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Fathers and Their Daughters

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines


1. What can be more precious in the eyes of a father than his daughter?

1) Daughters are indeed a blessing from the Father.

2) They are a mirror of the beauty of the mother.

2. To watch a daughter grow is a rare privilege.

1) A father can have an effect on many generations through that daughter. “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”

2) She can bring you a lifetime of joy.

3. On the other hand…

1) She can make choices that may bring you and your house to utter ruin.

2) Many runaways run from good families.

3) If she makes the wrong choices she may ruin generation in the future. “The hand…”

4) Alcohol and drug abuse.

5) Fornication.

6) Neglect of children.

7) Living w/o benefit of marriage.

8) Lying and stealing.

4. Many fathers try mightily to rear their daughters to be good women.

1) Many fail to use all the tools at their disposal.

2) Example: Farmer with 1000 acres using a 2-row rig when there is an eight wheel drive John Deere tractor available.

3) that difference making tool that I am speaking of is effectual prayer.

5. To believe the Bible is to believe that prayer makes a difference. James 5:16; 1 John 3:22

6. There are some, however, whose prayers will not be heard. 1 John 3:22

[We as fathers want to do everything in our power to rear our girls to be good women. To do this is to be a blessing to society. To do this is to help populate heaven with our grandchildren and beyond.]

DISCUSSION: Where do fathers go wrong that their prayers are not heard?

Father’s prayers are not heard when they…

I.   FAIL TO LIVE RIGHTEOUSLY. Micah 3:4; James 4:3; Isaiah 59.2; Jdg. 10:10-14

1. A great privilege is lost because of selfish desires.

1) Forsake assembling.

2) Pornography.

3) Alcohol.

4) Failure to study Scripture.

5) Covet what others own.

6) Live as if we can do without God.

2. Here’s what our repentance will accomplish.

1) Our own forgiveness and salvation. Acts 8:22; 1 John 1:7-9.

2) Our prayers can then be heard and we can pray for our daughters.

[Another area in which Fathers have their prayers hindered is when they…]


1. Neglected, belittled wives are not honored.

2. Wives of unfaithful husbands are not honored.

3. Abused, disrespected wives are not honored.

4. Honored wives enjoy the protection of their husbands.

5. Honored wives partake in the prosperity of their husbands.

6. Honored wives are spoken to with respect.

7. Your daughter is watching. She may decide she doesn’t want the job of “wife” based on how you treat your wife.

8. Honor your wives men. Your prayers will not be heard unless you do.

[Still further, prayers of fathers are not heard when they…]

III. FAIL TO PRAY. James 4:2

1. The God who called us has resources untold. He is UNLIMITED.

2. Matthew 7:7-11; 1 John 5:14-15.

3. We are commanded to pray. 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Luke 18:1; 21:36; Ephesians 6:18.

4. In failing to pray for our daughters we fail to draw on the most powerful and reliable help at our disposal.

5. If our daughters turn to evil and we have failed to pray do we not share in the blame?

[Finally, Father’s prayers are not heard when they…]


1. Daughter may die lost because you are lost. 2 Corinthians 5:11

2. I want you to obey Christ because, if you do, you will avoid the terror of the Lord.

3. I want you to obey Christ because, if you do, your daughter may follow you and avoid the terror of the Lord.

4. If she’s not a Christian she will not enjoy the promise of 1 Corinthians 10:13.

5. If you’re not a Christian she will not enjoy the benefit of your prayers for her. (protection, health, good partner, truthfulness, self-control, drugs, alcohol, fornication)

6. It is your sin that separates you from God. Romans 3:23; Isaiah 59:2

7. Only the blood of Christ can remove it. Matthew 26:28

8. Only by obedience can you contact that blood. Acts 2:38

9. You must believe (John 8:24), repent (Luke 13:3), confess (Romans 10:9-10), and be baptized (Mark 16:16).

CONCLUSION: Do you want your prayers heard?

1. Live righteously.

2. Honor your wives.

3. Remember the command to pray.

4. Gain the privilege of prayer by obedience to the Gospel.