would seek to have unity with his brother through love. INTRODUCTION: 1. Read: […]

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Catholicism Refuted- The Truth about Catholicism, Part 1

SUBJECT: False Doctrine

TITLE: Catholicism Refuted (Part 1)

PROPOSITION: To look at the brochure “Top Ten Questions Catholics Are Asked” and compare the answers to the Bible.

OBJECTIVE: Each hearer should be able to understand primary Catholic dogma and be able to refute it from the scriptures with the goal in mind of being able to teach our Catholic friends the truth of God’s word.

Aim: To show that Catholicism is a false religion so that those who are in it will repent.


1. Read: 1 John 4:1

2. About the Text:

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Live Peaceably – Reasons to Live Peaceably

SUBJECT: Relationships

TITLE: Reasons to Live Peaceably

PROPOSITION:In this sermon, we will study three reasons to live peaceably: 1) We know the contrast between peace and strife 2) We know the change wrought by God 3) We know the consequences of faithful–peaceable–living.

OBJECTIVE: To encourage all to live peaceably with all men.


1. Read: Titus 3:3-7

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Sermon on Holidays | Questions Regarding Holidays

Sermon on Holidays – Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley regarding the principles governing our observance of holidays today. Are we restricted from or can we observe holidays today? Date written: November 7th, 2004 Scripture ref: Romans 14:5, 6 SUBJECT: Holidays TITLE: Questions Regarding Holidays PROPOSITION: To look at some basic questions regarding observed holidays. OBJECTIVES: […]

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The Body of Christ

Date written: November 5, 1994 Scripture ref: Ephesians 4:1-6 SUBJECT: Church TITLE: The Body of Christ PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study the, the identity, the unity, and the terms of entrance into the body of Christ. OBJECTIVE: Everyone should be able to: 1) state the identity of the body and cite at least […]

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Sermon on Perseverance – The Lost Art of Perseverance

SUBJECT: Perseverance

TITLE: Sermon on Perseverance | The Art of Perseverance

PROPOSITION: To develop the art of perseverance we need 1) Tests, 2) Truth, 3) Time, 4) Trust.

OBJECTIVE: That we would value the quality of perseverance in our lives and learn to develop it as we seek to walk in the Christian faith.


1. Read: Ephesians 6:17-18

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Sermon on Morality – Sins of Speech, Sex, Modesty, Gambling

Scripture ref: 1 Corinthians 2:10-13

SUBJECT: Morality

TITLE: Christ and Him Crucified, Part 2–The Spirit of God or the spirit of the world?

PROPOSITION: We must reject the spirit of the world and accept the Spirit of God in regard to 1) Our Speech, 2) Sexuality, 3) Modesty, and 4) Gambling.

OBJECTIVES: The hearer should be able to describe the spirit of the world in regard to these things and explain why these things are not from the Spirit of God.

AIM:To develop in each person’s life an appreciation for the distinction between the spirit of the world and the spirit of God.

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The Christian Duty to be Sober

SUBJECT: Self Discipline

TITLE: The Christian Duty to Be Sober

PROPOSITION: To teach that to be a Christian we must have the right attitude toward ourselves, and that we show this attitude, or the lack of it, in our actions.

OBJECTIVE: To cause those who show the wrong attitude by their actions to repent.


1. Read: Titus 2:11-12

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Sermon on Godliness – Christian Godliness Part 1

Sermon on Godliness – Two sermon series by Kevin Cauley outlining what God expects of the Christian with regard to godliness. Date written: September 26, 1992 Scripture ref: Titus 2:11,12 SUBJECT: Salvation TITLE: Sermon on Godliness – Christian Godliness Part 1 PROPOSITION: The plan of salvation is how a man becomes godly. OBJECTIVE: To teach […]

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Sermon on Daniel – Lessons On Obedience, Wisdom and Prayer

Scripture ref: Daniel 1:8-16

SUBJECT: Biography

TITLE: Lessons from the Life of Daniel

PROPOSITION: Daniel is a great example of 1) obedience, 2) wisdom, 3) prayer.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to relate three stories from Daniel that teach these lessons.

AIM: To instruct and encourage by studying lessons from the life of Daniel.


1. Read: Daniel 1:8-16

2. About the Text:

1) Daniel was taken into Babylonian captivity around 606 B.C.

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Christian Olympics – Run the Race!

Date written: 8/7/07 Scripture ref: 1 Corinthians 9:24 SUBJECT: Christian Living TITLE: Christian Olympics – Run the Race! PROPOSITION: What must we do to run the Christian race? 1) Follow the Rules, 2) Look to our example, 3) Look to the Prize 4) Endure to the End. Objectives: Aim: INTRODUCTION: 1. Read: 1 Corinthians 9:24 […]

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“Peace, Peace”


TITLE: “Peace Peace”

PROPOSITION: To set forth the peaceful thoughts in Jeremiah 6:13-15, as they apply to Christianity.

OBJECTIVE:That we understand peace and be peaceful.


1. Read: Jeremiah 6:13-15.

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Daniel in the Lion’s Den – Sermon on Daniel 6

SUBJECT: God, God’s People

TITLE: Studies in Daniel – God’s Protection

PROPOSITION: In the story of Daniel in the lion’s den we see 1) Conspiracy, 2) Confrontation and Condemnation, 3) Conservation, 4) Consternation.

OBJECTIVE: That the hearer would be familiar with the story of Daniel in the lion’s den and be familiar with lessons from that chapter.


1. Read: Daniel 6:1-10

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