Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God Sermon Outline (Part 1)

Date written: May 14th, 2003
Scripture ref: Matthew 6:33

SUBJECT: Priorities

TITLE: “Seek Ye First” (Part 1)

PROPOSITION: In this lesson, we will study Matthew 6:33. Matthew 6:33 contains a 1) Principle, 2) People, 3) Priority, 4) Place, 5) Pattern, 6) Promise.

Objectives: Each listener should be able to break down this verse and explain what it truly means to someone else.

Aim: To help all have a deep understanding of this wonderful scripture.


1. Read: Matthew 6:33

2. About the Text:

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags:

Sermon on Lot | Lot’s Completely Epic Bad Decision

INTRODUCTION: Genesis 13:8-13

A. Lot is mentioned by name 29 times in the Genesis record

1. In the context of Abraham’s family six times.

2. Once in the context of strife.

3. Three times in the context of choosing the best land according to its appearance, and his separation from Abram

4. Once in the context of separation from Abram alone.

5. Once when he was captured by evil kings.

6. Once when he was rescued by Abram.

7. Once when he was doing […]

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines

Sin Is Crouching At Your Door | The Sin of Cain


TEXT:   GENESIS 4:1-16

THESIS: The purpose of this sermon is to note Cain’s negative example and to take warning from it.

INTRODUCTION: Read Genesis 4:1-16.

1. Cain committed two horrible crimes.

1) He changed God’s worship to suit himself.

2) He killed his brother, Abel.

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags: ,

Sermon on Communication | Unity and Communication

Sermon on Communication — Unity within the body depends upon communication. In this sermon we will look at some Bible principles related to communication.

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Essential Lessons From Aaron’s Death in the Bible

Date written: September 19th, 2003

Scripture ref: Numbers 20:22-29

SUBJECT: Biography

TITLE: Lessons from the Death of Aaron

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at the Bible account of the death of Aaron. Aaron’s death has a message for us today. We must learn these lessons. 1) God takes sin seriously. 2) We have a better high priest. 3) It is appointed to men once to die. 4) We should weep with those who weep. 5) God shows no partiality to men.

OBJECTIVES:To learn more about God and how he relates to man through the example that he provides for us in the death of Aaron.

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines Tags:

Developing a Saving Faith

INTRODUCTION: A. The Bible is very clear as it speaks to the importance of faith 1. Hebrews 11:6 2. Ephesians 2:8 3. Galatians 3:26 4. Romans 5:1 B. There are many kinds of faith mentioned in the Bible. 1. There is a faith that is simply belief, but this is not a saving, nor is […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Daniel 7 – Vision of Four Beasts

Date written: December 9th, 2007 Scripture ref: Daniel 7:1-14 SUBJECT: God’s Kingdom TITLE: Studies in Daniel – God’s Predictions PROPOSITION: To study and understand the vision of Daniel in Daniel 7. OBJECTIVE: That each would understand the historical underpinnings to the vision and the meaning of the coming of the kingdom of the Messiah. INTRODUCTION: […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags:

“It Is Well With My Soul”


TITLE: “It Is Well With My Soul”

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will answer the question, “Why is it well with my soul?” It is well with my soul because 1) God is in control, 2) All things work together for good, 3) Troubles are temporary, 4) Salvation is available for all, and 5) The end result is victory.

Objectives: Each should be able to explain why things are well with their soul and if not, how to get things well with their soul.

Aim: To encourage the faithful Christian to recognize the peace that he has in his life and to exhort the sinner to gain peace through God’s plan for man’s salvation.


1. Read: 3 John 1:1-4

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Let Us Not Return to Egypt

SUBJECT: Apostasy


PROPOSITION: To set forth an expository study of Jude 5.

OBJECTIVE:To help us better understand this verse and the importance of our deliverance from Egypt which corresponds to the bondage of sin; that we return NOT to Egypt.


