Kevin Cauley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Beatitudes – Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Date written: March 11th, 2006 Scripture ref: Matthew 5:1-12 SUBJECT: Peace, Beatitudes TITLE: Beatitudes — Blessed Are the Peacemakers PROPOSITION: Christians ought to be peacemakers because 1) God is the God of peace. 2) Jesus was and is a peacemaker. 3) Christians are instructed to be peaceful. Objectives: That each would understand what it means […]

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Sermon on Loving Your Brother

Date written: November 21st, 2003

Scripture ref: 1 John 3:14


TITLE: Impediments to Loving Your Brother

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will discuss things that the Bible says impedes loving our brother. We impede ourselves from loving our brother when 1) We put a stumbling block before our brother; 2) We serve self instead of our brother; 3) We bite and devour our brothers, 4) We speak falsehoods to our brothers.

OBJECTIVES: Each listener should be able to understand what kind of behavior God says impedes loving our brothers.

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Things That Unite–One Faith


TITLE: Things That Unite – One Faith

PROPOSITION: How can we have unity in the one faith? 1) By being steadfast within it. 2) By not falling away from it. 3) By contending for it. 4) By being encouraged by it.

OBJECTIVES: Each one should understand the things that he may do to maintain unity in the one faith.

AIM: To give scriptural reasons how we can have unity in the one faith.


1. Read: Ephesians 4:1-6

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“Watchman, What of the Night?”

Date written: February 19th, 2005
Scripture ref: Isaiah 21:11, 12

SUBJECT: Evangelism

TITLE: “Watchman, What of the Night?”

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at Isaiah 21:11, 12 and the question “Watchman, what of the night?” We will note: 1) The watchman, 2) The night, and 3) The message.

Objectives: Each should understand their responsibility to God in reference to teaching and preaching the whole truth during the course of evangelism.

Aim: To help everyone understand that we must preach the whole counsel of God to be God’s watchman.

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I Like to Go Hiking

How do you prevent getting lost?  Whether hiking, travelling, in one’s marriage, school, or in any affairs of life wherein you can become “lost,” there are five very simple rules that you can observe.

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Sermon on the Lord’s Supper | Why Remember Jesus?

SUBJECT: Jesus, Lord’s Supper, Worship

TITLE: Why Remember Jesus?

PROPOSITION: We ought to remember Jesus because 1) It is part of Jesus’ and the apostles’ doctrine, 2) A grateful heart will remember sacrifice, 3) God the Father wants us to remember His Son, Jesus.

Objectives: To set forth three convincing reasons as to why we should remember Jesus upon the first day of every week.

Aim: That each would be able to tell others why they ought to remember Jesus every week.


1. Read: Luke 22:14-20

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Things That Unite — One God and Father

SUBJECT: Unity, God the Father

TITLE: Things That Unite – One God and Father

PROPOSITION: The God of unity is 1) a Particular God, 2) a Paternal God, 3) a Present God.

Objectives: That everyone understand how having One God and Father who is ever present compels unity in the body.

Aim: To teach that unity may be achieved because we have one God.


1. Read: Ephesians 4:1-6

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Demanding Purity

Scripture ref: Titus 2:11, 12

SUBJECT: Morality

TITLE: Demanding Purity

PROPOSITION: Immorality today is running out of control. It is time that we stood up and demanded purity from ourselves and those around us. We must demand purity on the issue of 1) Personal Speech, 2) Modesty, 3) Sexual Activity.

OBJECTIVES: Each listener should be more resolved to demand purity in their personal situation.

AIM: To reinforce in the mind of the hearer the need for demanding purity.


1. Read: Titus 2:11, 12

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For Obedience of Faith

Date written: January 16th, 2004 Scripture ref: Romans 1:1-5 SUBJECT: Attitudes TITLE: For Obedience Of Faith PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will note the following: 1) Jesus lived and died, 2) The Gospel was Given, 3) Salvation is available, . . . for obedience of faith. OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should recognize the need for obedience […]

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Is a Person Saved Before Baptism or After Baptism?

In Mark 16:16, Jesus said that it is those who believe and are baptized that are saved. So, baptism is connected with salvation. Does baptism happen before a person is saved or after? Mark 16:16 says baptism happens before salvation.

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Why Do Some People Not Follow God’s Word?

Many will preach the parts of the Bible that they like, but they will not preach all of it. Paul said, “I kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly and from house to house” (Acts 20:20), and “For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). Not only must we preach God’s word, we must preach all of it.

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He’s Not So Far Away

Some have the idea that this is how God has left us: groping around in this world without knowledge of what He wants. This is not the case! God has given us His Light to shine in the darkness, to illumine our path, to guide us home, and to lead others to Him (Ps. 119:110; Jn. 1:4-5; 8:12; II Tim. 3:16-17).

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The King’s Mission

The mission of the King was to restore His kingdom by providing 1) Real Reconciliation, 2) Sustaining Sanctification, and 3) Eternal Expectations. Each person should understand that Jesus has accomplished His mission. Christ is King because He did what no other could do to provide for man’s salvation.

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Thinking Christianly

SUBJECT: Christian Living

TITLE: Thinking Christianly

PROPOSITION: How ought Christians to think? 1) Soberly, 2) Beneficially, 3) Wisely.

Objectives: Each should be able to tell others about how Christians think.

Aim: To get Christians to think about their own thinking.


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The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

TITLE: The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit

SUBJECT: Godhead

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study the Bible teaching regarding the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. 1) That the Spirit indwells the Christian. 2) That the Indwelling Spirit produces the Fruits of the Spirit. 3) That the Spirit dwells in the Christian through the word of God.

OBJECTIVES: Everyone should be able to know that the Spirit indwells the Christian.

AIM: To help everyone understand the nature of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

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The Blessed Promises of God

SUBJECT: Salvation

TITLE: The Blessed Promises of God

PROPOSITION: The character of the promises of God is such that God’s promises are 1) Sure, 2) Full of Hope for the Righteous, and 3) Conditional.

OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should understand that God’s promises are 1) Sure, 2) Full of Hope for the Righteous, 3) Conditional.

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“For Christ and the Church”

Date written: September 30th, 2007 Scripture ref: Acts 20:28 SUBJECT: Christ / Church TITLE: “For Christ and the Church” PROPOSITION: For Christ and the church let us 1) Praise Lovingly, 2) Pray Fervently, 3) Give Willingly, 4) Serve Faithfully. OBJECTIVE: That each considers the words to this great song and be renewed in spirit in […]

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Getting Ready to Evangelize

To set forth three prerequisites that all Christians should understand before beginning to evangelize namely we must 1) Recognize that there are souls that are lost, 2) Be willing to make a lasting commitment and 3) Truly believe that the gospel is the “good news.”

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Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth

To study an overview of 1) What, 2) Why, and 3) How to rightly divide the word. Each person may become more familiar with the Bible and how to handle it.

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Sermon – Beatitudes – Poor In Spirit

Date written: November 13th, 2004 Scripture ref: Matthew 5:3-10 SUBJECT: Attitudes TITLE: Beatitudes-Poor In Spirit PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at the beatitude, poor in spirit. We will note what it means to be poor in spirit. We will note what their relationship is to the kingdom of heaven. We will note some […]

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