The Parable of the Wedding Feast – Sermon on the Lord’s Invitation

INTRODUCTION: Read Matthew 22:1-14

A. Jesus the Master Teacher taught often in parables.

1. The word parable is derived from a Greek word signifying to compare together, and denotes a similitude taken from a natural object to illustrate a spiritual or moral subject.

2. It is a narrative of some fictitious or real event, in order to illustrate more clearly some truth that the speaker wished to communicate.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Respect of Persons

SUBJECT: Discipleship

TITLE: Respect of Persons

PROPOSITION: We show respect of persons when we allow 1) The wealthy to control our behavior toward the poor, 2) The young to control our behavior toward the old, and 3) The “in-crowd” to control out behavior toward the “out-crowd.”

OBJECTIVES: Each Christian ought to have a renewed sense of zeal toward not showing respect of persons.

AIM: To increase the awareness of what it means to show respect of persons and bring that behavior into our consciousness.

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Enoch's Exam

SUBJECT: Attitude TITLE: Enoch’s Exam PROPOSITION: This lesson will cover the three tests of Enoch’s Exam: Action (Enoch walked with God), Association (Enoch walked with God), and Attitude (Enoch walked with God). OBJECTIVES: Each listened should be able to explain what walking with God entails by defining the Christian walk, explaining their association with God […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

The Reality of Sin

Reality of sin – Sermon outline by Bill Jackson describing sin’s reality, its entry, its definition, its destruction and its remedy.

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The Balm of Gilead, The Great Physician

SUBJECT: Salvation

TITLE: The Balm of Gilead/The Great Physician

PROPOSITION: To study together the problems of the sin sick soul and how these problems are met and eliminated.

OBJECTIVE: To help everyone apply the prescription given by the Great Physician to our problems.

INTRODUCTION: There is a balm in Gilead.

1. Read: Jeremiah 8:18-22

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Kinds of Sin


A. In our series of lessons on sin we have discussed thus far:

1. “The Origin of Sin

2. And, “What Sin Is”

B. As we have previously discussed, the importance of understanding and avoiding sin is easily seen in the following passages:

1. Isaiah 59:1-2

2. Romans 6:23

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Adultery and Divorce

THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: Adultery and Divorce, Matthew 5:27-33


A. Though our society takes adultery lightly, it is a serious offense in the eyes of God

1. God listed it right after murder in the Ten Commandments – Exodus 20:13-14

2. He made it a capital offense in the Old Testament, worthy of the death penalty – Leviticus 20:10

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Why Do We Need Mother’s Day?

Date written: May 12th, 2007 Scripture ref: Deuteronomy 5:16 SUBJECT: Mother’s Day TITLE: Why Do We Need Mother’s Day? PROPOSITION: We need mother’s day to 1) Celebrate Life, 2) Remember Death, 3) Reinforce Holiness. Objectives: That each would reflect upon what we do on mother’s day and how doing this can support our ability to […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Mothers – In Praise of the Mother’s Maker

SUBJECT: Mother’s Day

TITLE: In Praise of the Mother’s Maker

PROPOSITION: We praise the Maker of our mothers because He made our mothers to be 1) Kind, 2) Compassionate, and 3) Caring.

OBJECTIVES: Each listener should be able to understand why God made mothers and the importance of their role within the home.

AIM: To help everyone appreciate the value of motherhood.


1. Read: Genesis 3:20

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Was Jesus a Historical Figure?

Date written: November 5th, 2006 Scripture ref: Luke 1:1-4 SUBJECT: Apologetics TITLE: Was Jesus a Historical Figure? PROPOSITION: To set forth evidence that Jesus was a historical figure. Objectives: That each would understand that Jesus was a historical figure. INTRODUCTION: 1. Read: Luke 1:1-4 2. About the Text: 1) At the beginning of Luke’s account […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

1 Timothy 4:12 Sermon – Be An Example

INTRODUCTION: 1 Timothy 4:12

1. Someone is watching you.

2. Ancient orators taught that, to be heard, the speaker had to apply PATHOS, LOGOS and ETHOS. People watch to see if what you do matches with what you say.

