Sermon on the Family of God – God’s Family
Sermon on the Family of God — Sermon outline by Tom Moore from 1 Peter 2:9-10 on the church being the family of God
Sermon on the Family of God — Sermon outline by Tom Moore from 1 Peter 2:9-10 on the church being the family of God
SUBJECT: Unity, Church
TITLE: Why Have Unity?
PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will set forth three reasons why we ought to have unity. 1) Jesus prayed for it. 2) Paul pleaded for it. 3) The Holy Spirit prescribed it.
Objectives: That each would desire to have unity within the body of Christ.
Aim: To teach God’s plan for unity among believers and to help all come to a better understanding of what this means.
1. Read: Philippians 2:1,2
Sermon on Presumption PROPOSITION: To set forth the sin of presumption. OBJECTIVE: To help us avoid presumptuous sin. INTRODUCTION: 1. Read: Deuteronomy 17:12-13; Deut. 18:20-22. 2. Regarding the text: 1) The Old Testament was written for our learning, 1 Corinthians 10:11. 2) Many Old Testament passages set forth the vile sin of presuming. 3) One […]
Date written: February 26th, 2006 Bible Text: 2 Timothy 3:1-5 SUBJECT: Attitudes, Priorities, Devotion TITLE: Who do you love? PROPOSITION: To discuss the things that Paul says people will and will not love from 2 Timothy 3:1-5, namely, 1) Lovers of Self, 2) Lovers of Money, 3) No lovers of good, 4) Lovers of pleasure, […]
PROPOSITION: To set forth four characteristics of the froward mouth–that it is 1) a lying mouth, 2) a backbiting mouth, 3) a cursing mouth, and 4) a proud mouth.
OBJECTIVE: To help everyone realize the awesome responsibility we have in keeping our language pure.
1. Read: Proverbs 4:24 “Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.”
A. We are studying the Sermon on the Mount
1. We have learned that the Beatitudes are all about faith
a. How faith begins (vs. 3-5)
b. How faith develops (v. 6)
c. How faith matures (vs. 7-9)
d. How faith is tested (vs. 10-12)
SUBJECT: Attitudes
TITLE: Do Not Envy This!
PROPOSITION: The Bible teaches us some specific things NOT to envy. In this lesson we will note that we ought not to envy 1) the man of violence, 2) the arrogant, 3) the unrighteous and sinner.
OBJECTIVES: Be able to know that God has specifically forbidden envy of certain things and know what to search for in regard to these things.
AIM: That each would understand that we are to avoid envy and especially envy of these specific things.
1. Read: Matthew 27:18
PROPOSITION: To teach the necessity of hearing God’s Word in order to salvation.
OBJECTIVE: That the hearer might understand that it is necessary to hear God’s Word for salvation.
INTRODUCTION: Read Romans 10:17 and Hebrews 11:6
1. Romans 10:17 stresses that faith comes through hearing God’s Word.
2. Hebrews 11:6 notes that faith is necessary in coming to God.
3. Proposition is settled right here.
4. Subject is important to counteract so-called “spirituality” today.
1. The example of Christ with regard to giving.
1) His miracles a matter of giving. Matthew 10:8
2) He gave His blood. Romans 5:8
2. The teaching of Jesus on giving.
1) The good Samaritan. Luke 10:25ff
2) Give even to your enemies. Matthew 5:43-48
3) The giver serves Jesus. Matthew 25:31ff
4) Give to the poor. Matthew 19:21
5) The return of giving. Luke 6:38
Sermon on the Work of Christ — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the blessings that Christ brings. From Ephesians 2:11-18
INTRODUCTION: Philippians 4:8-9
A. To live the Christian life, one must think clearly and act correctly.
1. One who thinks without acting is like a hunter who aims his gun but never fires it
2. One who acts without thinking is like a hunter who fires his gun without aiming.
B. Both thinking and acting are addressed in our present text
Date written: May 14th, 2006 Scripture ref: Genesis 4:1-5 SUBJECT: Sin, Origins TITLE: Studies in Genesis – The Sins of Cain PROPOSITION: To discuss the sins of Cain in Genesis 4. OBJECTIVE: To understand what those sins are and how to avoid them. INTRODUCTION: 1. Read: Genesis 4:1-5 2. About the Text: 1) We don’t […]
A. Again, let me ask you this morning why you are a member of the church of Christ? – Or, Why are you a member of the religious group that you are?
1. Is it because it is the one you were raised in?
2. Is it because it is the one where your friends go?
3. Is it because they have a lot of young people?
B. Many today believe that one church is a good as another.
1. Is one doctor as good as another? … No!
2. Is one auto mechanic as good as another? … No!
Blessed Assurance Sermon — One of the greatest things that the child of God enjoys is confidence. It can help him endure the turmoils of this life
INTRODUCTION: Philippians 3:17 – 4:1 A. Where are you right now? 1. Look around – what do you see? Touch something with your hand. 2. This is the world that we experience with our five senses – this is the world with which we are familiar 3. This is the world that holds the attention […]
SUBJECT: Benevolence
TITLE: The Church’s Work of Benevolence
PROPOSITION: To discuss the work that the church must do in rendering benevolent deeds to be saints and non-saints.
OBJECTIVE: Each listener should be aware of the need for the church to do benevolent work as well as the problems that some have created in opposition to aiding non-saints.
AIM: To show that the church must do benevolent work both to saints and non-saints.
1. Read: Galatians 6:10
Sermon on Naaman — Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on the Naaman Bible story and his healing by Elijah of his leprosy. Salvation, obedience.
Subject: Lord’s Supper – Mental Aspect Title: Keeping Your Mind On The Lord During His Supper. Introduction: 1. What do you think about during the Lord’s Supper? 1) Your child’s behavior? 2) Problems at work? 3) The prospects of your favorite football team? 4) The pot roast at Luby’s? 5) Are you thinking about the […]
Date written: April 23rd, 2006
Scripture ref: 2 Kings 2:9-14
SUBJECT: Biography
TITLE: Lessons from the Life of Elisha
PROPOSITION: To review the life of Elisha and glean appropriate lessons.
OBJECTIVE: That each would be more familiar with the life of Elisha.
1. Read: 2 Kings 2:9-14
SUBJECT: Holiness
TITLE: Following Holiness
PROPOSITION: To follow after holiness we need to 1) Follow After God, 2) Follow After Purity, 3) Follow After Distinctiveness.
Objectives: That each would know what it means to 1) follow after God, 2) follow after purity, and 3) follow after distinctiveness.
Aim: To encourage each to follow holiness so that one day we may all see God.
1. Read: Hebrews 12:14
2. About the Text:
1) The book of Hebrews was written to encourage Hebrew Christians to be faithful to Christ.