Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Sermon on Wealth – The Christian Attitude Toward Wealth

Scripture ref: 1 Timothy 6:6-10

SUBJECT: Stewardship

TITLE: Christian Attitude Toward Wealth

PROPOSITION: The Christian attitude toward wealth should recognize, 1) our relationship with God regarding wealth, 2) the reasons God has given for wealth, 3) the problems associated with wealth.

OBJECTIVES:The hearer should be able to understand their responsibilities and attitudes toward wealth.

AIM:I want everyone to have a proper, healthy, and reverent attitude toward the teaching within the Bible regarding wealth.


1. Read: 1 Timothy 6:6-10

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Love: The Christian Ethic

Date written: August 5th, 2006 Scripture ref: 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 SUBJECT: Love, Ethics TITLE: Love: The Christian Ethic PROPOSITION: To discuss the ethical standard of God: 1) That there is no other standard that can take its place, 2) That love is this ethical standard as it is revealed in the entirety of the Bible, […]

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Studying Our Attitude in Worship

Sermon on Attitude in Worship

Date written: May 22nd, 2002
Scripture ref: Psalm 95:6,7

SUBJECT: Worship

TITLE: Worship Part 2 — Studying Our Attitude in Worship

PROPOSITION: We want to study our attitude in worship. In order to worship God correctly there are certain things that must be broken-1) Our preconceptions, 2) Our worldliness, 3) Our Hearts.

OBJECTIVES: Everyone should be able to understand that attitude in worshipping God is equally important to God as action..

AIM: To impress upon the hearer the need to have to correct attitude in worship.

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Sermon | Scientific Foreknowledge in the Bible

Date written: November 20th, 2005 Scripture ref: Psalm 147:5 SUBJECT: Evidences TITLE: Scientific Foreknowledge in the Bible PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at some facts of science that the Bible declares factual which were not discovered by scientists until recently. Objectives: That each would understand that the Bible displays sufficient scientific foreknowledge to […]

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Good Men Who Opposed God

Date written: November 6th, 2005 Scripture ref: Genesis 18:16-23 SUBJECT: God’s People TITLE: Good Men Who Opposed God PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at the lives of some good men who opposed God and draw lessons. Objective: To understand that while we may oppose God, that God is willing to work with us […]

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Obtaining Sainthood

SUBJECT: Salvation

TITLE: Obtaining Sainthood

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will explore what it means to obtain sainthood.

OBJECTIVES: Each should understand and be able to explain what it means to obtain sainthood and be a saint.


1. Read: Colossians 1:21-26

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Sermon on Optimism – Bible Optimism

SUBJECT: Bible Optimism

TITLE: Sermon on Optimism – Bible Optimism

PROPOSITION: To set forth some optimistic resolutions each Christian should make in light of the new year.

OBJECTIVES: Each member should be motivated to go forward into the new year and work for God anticipating great accomplishments.

AIM: I want to motivate all to be optimistic toward this new year.


1. Read: Philippians 3:13-16

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Object of Worship in Christianity- The Truth about the Correct Object

Proposition: We want to study the Pattern of Worship. Our pattern of worship must have the correct object. That the object of worship is not ourselves, nor our fellow man, but it is God.

Subject: Worship

Title: The Object of Worship

Objective: Everyone should be able to understand that the only object of worship is God and reject all other efforts to worship other things.

Aim: To impress upon each hearer the necessity of letting God define our worship.


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The Third Commandment – The Lord's Name

Date written: June 30th, 2007
Scripture ref: Exodus 20:1-17

SUBJECT: Ten Commandments

TITLE: The Third Commandment – The Lord’s Name

PROPOSITION: In this lesson on the Ten Commandments, we’ll look at #3, taking the Lord’s name in vain. We will notice the 1) content of the command and 2) the consequence of the command.

Objectives: That each would be familiar with the Ten Commandments so that we can understand them and respect them as they have application under the New Covenant.


1. Read: Exodus 20:1-17

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The Substitution of the Body of Christ

SUBJECT: Christology TITLE: The Substitution of the Body of Christ PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will examine the ways in which Christ substituted his body for ours and consequently what our response to that should be. OBJECTIVES: Each should be able to explain how he has a responsibility to the death of Christ. AIM: To […]

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“Farther Along”

Scripture ref: 1 John 3:1-3


TITLE: “Farther Along”

PROPOSITION: Farther along we will understand more about the 1) Mysteries of Life, 2) Uncertainties of Life, 3) Inequities of Life.

OBJECTIVE: That each hearer would be motivated to faith in God when encountering the mysteries, uncertainties, and inequities of life.


1. Read: 1 John 3:1-3

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The Challenge of the Cross

SUBJECT: Theology: Christology TITLE: The Challenge of the Cross PROPOSITION: We will study the challenge of the cross to the Christ, to the Christian, and to the Church. OBJECTIVES: The hearer should be able to explain the challenges that faced the Christ while he was upon the earth, realize and apply how those challenges that […]

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Questions Concerning Death – Part 1

Subject: Necrology

Title: Questions Concerning Death–1

Proposition: In this lesson we will answer four questions concerning death: 1) What is death? 2) Why do we have death? 3) Who is going to die? 4) When can we expect death?

Objective: To biblically answer these four questions concerning death and comfort those who know death is near to them or to their relatives.

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Motives for Personal Evangelism

Scripture ref: Mark 5:18-20

Motives For Personal Evangelism

SUBJECT: Evangelism

TITLE: Motives For Personal Evangelism

PROPOSITION: Why ought I to be involved in personal evangelism? 1) Love 2) Thankfulness

Objectives: Each should understand these motives for personal evangelism.

Aim: To motivate the brethren to get involved in our upcoming personal evangelism program.


1. Read: Mark 5:18-20

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Psalm 119:1-8 Sermon | Behavior Blessed by God’s Word

SUBJECT: Passage Study

TITLE: Psalm 119:1-8 Sermon – Behavior of the Blessed

PROPOSITION: In this sermon we will study Psalm 119:1-8. We will note: 1) Blessed Conduct, 2) Binding Commands, 3) Bona Fide Commitment.

OBJECTIVE: That each would become more familiar with Psalm 119.

AIM: To impress upon each the importance of respecting and honoring God’s word in our lives.

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Sermon on Catholicism – Catholicism Refuted, Part 2

Scripture ref: 1 John 4:1

SUBJECT: False Doctrine

Type: Topical

TITLE: Catholicism Refuted (part 2)

PROPOSITION: To look at the brochure “Top Ten Questions Catholics Are Asked” and compare the answers to the Bible.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to understand primary Catholic dogma and be able to refute it from the scriptures with the goal in mind of being able to teach our Catholic friends the truth of God’s word.

AIM:To show that Catholicism is a false religion so that those who are in it will repent.


1. Read: 1 John 4:1

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Sermon on Having A Mind To Work | “The People Had a Mind to Work”

Date written: 1/1/06
Scripture ref: Nehemiah 4:6

SUBJECT: Christian Work

TITLE: A Mind To Work

PROPOSITION: Having a mind to work is having a mind that 1) Recognizes a need to work, 2) Desires to work regardless of personal interests, and 3) Will work even under adverse circumstances.

Objectives: That each would resolve to do more work for the Lord in this New Year and have “a mind to work.”

Aim: To encourage all to have a mind to work for this New Year.

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What Shall It Profit a Man – Sermon on the Value of the Soul

SUBJECT: Attitudes

TITLE: The Value of the Soul

PROPOSITION: In this sermon, we will give three reasons why the soul is the most valuable thing that any person possesses: 1) The soul is constant; the world is perishable. 2) The soul is a unique creation. 3) The soul cost the life of the Son of God.

AIM: To help everyone recognize that the soul is more valuable than anything and is worth sacrificing everything for its salvation.


1. Read: Mark 8:36, 37 “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

2. About the Text:

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Sermon on Sacrifice – 3 Inspiring Examples of Sacrifice in the Bible

SUBJECT: Sacrifice

TITLE: Three Examples of Sacrifice

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will discuss the meaning of sacrifice. In this lesson we will illustrate this meaning through three examples: 1) a poor person, 2) a preacher, and 3) a pilgrim.

OBJECTIVES:Each hearer should be able to understand and explain what it means to make sacrifices for the Lord.

AIM:I want every person to be renewed in spirit toward making the appropriate sacrifices in their life for the kingdom of God.

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Sermon Outline on Love – The Highest Kind

SUBJECT: Salvation

TITLE: Words of Encouragement–Love

PROPOSITION: In this sermon on love, we will briefly look at Love in the Bible. 1) God’s love for man; 2) Man’s love for God; 3) Man’s love for one another.

OBJECTIVES: The listener should be able to discuss the various relationships in which love is involved and cite one supporting scripture for each.

AIM: To encourage the brethren by helping them understand God’s love for them; to move the brethren to reciprocate that love to God and toward one another.


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