Wednesday Bible Class – Acts 14
This audio file makes up for none last week.
Sermon on Idolatry | The Futility of Idolatry
INTRODUCTION: Isaiah 10:10-14
1. The Kingdom of Judah had trusted in its idols for protection.
2. Sennacherib points out that he had defeated all the kingdoms with greater idols than Judah.
1) He defeated Babylon and Egypt.
2) He defeated Syria and then Samaria.
Wednesday Night 5/6/2020 Acts 12
Wednesday Night 5/6/2020 Acts Chapter 12 Bible Class by G. E. Watkins
Was The Devil Once an Angel? The Honest Truth Revealed
How do the passages Isaiah 14:12 and Revelation 9:11 affect the answer you gave about Satan being a fallen angel? Please explain what Isaiah 14:12-17 is referring to. What does verse 12 mean when it says, “O, Lucifer, son of the morning?” Isaiah 14:12 reads in the King James Version, “How art thou fallen from […]
A Wonderful Savior
A Wonderful Savior mp3, sung A Cappella, with lyrics, for the purposes of training and preparation.
That Little Voice in Your Head
“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” is the famous line from the Wizard of Oz wherein the “wizard” doesn’t want Dorothy and the others to know what is actually going on. Once his “magic” is revealed for what it really is, Dorothy and the others are no longer intimidated by the “wizard” […]
“Every Man’s Work Shall Be Made Manifest”
A querist asks, “Could someone please explain to me what I Corinthians 3:10-15 means, especially vss. 14,15?”
And Then It’s Winter……
I received the following thoughts by an unknown author via email this morning from one of my Christian friends and wanted to share them with my blog readers. These thoughts could very well be my thoughts, as I’m entering the latter years of my life. The thoughts expressed are something to seriously think about this […]
Grace And Works
Some in the church have a denominational view of Ephesians 2:8-9. This writer does not question their sincerity, but their understanding and knowledge. A clear statement of their position is, “We do not contribute one whit to our salvation” (Rubel Shelly, quoted in Yokefellow, vol. 18, no. 4, p. 3). They take the phrase, “not […]
Our Christian Example
The story is told of a Christian high school senior who was honored as one of the best and brightest in his community because he provided a forceful demonstration of integrity.
Listening For God’s Voice
A Native American and his friend were in downtown New York City, walking near Times Square. It was during the noon lunch hour and the streets were filled with people. Cars
Let's Invest In People!
After being warned by the prophet Daniel about his sinful pride (Proverbs 6:16-17; Psalm 101:5; cf. Proverbs 16:18), the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar was struck with insanity. The Lord restored his mind, but only after he spent a long period of time in a field thinking he was a wild animal (Daniel 4:28-37).
Finding Peace In The Storms Of Life
During a terrible storm on the ocean, a small passenger ship rolled precariously in the roaring tempest. The furniture and anything else that could move was tied down, and the
Reverencing God's Name
In today’s digital world, it’s sometimes difficult to keep up with the abbreviated terminology that accompanies today’s fast-paced, youth-oriented electronic communication. For example, in the “Instant Messaging” (IM) world, the text-message language, “laughing out loud” becomes “lol.” The phrase, “By the way” becomes “btw.” And regrettably, some people are using “omg” for “Oh, my God!”
The Sin of Lying
Of all the sins that man may commit, lying is perhaps the most destructive. Lies, per se, aren’t all that harmful; they’re just words, but their consequences are destructive. When people base their decisions on lies, they make bad choices which ends up destroying their and other’s lives. Moreover, lies conceal the truth, which may […]
I Am Thankful
In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Paul encourages us, “In every thing give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
Genesis 1:3-5
One cannot be sure as to the first questions that the children of Israel might have had about God, but surely the manner in which God created the heavens and the earth would have come up at the campfires with the pillar of fire in view. The absolute power of the God that brought them […]
“Do I Have To Be There?”
Regarding church attendance, this writer questions why any faithful child of God would ever ask such a question as “Do I have to be there?” in the first place. Unless there is a compelling reason that prohibits attendance, where else and with whom else would a child of
What Being A Christian Means
The disciples in Acts 11:26, were first called “Christians” at Antioch somewhere about A.D. 43. They were known to each other as, and were among themselves called, (1) brethren (Acts 15:1,23; 1 Corinthians 7:12); (2) disciples (Acts 9:26; Acts 11:29); (3) believers (Acts 5:14); (4) saints (Romans 8:27; Romans 15:25). Let us ask ourselves this […]