3. Timothy was being watched. So Paul could teach others how to live through Timothy.

4. He instructs, commands: Be an example!.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Ephesians 1:3-14 | Spiritual Blessings In Christ

Sermon on Ephesians 1:3-14 — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the blessings that God has for us spiritually speaking.

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Sermon on Forgiveness | Practicing Forgiveness

Sermon on Forgiveness – Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on the need to practice forgiveness in our lives in order to gain forgiveness.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Sermons on Forgiveness, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags:

The Change Movement – A New Preaching Style

INTRODUCTION: A. The church is under attack by the change agents, and one of their targets is unquestionably the worship services 1. One striking changes that has occurred over the last 30 years is a new style of preaching 2. Scripture used to be the sum and substance of our sermon material 3. We used […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

The Church Moving Forward #2 – Enemies to Defeat


Our Theme in this series of lessons – THE CHURCH MOVING FORWARD – is stated in Philippians 3:13-14

1. Paul believed in moving ahead – not falling back

2. He believed we should not be satisfied with where we are presently – but we need to be moving forward

B. With this in mind, consider how that the Lord’s church is described as a body, both in its life and its function

1. Romans 12:4-5

2. Bodies are designed to live, act, and to work

a. It is natural for the body to function in such a way that life today promotes life tomorrow

b. The same is true for the church – life today promotes life tomorrow

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags: , , , , ,

Blessed Are They Which Are Persecuted


INTRODUCTION: Read Matthew 5:10

A. Today we come to the last of the beatitudes – Matthew 5:10

B. We have been looking at the beatitudes as they relate to faith

1. The beginning of faith – poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek

2. The development of faith – hungering and thirsting after righteousness

3. The maturing of faith – the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers

C. Now we come to the beatitude that speaks to the testing or proving of one’s faith – persecution

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Victory – More Than Conquerors

Introduction: Romans 8:37

1. Paul wrote to a congregation that knew, beyond all others, what a conqueror was.

1) They saw the triumphs.

2) They saw the captives.

3) They saw the treasure.

4) They saw foreign kings in chains.

5) They saw generals receiving adoration.

6) In the wake of the army was a broken, subjugated people.

2. To those who knew conquerors he invited to be more than conquerors!

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons Tags:

Beatitudes – Blessed Are the Persecuted

Date written: May 26th, 2006 Scripture ref: Matthew 5:1-12 SUBJECT: Beatitudes TITLE: Blessed Are the Persecuted PROPOSITION: One can be happy when one is persecuted because of 1) the Christian’s Relationship with God, 2) the Reality of Truth, 3) the Recompense of the wicked, 4) the Reward of the Righteous. OBJECTIVE: The Christian ought to […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines

God’s Ledger of Life


A. Most of us are familiar with the principle of bookkeeping.

1. We have assets and liabilities.

2. When liabilities outweigh assets, we have a problem.

3. Assets and liabilities have a much wider application in our world.

B. People in a company, or in a church, may be an asset, or a liability.

1. Too many liabilities make it impossible for either to succeed.

2. “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting” (Daniel 5:27) … Nebuchadnezzar was a liability

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

The True Meaning to Life #1 – A Study in Ecclesiastes – An Introduction


A. Thomas Wolfe once wrote, “For of all I have ever seen or learned, this book seems to me the noblest, the wisest, and the most powerful expression of man’s life upon this earth – and also the highest flower of poetry, eloquence, and truth. I am not given to dogmatic judgments in the matter of literary creation, but if I had to make one I could say that Ecclesiastes is the greatest single piece of writing I have ever known, and the wisdom expressed in it the most lasting and profound.”

B. We live in a time when everyone longs for happiness and satisfaction

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines