Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

The Greatest Command

Listen Date written: July 1st, 2006 Scripture ref: Deuteronomy 6:1-5 SUBJECT: Love, Obedience TITLE: The Greatest Command PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study what Jesus calls God’s greatest command looking at its 1) Imperative nature, 2) Intention and Instruction for living, 3) Intensity of application, and 4) Impression on our lives. OBJECTIVE: That each […]

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The Sirens Songs

In this lesson, we will focus on four common temptations that people hear and why these temptations are lies. To help equip everyone to better deal with the thoughts of temptation that come their way.

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Being Spiritual as a Mature Couple (Part 1)

God wants faithfulness “’til death do us part.” This will require some amount of planning. Additionally, couples must be faithful to each other to continue to set the example for adult children who decide to marry and rear their own children. Our purpose of bringing up godly children does not end when the children leave the home. We set an example of godliness until death.

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Salvation and Noah

Noah’s salvation mirrors our own salvation today in that Noah was saved 1) By Grace, 2) By Faith, 3) By Obedience, 4) From Destruction. Each person should be able to explain how Noah was saved. All should understand that God worked in the days of Noah just as he does today. God’s principles are the save though his methods are different.

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The Parable of the Talents

In the parable of the talents we see 1) Ability, 2) Responsibility, 3) Accountability. Each person should be able to understand the parable of the talents and how it relates to his/her life.

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Being a Spiritual Father (Part 2)

Children do not get automatic updates downloaded to their systems. God created parents to educate them. Fathers are instrumental in developing children so that they become what God wants them to be. Fathers must teach the truth and provide good spiritual examples to their children because children identify with their fathers—not just boys, but girls too! Their behaviors, speech patterns, habits, goals, level of engagement with people, work ethic, spirituality, and other attributes that are essential to one’s identity are formed through paternal modeling.

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Sermon on Joy | For The Faithful Christian Joy Is Possible

Date written: Feb. 9, 1997
Scripture ref: Phil. 4:4

SUBJECT: Happiness

TITLE: Sermon on Joy – Christian Joy

PROPOSITION: The Christian has much in which to rejoice because of his 1) Past, 2) Present, 3) Future.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to quote the Scripture Ref: and state why his Past, Present and Future give him reason to rejoice!

AIM: To encourage the brethren by outlining why the Christian has much to rejoice about.

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Does Cremation Matter to Salvation?

So, one’s salvation does not have anything to do with whether one is buried or cremated. Our salvation, as Christians, is assured because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).

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How Were There Giants After the Flood?

There were giants on the earth after the flood because of conditions like gigantism. There was also the possibility that among Noah, his wife, and his daughters-in-law, there was the genetic possibility for individuals to grow very tall.

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Being a Spiritual Father (Part 1)

Research has demonstrated that fathers who are engaged spiritually are apt to produce spiritually minded children. The mothers of the home may be 100% spiritual, but if their fathers are not, the children are not as apt to be either. Fathers need to have a close, loving, and nurturing relationship with their children. They must engage spiritually in several key areas: faithfulness to teaching, intensity of focus, attendance at weekly services, belief in biblical literalism, religious intensity, and civic engagement of one’s beliefs (Families and Faith, Bengtson, Oxford: 2013, p.76-77). It is for these reasons that the Bible says, “And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).

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Singing to God

SUBJECT: Worship

TITLE: Singing to God

PROPOSITION: To talk about the need to sing, the nature of New Testament singing, and to impart some helpful notations concerning singing to God.

OBJECTIVE: To teach the scriptural way to sing and to enhance our song service.


1. Read: Psalm 100

2. About the Text:

1) We sing to praise God.

2) God is worthy of our praise.

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Sermon on the Soul | God’s Greatest Treasure

PROPOSITION: In this sermon, we will give three reasons why the soul is God’s Greatest Treasure: 1) The soul is constant; the world is perishable. 2) The soul is a unique creation. 3) The soul cost the life of the Son of God.

OBJECTIVE: To help everyone recognize that the soul is more valuable than anything and is worth sacrificing everything for its salvation.


1. Read: Mark 8:36, 37 “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

2. About the Text:

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The Bible Doctrine of Wisdom

Date written: September 4th, 2005Scripture ref: Proverbs 1:1-6 SUBJECT: Wisdom TITLE: The Bible Doctrine of Wisdom PROPOSITION: To survey the Bible doctrine of Wisdom: The need for wisdom, the source of wisdom, the character of heavenly wisdom. Objectives: That each would understand more about wisdom. Aim: To teach that wisdom can be had and understood […]

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Lord of the Sabbath

Date written: February 24th, 2007 Scripture ref: Matthew 12:1-8 SUBJECT: Jesus TITLE: Lord of the Sabbath PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study Matthew 12:1-8 specifically that in this passage, we have an 1) Insufficiency, 2) Indictment, 3) Implication, 4) Identity. OBJECTIVE: To be familiar with Matthew 12:1-8 and the teaching of Jesus in this […]

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Things That Unite–One Spirit

Date written: August 14th, 2004 Scripture ref: Ephesians 4:1-6 SUBJECT: Unity TITLE: Things that Unite-One Spirit PROPOSITION: The one Spirit unites by giving us 1) one mind, 2) one voice, 3) one mission. OBJECTIVES: Each hearer will be able to show how the Spirit unites us together in each of these things. AIM: To promote […]

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Sermon | “Once Saved, Always Saved”

Sermon on “Once Saved, Always Saved Listen Date written: 9/16/06 Scripture ref: John 15:1-8 SUBJECT: False Doctrine TITLE: “Once Saved, Always Saved” PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at the doctrine of “Once Saved, Always Saved.” 1) It’s historical background, 2) The Bible’s teaching on security, 3) Why OSAS is wrong, and 4) The […]

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Holy Holy Holy

This lesson reflects on the lyrics to Holy Holy Holy and specifically that 1) God is Almighty, 2) The Creature is Made to Praise the Creator, 3) There is None that Compares to God, and 4) All of God’s Works Praise Him. To learn the lyrics of the song and reflect on their scriptural basis.

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The Purpose of the Bible

This lesson will discuss the purpose of the Bible: 1) The Old Testament, 2) The New Testament, and 3) Application. Each person will understand the purpose of the Bible and how it applies to us today.

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The Fourth Commandment – Remember the Sabbath

Date written: August 18th, 2007 Scripture ref: Exodus 20:8-11 SUBJECT: Ten Commandments TITLE: “Remember the Sabbath” PROPOSITION: As we study the fourth commandment let us consider 1) The Rule, 2) The Rationale, 3) The Relevance. Objectives: That we will become more familiar with the ten commandments and that we will understand the meaning of the […]

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The Beauty of the Word “Mother”

Date written: May 13th, 2006 Scripture ref: Genesis 3:20 The Beauty of the Word “Mother” SUBJECT: Mother’s Day TITLE: The Beauty of the Word “Mother” PROPOSITION: In this lesson we’ll look at the spiritual beauty of motherhood in an acronym: 1) Maturity, 2) Obligation, 3) Tears, 4) Home, 5) Empathy, and 6) Reward / Regret. […]

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