Worship In Spirit And In Truth

INTRODUCTION: Read John 4:24

A. The worship of God in Spirit and in truth is a matter of great importance and great significance, as is clearly seen in God’s word.

1. Jesus taught on worship (John 4:19-26)

2. Paul, on Mars Hill, preached on worship (Acts 17:22-31)

3. The second recorded controversy between God and man was over worship (Gen. 4)

4. The word “worship” is found 119 times in the Bible

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Sermon on Chosen Generation | Attitudes of The Chosen Generation

Scripture ref: 1 Peter 2:9

SUBJECT: Christian Attitudes

TITLE: Attitudes of the Chosen Generation

Type: Topical/Expository

PROPOSITION: To have the attitude of the chosen generation, we must 1) Be proactive 2) Be positive 3) Be Humble.

OBJECTIVES: The hearer should be able to understand and show proactivity, confidence, and humility in a balanced manner.

AIM: I want the listener to be motivated to service in a proactive, confident, but humble way.


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Sermon on the Betrayal of Jesus | Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus

Sermon on the Betrayal of Jesus

INTRODUCTION: John 18:1-11

A. Think how it would hurt to be betrayed by a friend and arrested on false charges.

1. I’ve never been arrested, but I’ve been betrayed by people I care about.

2. It is painful and discouraging.

3. It has been said that those who hurt us the most are those closest to us.

B. My experience doesn’t even compare, however, to the betrayal and arrest of Jesus.

1. We often concentrate on His death, burial, and resurrection – and rightly so

2. But from His betrayal and arrest there is a wealth of information about the knowledge and wisdom of God, the utter sinfulness of man, and the sacrificial love of Jesus.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Adoption into the Family

Sermon on Adoption SUBJECT: Salvation TITLE: Adoption Into The Family PROPOSITION: Adoption into God’s family involves 1) acceptance into the family, 2) responsibilities as a family member, and 3) blessings of being a member of the family. OBJECTIVES: The hearer should be able to state what adoption into God’s family involves, outlining briefly what has […]

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Uses for the Old Covenant

SUBJECT: Covenants

TITLE: Uses for the Old Covenant

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we want to focus upon some uses of the Old Covenant, namely: 1) It is for our learning, 2) It provides wisdom, 3) It warns us regarding sin, 4) It helps us understand the New Covenant.

OBJECTIVES: Each person should understand why we study the Old Covenant.

AIM: To help all understand that as Christians, we must study the Old Covenant.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines


TITLE: GOVERNMENT PROPOSITION: To set forth “government” in God’s design. OBJECTIVE:That we have the proper attitude toward and proper behavior regarding “government.” INTRODUCTION: 1. Read: Romans 13:1-7. 2. Regarding the text: 1) There are, as far as this earth is concerned, “higher powers.” 2) There are, in fact, three great organizations created by God: a. […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

The Church Moving Forward #4 – Opportunities to Take


A. Our theme for this series is “The Church Moving Forward”

1. Philippians 3:12-14

2. Paul believed in moving ahead – not falling back

B. A few weeks ago we began talking about the church moving forward into the future, and things we must consider so we can effectively do God’s will.

1. We have considered:

a. Challenges to accept

b. Enemies to defeat

c. Dangers to avoid

2. Today I want us to realize that if the Church is going to mover forward there are OPPORTUNITIES TO TAKE

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Sermon | Forsaking the Assembly

Sermon on Forsaking the Assembly — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on why we should be careful not to forsake the assembly.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Worry and Anxiety | Overcoming Worry and Anxiety

Sermon outline by Tom Moore explaining what the Bible says about overcoming worry.

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Sermon on Consecration – On Consecration and Conduct


A. In previous lessons we have noted:

1. As a new person (2 Cor. 5:17), the Christian enjoys a new identity, a new sense of who he is: he is one who has been born again.

2. He thus has a new relationship to God, a new status: he belongs to God

3. As a result, he has adopted a new mind, a new way of thinking: he thinks on the basis of faith

B. But in addition to these things, the Christian lives in “newness of life”

1. Romans 6:4

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Biblical Submission, The Example of a Submissive Wife

Submissive Wife Bible INTRODUCTION: Read Eph. 5:22 1. Many in the world scorn the notion of a Patriarchal society, along with the idea of a wife submitting to her husband. 2. There is no doubt, though, that the Lord teaches that a Christian wife is to be in submission to her husband. 3. The Bible […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Sanctification | The Bible Doctrine of Sanctification

Sermon on Sanctification — Sermon outline by Tom Moore countering some of the current digressions regarding the Holy Spirit and conversion.

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Sermon on Living Righteously | Christian Righteousness

SUBJECT: Daily Living

TITLE: Christian Righteousness

PROPOSITION: To teach the Christians attitude toward other people.

OBJECTIVE: That the people will begin living righteously.


1. Read: Titus 2:11-12

2. About the Text:

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Sermon on Aging Gracefully – Growing Old Gracefully

Sermon Outline by Tom Moore on growing old as a Christian; a process of responsibility and usefulness and not of degeneration and despair.

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The ABCs of Christianity

SUBJECT: Self Discipline

TITLE: The ABCs of Getting Out of our Comfort Zones

PROPOSITION: To set forth the fundamental things we must do to begin to get out of our comfort zones, namely 1) Attend the services; 2) study the Bible; 3) imitate the Christ.

Aim: It is my aim to impress upon each person the church’s need for him or her to get out of their comfort zones by doing these three things as a start!


1. Read: Philippians 2:5

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What Is Sin?

INTRODUCTION: A. J. W. McGarvey once said, “I would esteem above every other gift that could be bestowed upon me as a preacher the power to adequately conceive what sin is and to adequately set it before the people.” B. Why was this ability so important to brother McGarvey? 1. Because of the consequences of […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on the Spiritual Heart – Two Hearts

Scripture ref: 1 Samuel 16:7


PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at two kinds of hearts, 1) The hard heart, and 2) The Soft heart.

OBJECTIVES: Each should understand the two hearts, their relationship to God and his word, and which kind everyone should desire to have.

AIM: To encourage everyone to have the kind of heart that God wants us to have.


1. Read: 1 Samuel 16:7 “But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”

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The Facts of Life


1. Sometimes it’s necessary to put things in a very basic, plain way.

2. Some won’t understand the importance of eternal matters without some plainness.

3. Once a famous football coach was upset with the performance of his team and decided to explain things from the very simplest matters. He began his speech, “This is a football.”

4. So, with this idea in mind let’s note some basic facts of life that we must know.


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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

The World’s Greatest Power

INTRODUCTION: A. Many different things have been invented by man to harness great destructive power. 1. TNT is one of the most powerful man-made explosives. 2. It has been a great labor saving device, enabling men to literally move the mountains aside for railways and roads. 3. Regretfully, man has also used his knowledge of […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on the Ascension of the Lord | The Ascension of Christ

Sermon on Ascension of Jesus– Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the purpose and meaning of the ascension of Christ.

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