1. Read: Jude 5.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines

Sermon on the Bride of Christ – The Church – The Beautiful Bride of Christ

Sermon on the Bride of Christ. The bride must remember her wedding day and ever be faithful to it. The church is the beautiful bride of Christ.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Studies in Genesis – The Flood

Date written: May 28th, 2006 Scripture ref: Genesis 6:1-8 SUBJECT: Origins, Genesis, Flood TITLE: Studies in Genesis – The Flood PROPOSITION: To present and account and analysis of what the Bible teaches regarding the worldwide flood. Objectives: That each would be familiar with the account of the flood and the lessons we learn from it. […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule

Bible Verse: Matthew 7:12


A. Have you ever found yourself in a situation…

1. Faced with the need to make a decision on the spur of the moment?

2. Wondering what is the right way to act?

3. Unable to recall whether the Bible specifically addresses the moral dilemma in which you find yourself?

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines

Cunningly Devised Fables

Cunningly Devised Fables. Sermon outline on the evidentiary power of witnesses. Others would have us believe that the Gospel is cunningly devised fables. Peter and other witnesses say it is true. By G. E. Watkins. Introduction: 2 Pet. 1:16 1. Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code is back in the news with the release of the […]

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags:

The Disobedience of Man

INTRODUCTION: Read Gen. 3:1-24

A. Have you ever wondered how one could allow a moment of pleasure to destroy his/her reputation?

1. What causes one to mortgage his life to pay the high price of sin?

2. What causes one to turn his back on God, his family or his brethren?

3. Genesis 3 will give us some insight into these questions

B. The Bible is a book about sin.

1. Genesis 1 & 2 sets forth man in his innocence.

2. The remaining 1,187 chapters depict man as a sinner, and as one who is in need of grace – the salvation that can only be found in Christ.

3. In this lesson I want us to go back in our minds to the garden of Eden, to a time when sin first entered the world, and notice some very important points that will help us in our daily walk as a Christian.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags:

Let Brotherly Love Continue – Sermon Outline by G. E. Watkins

Let brotherly love continue sermon — Sermon outline on the brotherly love of Abraham and Lot and Jonathan and David. By G. E. Watkins.

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags:

Sermon on True Worship – The Importance of Worship


1. “O Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” (Psalm 96:9)

1) This ability is what we are endeavoring to produce in each one of us in this series of studies.

2) We want to develop in every one of us a deeper appreciation for worship – for true worship.

2. In our last lesson we set out to define and describe true worship. True worship:

1) Ascribes worth to God – “worship” = worthship.

2) Is to be done in reverence.

3) Arises from the heart overflowing with gratitude.

4) Is reinforced with godly living.

5) Involves the entire person.

3. True worship, as seen in the fragrance prepared for the worship of God in Old Testament times and noted in our last lesson (Exodus 30:34-38), is reserved for God alone – thus, true worship is to be unique.

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1 Kings 13 Sermon – Shameful Disobedience of a Young Prophet


A. Shortly after the death of Solomon the kingdom of Israel was divided

1. Jeroboam … Israel

2. Rehoboam … Judah

a. Followed bad advice

b. Partly responsible for the division

B. Jeroboam institutes false worship

1. 1 Kings 12:25-30

2. He wanted the people to forget Jerusalem

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines Tags:

Things That Unite–One Lord

Date written: October 1st, 2004 Scripture ref: Ephesians 4:1-6 SUBJECT: Unity TITLE: Things that Unite – One Lord PROPOSITION: To acknowledge Jesus as Lord we must acknowledge his 1) Authority, 2) Leadership, 3) Sovreignty. OBJECTIVES: Each should understand the relationship between Christian unity and the Lordship of Christ. AIM: To help all recognize what we […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines

What Does The Bible Say About Divorce and Remarriage?


TITLE: God’s Law Regarding Marriage and Divorce

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at God’s law regarding marriage, divorce, and remarriage; we will then examine some popular questions in regard to the subject.

OBJECTIVES: The hearer should be able to state who is eligible for marriage and who may get a divorce and who may marry after divorce.

AIM:I hope to teach each listener what God’s word says regarding marriage, divorce, and remarriage.


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The Great Commission

INTRODUCTION: 1. Read Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15,16; Luke 24:46, 47; John 20:21-23. 2. “Great” because the Commissioner is great. 1 Tim. 6:15. 3. “Great” because of the enormity of the task. 4. “Great” because of its universality. 5. “Great” because salvation is its theme. 6. God has no other plan to bring the good news […]

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines